Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 10th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines were about three mystery deaths in the same motel room of a motel. First, it was an older couple, ages 72 and 73. Next, it was an 11-year-old boy who died, while his mother, 49, was ill. Room 225 was getting quite a reputation, Lord. It was beginning to seem like something out of a horror movie or something.

However, God, there has been found a logical explanation to it; the deaths have been attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Ah, yes, carbon monoxide-an odorless, colorless, gas with one less atom that is needed for life. Unfortunately, when carbon monoxide is breathed in, it can't get out. It begins to take up the space available, and eventually prohibits good air from getting in and doing its job to keep a person alive.

Lord, how often we are fooled by something or someone that seems good but is short of the real thing. Help us to be aware of when something is not good for us… Or maybe even kill us.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

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