Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Morning, God
Lord, are you ready, with your big computer in the sky, to change the date to all ones: 1-1-11 at one nano-second after 12:00 midnight tonight?  If you need help doing this, there will be lots of us wiling to help; there will be a lot of noise leading up to midnight, complete with a countdown.  We even watch a many-ton steel ball drop down a pole in New York City.  You will hear shotguns, cannons, fireworks and see the flashes of each.  Are you ready, Lord, with your new year?
Lord, all of us are usually ready to "turn the page" to a new year, even just to a new day!  You tell us to take things "one day at a time" and not to "worry about tomorrow" yet you do tell us to be ready for "the tomorrow" when you come again.  So Lord, with your abundant blessing of love for those who believe in you and love you, may we look forward to eternity with you by taking each day next year one day at a time, doing your work, under your will, in your way.  May we simply be better people in 2011 and help you with your work down here where we live.
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good Morning, God
We have been hearing so much in the headlines about the "lame ducks" these days, Lord!  We're not speaking of our feathered friends either, although we may be speaking of "tar and feathering" or about the "goose that laid the golden egg", depending on our political party, as Congress is preparing to be re-configured in January!
But, perhaps, we may consider this Wednesday morning the middle day of a "lame duck week".  This is the week between Christmas and New Year's celebrations.  It seems to be a quieter week - some of our fellow workers are out on vacation; our plants may be shut down; our churches are much quieter after the Advent time and Christmas Eve services.  Perhaps, we're planning our New Year's Eve parties, but we're saving our energy for them by taking it easier this week.  So, this week is sort of like a "lame duck week".
Heavenly Father, as we prepare to "Ring in the New", may we ring out and dispose of the old - the old that doesn't need recycling, rehashing, resurrecting - so that we don't begin the new year with ourselves being lame!
In Jesus name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, December 27, 2010

Good Morning, God
Last week we had the headlines about the total lunar eclipse on Tuesday morning.  Unfortunately for us in Dubois County, the skies were overcast and we weren't able to view this phenomenon.  We also have learned that we won't be able to experience another total lunar eclipse until the year 2014.  Lord, would you please plan now to have our skies clear so that we can see this great thing in nature?
Gracious God, not being able to see a lunar eclipse because of clouds is so often indicative of the rest of our lives.  Some great thing is going on around us and some kind of cloudiness blocks our enjoyment of it.  Perhaps we had clouds over Christmas, just 2 days past, because we were lonely.  Perhaps we are hesitating to celebrate the coming of the new year this week because the clouds of the past year still cover us.  Perhaps your light doesn't shine brightly enough in our lives, so that even if we don't have clouds, our lives seem dark.  Lord, if you will continue to shine on our lives, we will get rid of the clouds covering our lives.  We want to shine brightly and not be eclipsed!
In Jesus name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 24, 2010

Good Morning, God
Here it is Christmas Eve morning, Lord.  As we make last minute purchases and arrangements for gifts and travel, are you getting ready for the birthday party for you son, Jesus?  Father God, even though we can read and believe that Jesus has been with you from the beginning; even though we believe that everything that was made by you also was made by Jesus; we also believe that you sent your son, Jesus to earth to make it possible for us to go to heaven.
So, Lord, as we go through this day, may we begin to slow down our daily routines, slow down our rushing to get to the stores and slow down our fretting and look forward to the stillness of the night, the beauty of the cold, the warmth of candle lights, streetlights and houselights, and see in our hearts this night and into tomorrow your love for us in your son, your only son, Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate with you.  Thank you, Father God, for you son, Jesus, the Christ.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines, Wednesday, Decemkber 22

Good Morning, God,
Thank you, Lord, for the change in seasons! No, Lord, not for changing from fall to winter, but for changing to increasing the hours of daylight rather than decreasing them. Yesterday was the pivotal day for this, being winter solstice and all.
Lord, there are so many things in the headlines that need to turn on a pivot toward the positive. There are all of the things our U.S. Congress is trying to do, with those representing the differing political views trying to turn things their way. There are all of the personal trials that singles and families are going through - still being unemployed or under-employed, still trying to make just the basic house and utility payments, still trying to cope with serious illnesses, still trying to cope with the deaths of loved ones.
Lord, may our feelings today pivot on your love and goodness toward us. May we, like the days ahead, experience more sunshine in our lives because we follow your will in your way, and you bless us because of it.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, December 20, 2010

Good Morning, God
Lord, it's cold outside!  All of the headlines these days put into words what our bodies already tell us - Winter is here!
Lord, we can speak of the obvious somewhat flippantly, but there is a very serious side to this winter weather and it is usually hidden from most of us.  The serious side stays behind doors and windows that leak in the cold air like a sieve.  The serious side tries to heat a home or an apartment or one room with an open oven door and four burners - while the family wears jackets and gloves.  The serious side, Lord finds it difficult to stay warm because there is not enough warm food to feed the furnace inside the body.  The serous side does not have a warm vehicle in which to travel.  The serious side, is these winter days, may not even have a warm place to go.
Lord, may we who are cozy warm open our hearts, our homes, our warmth to folks living in the coldness of life these days.
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 17, 2010

Good Morning, God
The national and international headlines speak of long-time government service worker, Richard Holbrooke.  He has been described as a "giant of American policy", an archetype of U.S. diplomacy", the "muscle behind the pinstripes" and a "Peacemaker".  As a peacemaker, Mr. Holbrooke was "remembered and admired".  His last assignment was in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Mr. Holbrooke died when a tear in his aorta could not be fixed.
Lord, we need so many more people in our lives with the title of "peacemaker".  We remember what your Son, in your word, said about peacemakers.  Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God".
Lord, being a peacemaker is a calling for each person who believes in you and who tries to do his or her best each and every day.  Being a peacemaker is to value the lives of the persons with whom we are dealing and to seek solutions that will bring life, safety, right-ness, hope - and even love.  May more of us receive your blessing, Lord as we try to be peacemakers.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines, Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good Morning, God,
This evening we will be able to take in a "new birth" in Huntingburg. We will have the opportunity to see the baby named "Stork Place." The Stork Place will be a new home for some of our senior citizens. the Stork Place will honor the legacy of Dr. Harvey Stork who originally began a hospital on the same corner in the 1930's. Now, rather than a hospital for everyone, it will be a"hotel for seniors."

Lord, we give thanks for the vision of Tri-Cap, the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, and the people of Huntingburg. May this new facility bring peace, comfort, love and joy to our seniors!

Heavenly father, with this additional place for our senior residents to live, may all oaf us remember your ?fifth Commandment to "Honor your father and your mother," essentially meaning that we should hold in high regard and esteem anyone older than ourselves, particularly those who are especially vulnerable due to their age, health, and physical and mental capabilities. Lord, use us where you might to serve and honor our senior citizens.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, December 13, 2010

Good Morning, God
Heavenly Father, the earth is even more full of your glory as we deck our homes and "halls with boughs of holly" - and lights and ornaments and tinsel.  Our ideas range from depicting the manger scene from two thousand years ago to showing our cheerful, fun side with Santas and reindeer, decorated trees and lit-up lawns.  We show our loving and generous sides with the gifts we make or purchase to give to the ones we think we must and the ones we love, to whom we can never give enough.
Lord, thank you for the gift of our hearts:
   Pure hearts that we may see you;
   Humble hearts that we may hear you;
   Loving hearts that we may serve you;
   Faithful hearts that we may live in you;
   Reverent hearts that we may worship you;
   Believing hearts that we may know you;
   Seeking hearts that we may find you;
   Open hearts that we may follow you.
Lord, may we enjoy your glory as it is shown all around these days.
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 10, 2010

Good Morning, God
The headlines this week have been about Elizabeth Edwards, estranged wife of former presidential candidate John Edwards.  Elizabeth had been battling cancer, but decided to give up the fight.  Her doctors said "there is nothing more we can do".  Now, Lord, Elizabeth is fully in your grace, having come to live with you.  At the last, she had the comfort of friends and family around.  Thank you for the love and concern that was shown.
Lord, perhaps Elizabeth was too far away from our lives for  us to pray for, but there are those near and dear to us for whom we pray, even hourly.  We all know friends and family, Lord, who have done everything possible to stem the cancer in their bodies, but the cancer has won or is winning.  We all know, Lord, of the loved ones of cancer victims, who are left to pick up their own lives and go on - and try to fill up the huge hole that is left in their heart.
Lord, especially at this time of the year, would you gift us with your grace, favor, love, and strength as we all battle the various cancers of life.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 8

Good Morning, God,
"Mandatory Homework." What will our legislators think of next? Of course, this is only really a new concept for first, second, and third graders. Other grades have always (usually) had homework that counts toward part of a grade. And, one of the reasons for wanting to have mandatory homework for these early primary children is to get parents more involved with their children, both as part of the educational process and just as important family relationships. The bill would also invite community volunteers to work with children who can't, for some reasons, get their homework done at home.

Lord, intentionally or not, all of us are already involved with educating our children. Some of us educate positively with what we do; others of us influence our children negatively. Lord, basically, "living life" is a lot about doing our homework: living out what we learn from home, school and church. The important thing, Lord, is that we are all always teaching and always learning and always acting out what we know. May we learn well and live life rightly.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, December 6, 2010

Good Morning, God
Well, Lord, many of us are getting what we asked for from our Federal Government - we've asked for a leaner bureaucracy, and the President responded by freezing all salaries, except for the military, for the next two years.  Of course, this still needs to be approved and the vote is still out.
Lord, even though our Constitution says that our government shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion, nor the free exercise of it - and pretty well follows this with regards to prayer and funding - you know that we can pray for those in governmental authority over us.  In fact, you word says that it is your will that those in authority over us are authorized by you and that we are privileged to pray for them; we must pray for them.
Heavenly Father, you are the ultimate governing authority!  May we receive your Constitution with grateful hearts, believing minds and lives that follow and live in peace
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 3, 2010

Good Morning, God
Lord, in some of the headlines, there is the opportunity to nominate a person or persons we deem to be "a hero" from their actions in the past year.  The nominees then get voted on and lifted up for their heroic actions.  All of these actions aren't just because someone actually saved the life of someone else, either.The heroes are heroes because of the way the lives of the hero and the recipient of the heroics intersected.

A hero may have helped young people along in life.  (Our school administrators and teaches are very much heroes!)  A hero may have helped create a solution to a local problem or a social issue. (Our activists against the bio-mass power may become our version of heroes.)  A hero may be an everyday person who came up with an easy solution to a health problem (a one-on-one effort to stop another person from smoking or drinking.)  A hero may be a person who stood in the gap for another, protecting someone else from harm (that  is something all of us should do).  In fact, Lord, may all of us be a hero to someone else each day.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 1

Good Morning, God
Phew! We made it through "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday," now we can get to the normal shopping days until Christmas, which are numbered at twenty-four! Lord, it is good to hear that these past few days have been good for sales, that there has been a good increase over last year's sales. It is good for the feelings in our spirits, also, Lord. Oh, we know that "life" consists of more than money and material blessings, but we often measure our happiness, satisfaction and security by what we are able to afford for ourselves and for others.

Lord, thank you for every material blessing that we do have. And, if you see we are still struggling with having enough money for gas in our cars or food on the table or warm clothes for our kids, will you pour our a bit more blessing on us? We are bold in asking for these things, even as we are bold in asking for an increase in our faith, belief and trust in you. Lord, give us your increase!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Good Morning, God
We've made it through Black Friday and now it's Cyber Monday.  Already the on-line orders are pouring in, taking advantage of the sweet deals - deep discounts, free shipping, no-hassle returns, minimal gift wrapping charges.  It's so nice to be able to shop from the comfort of our homes or offices, Lord.
However, Lord, as convenient as the on-line ordering is, we might miss the interaction with others directly.  We might miss the person with whom we can check if something looks good on us.  We might miss the other person's ideas for what gift to get the relative who has everything.  We might miss being able to be the most polite and gracious person in the crowd.  We might miss the warmth of the touches, sights and smells of all the stuff available for purchase.
Lord God, thank you for all of the ways we can say "I like you" or "I appreciate you" or "I love you" to another person.  May we be generous with our likes and loves this year.
In Jesus name, Amen


Friday, November 26, 2010

Good Morning, God
Your word tells us that you know us inside and out.  It says that even before we were formed in the womb, you knew us.  In fact, the particular psalm says that you "hem us in" and that there is nowhere we can go to get away from your presence.
Lord, these days it seems that we also cannot get away from the eyes of everything and everyone that is watching us do what we do.  Especially in the headlines are the stories about the full-body scanners and extensive "pat down" searches at airports.  This has to be done, say those in authority, in order to try to discover all the things that can be hidden, in and on a body, that can harm us.
Once again, Lord it is the action of a few miss-guided individuals making it difficult for the great majority.  Lord, we pray against the evil plots of those who would do us harm.  We ask for your protection for those who seek to live in peaceful safety, and we pray for your love to permeate the hearts of all persons.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 24

Good Morning, God,

It's the day before the day we intentionally pause to give thanks, Lord. We look forward to tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, Lord, because it calls out the best from us, which is what you have instilled in us to do. You have made us to "give thanks," and to do so with "grateful hearts." Most of us can do this easily, Lord. The song says, "Count you many blessings; name them one by one." If we were to do this, our count would exceed the number of hairs on our head, the number of stars in the sky, the number of grains of sand on the shore. If we were to put a pen to paper right now, we would still be writing at this time tomorrow! Lord, you have given us so much, and we can't thank you enough!

So we say,  "Thank you for making us, for blessing us with everything we have, for giving us the capacity to love and be loved, the ability to forgive those who hurt us, and the hope that each new day brings. No matter what, Lord, we give you thanks!"

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Morning, God
Lord, we are in need down here.  We often seem to be in so much need that we forget to say "thanks" for what we have.  This week as we look forward to Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we are looking right past it to Friday, the day we emphatically call "Black Friday" because it is the day retailers end up in "the black" because of the sales.  However, we have seen the advertisements, the sales and had the thoughts that we really have the entire week or the entire month with special prices to draw customers to make the sales, to make the profits, to make the business for the year.
Lord, we are grateful for our abundant blessings-for life, for liberty, for the pursuit of happiness.  Especially this week, may we really "count our many blessings" and name them one by one.  Perhaps then, Lord, we will not pass right over Thursday, but enjoy the day with family, friends and every bit of the turkey and dressing we eat.  Thank you for your love and abundant blessings, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Morning, God
Lord, today we pray for the not-so-good situations our young people face today.  We caringly seek answers for why some of our young people are destructive, bullies, physically violent, threatening and so sad.  We wonder if these teens are "acting out", "lashing back" or "getting even" for having to be subjected to abusive situations over which they have no control.  Lord, our teens need to be "brought up in the best way" they can be, so that they can thrive.
We also pray for the kids who are victims of bullying.  We pray for their feelings of "why me?"  We pray that their fears of more violence will be unfounded.  We pray that their joy, happiness and contentment will be returned even stronger than before.  And, we pray, as your word tells us that we should pray for our enemies, for those who harm us, and for those who desperately need to know your healthy and wonderful love.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 17

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we pray today for the good folks in Paoli and ask that they be comforted in their losses. We pray for those who were displaced when their apartments and possessions were burned beyond recognition. We pray for the history that was lost when the buildings went down. We give thanks that no one was hurt while surviving the fire and fighting the fire. We give thanks for all the firefighters and all the equipment that worked together through their "mutual aid" agreements to save other buildings and lives from harm.

Lord, we love our towns; we love our town squares centered around our court houses. Unfortunately, around here, many of the buildings are older, are more susceptible to fire, and perhaps have been altered, making fires easier to spread and harder to battle.

So, Lord, we ask for your grace and protection to save lives and structures from the devastation of fires and the dangers of fighting fires when they occur. May we be kept safe from the flames!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 15

Good Morning, God,

Lord, the headlines have been about the trip that our President, his family, his staff and media are on.  It is hoped, says our President, "to build bridges and make better allies between ourselves and the other countries".  Our partnership with India has been encouraged and enhanced.  The bridges to Indonesia are hoped to be extended and strengthened.  Our relations with all of the countries in the area are hoped to be healthier.

Lord, your word is often about "loving our neighbors".  In biblical times, our neighbors might be across a field or just in the next town or a person we meet along the road who is in need of help.  But in our day, Lord, our neighbors are clear around the globe - shucks, Lord, we often talk to folks in India when we call "customer service". 

Lord, please give us wisdom and discernment as we deal with other countries.  May we wisely take into consideration the style of government, the influence of religion and the way the people are taken care of.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 12

Good Morning, God,

The headlines this week are sadly staggering:  884 people arrested in a child prostitution sweep across the United States.  The very good news is that 69 children were recovered.  The additional good news is that 99 pimps were arrested.  The federal sweep involved 40 cities nationwide, and possibly saw children being taken in Michigan, crossing Indiana and ending up in Tennessee.  The authorities have said, Lord, that "child prostitution continues to be a significant problem in our country" and "there is no work more important than protecting America's children and freeing them from the cycle of victimization".

Lord, parent God, please use your deep love and great protective power to keep our children safe.  May our children enjoy the pure innocence of childhood, the deep love of doting parents, the joy of laughter and fun with friends and the protection of each and every one of us.  Lord, may our children be able to be as innocent as the lambs they are.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 10

Good Morning, God,

The headlines tomorrow will be about it being "Veteran's Day." It is another day to give thanks and show appreciation to a very large group of individuals, both men and women, who have helped to make our country great and our lives safer and more secure. The day will be a time to honor those men and women who put their lives on the line so that the rest of us can sit back and enjoy life. Tomorrow we are saying "thank you" to our veterans who have served in our country's armed forces.

Lord, throughout history, even your biblical history, there is the recounting of people fighting for their way of life. Your word gives story after story of people who are called by your name and who are blessed by you, being willing to give up their own lives so that others of your people might live. So, tomorrow, may we remember your word that says, "Greater love has no one than this than to give up one's own life so that others may live" and have life abundantly. May we say "thanks" and honor our veterans!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 8

Good Morning, God,

Thank you, God, for the extra hour of sleep we got on Saturday night!  We appreciate the opportunity to "fall back" and regain the hour that we lost last spring.  It's so much easier having the sun to greet us and awaken us for the day, when we have to be at school or work by 8:00a.m.  It's also safer for our school kids as they wait for their buses.

Also, Lord, at the close of the day, it is nice to see the night fall and things being wrapped up for a good night's rest.

Heavenly Father, you made us to live in cycles.  Your seasons follow one after another.  Our lives follow from birth to death.  Your creation will cycle from everlasting to everlasting.

Gracious God, the only thing that doesn't cycle is your love for us.  Thank You, Lord, that as night turns to day turns to night turns to day again, your love for us is steadfast and never-changing.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 5

Good Morning God,

It is another Friday morning and for the first Friday in a long time, our local bands are not out practicing for a contest tomorrow!  "Band season" ended last Saturday with the state contest and our local bands did us proud.

Lord, we need to thank you for giving us the sense of rhythm, imagination, tunes, color, sounds, conducting and conductibility and the desire to do and be the best we can be.  Lord, we often think that contests like these are just about band or school pride, but ultimately they are about individual pride - developing and making the most of and doing the best with the gift of music which you created and gave.

Lord, we are grateful for your gift and those who unwrap and use it.  May we enjoy your gift as life-long musicians, always making beautiful music with our lives.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headline for Wednesday, November 3

Good Morning, God,

Two years ago, our President spoke about "Change," and the headlines captured this. This morning, we have even more change, which the headlines have boldly proclaimed. Who was it, Lord, who said, "The only constant is change"?

Lord, try as we might otherwise, our lives are about change. Oh, the calendar doesn't change; Monday still follow Sunday, etc. We have to make minor adjustments, but we can count on the calendar. The biggest change in our lifetime is with our health; it changes day-to-day, for the better or for the worse. We do what we can to keep our health constant, but our health life is about change.

Lord, as our governing officials change, may these be for the better. Bless them to do a job well for the benefit of all, not just a few. Guide them to lead with wisdom and not just with personal opinion. And, may we be good followers, helping to change our lives and our world for the better.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Morning God,

Lord, the headlines are all about elections today! Tomorrow, citizens of these United States will vote for candidates to fill positions from dog catcher to judge ships. The campaigning and stumping will be over, the counting will begin and end. There will be winners and losers.

Lord, the real questions are two: will we elect the men and women you would have govern us, and will the men and women elected govern us according to your will? Your word calls us to pray for those in authority over us. We ought to be sure to pray for your guidance tomorrow as we go to the polls. Your word says that to do things your way, a man or woman should "do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you". When we look at the slates of candidates, which candidates best meet these three qualifications? And, when we look at ourselves, what are we willing to do to live peacefully, yet righteously, under our elected authority and under your authority? Give us wisdom tomorrow, gracious God.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 29, 2010

Good Morning God,

Lord, we are going into a weekend you must really dislike. We are celebrating Halloween again, and bringing out the witches, goblins, ghosts and devils that give credence to the dark and evil side of life. Lord we know that there are a lot of folks who don't see these things as evil as such and think it is just "story book" or "child's play". But you know better, Lord, and some of your people know better, too. Even pretending about the dark side is something we are not to do. We are not to dabble in this stuff because it opens a door to the devil and makes it all the harder for all the good to triumph.

Lord, there is a verse in a song which says " And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for you hath willed your truth to triumph through us. The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him, his rage we can endure, for lo his doom is sure, one little word shall fell him". This little word is your Son, Jesus Christ. May you protect us, through him this weekend and everyday.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 27

Good Morning, God,

From our county to foreign countries, Lord, the headlines are about very serious weather problems. From very high winds, hail and tornadoes here, to earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia, from flooding in Haiti to cyclones and hurricanes affecting many places, your created order is causing much disorder, Lord!

As one has observed, "Everyone talks about the weather, but no one can do anything about it." So, we take what is given to us and try to make the best of it, God. We try to "batten down the hatches" when the strong winds come." We try to take to safe shelter when the really big storms hit. We try to stay on solid ground when the shakes move us. We try to get out of the way when the mud comes sliding, the waves come crashing, and the power lines start snapping.

Lord, we do always pray for safety from all the storms of our life - the natural, the self-made and the man-made. As always, help us, Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 25

Good Morning God,

There were headlines last week that asked the question "Do the Dead Greet the Dying".  Another way to look at this is the question "Do the dying have glimpses of their loved ones" or of other things we might refer to a "heaven" or even "hell"?  Lord, you know, and we can believe that you have given us the gift of somehow being able to see, and usually be encouraged by, what lies ahead of us in our dying and death.
We are assured by your Word that our life here, even though seventy, eighty, ninety or even a hundred years, is only a tiny, tiny fraction of the life in eternity we will experience.  We are also assured that when we die with our sinfullness forgiven through belief in Jesus Christ that we will spend eternity with you and Jesus and the angels.  So Lord, even though our end-of-life time is most often a mystery, we do have the hope and the promise that when we die loving you, you (and probably our loved ones) will greet us warmly and lovingly..  May we believe and understand this more fully.

In Jesus name,  Amen.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Good Morning God,
Lord, today we want to be honest with you.  We confess that our headlines are mostly "downer" and speak to us of a lack of living according to your standards, especially according to your ten commandments and your two great commandments.  For if we honored you with all we did and didn't do what you said not to do, then did do what you said to do - honor our Fathers and our Mothers, basically the generations older than we are, and love our neighbors as ourselves, and love you above all, our headlines would be more beautiful, fun-loving, spirit-filled and encouraging.
Gracious God, fill us with your Holy Spirit that we will experience a great resurgence of Biblical faith and belief, and empower us to be not of this world where we live, work, play and worship, spreading how to live "the good life" by following your directions for the good life.  Then, Lord, our headlines will change for the so much better.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 20

Good Morning, God!

Lord, the headlines often speak of the consequences that result from a lack of discipline. We experience automobile accidents because we don't have the discipline to watch our speed or to not follow too close. We experience unwanted pregnancies and/or diseases because we don't have the discipline to use protection or to "just say 'no'." We begin a downward spiral to permanent disability or death because we don't have the discipline to stay away from drugs in the first place. We stand to lose privileges, education, respect, or possibly even our life, when we engage in drinking too much alcohol too quickly, called "binge drinking, especially when we are underage and don't have the proper discipline not to drink at all.

Thank you, loving God, for the gifts of discipline and disciplinarians. Inspire more of us to follow disciplined lives that lead to safety, health and success.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 18

Good Morning, God!

It's Monday again, the start of another week.  For folks at work, it is the start of working with each other and meeting the needs of the customers.  The question is, Lord, how are the needs of the workers and bosses being met so that the needs of the customers are being met?  Quality for the customer begins with quality in the workplace.

The headline asked the question, Lord, about managers who managed out of the "dark side".  The research has always shown that positive personality qualities such as extraversion, emotional stability and conscientiousness were all desirable traits in a manager.  But depending on the manager's position, other traits are desirable for some positions and not for others.  For example, Lord, a manager who is thought of as "stubborn" may be just the person to get everything done.  A manager who is thought of as precise and rule-adhering may not be good in the Sales department, but be excellent in the Accounting or Legal departments.

Lord, you gave each of us gifts and traits to be used in positive ways to better ourselves and others.  May we take a look at these gifts and how we are using them to manage and follow.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Thursday, October 14

Good Morning, God,

Indeed, this is a good morning, for we are rejoicing at the successful rescuing of the 33 Chilean miners! Lord, what a blessing for the headlines - not only good news, but great news! We give you thanks for the brain power, the heart power, and the mechanical power that it took for the 33 to survive so long in the earth underground and return them to the surface, and for the countless people to survive the stress and waiting on the surface. Thank you for the health, safety, and rescuing of everyone involved.

Gracious God, these miners may feel "born again," like they have "come out of the womb" again. Lord, sometimes we feel that, after being in the midst of a crisis and having been saved from it, that we also have come out of the womb again, because we have felt surrounded by your love and care. Thank you for being with us in our crises, Lord. And, Lord, we pray that you will always surround us with the womb of your love every day and night, whatever our situations.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 15

Good Morning, God,

The headlines hardly mentioned it, yet they are the ones that encourage us to "be immunized," to "get our flu shots" as the influenza season approaches as sure as winter will follow the fall. This year, we are told, that there is plenty of serum to go around and that the H1N1 variety is already included with the normal, usual strains present in the vaccine. So, we are encouraged to get a little bit of the flu strain from a shot, in order to kick start our immune system to fight against the stronger, full-blown strain.

Creator God, we praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. You know us full well; so well, in fact, that not a hair from our head may fall without your knowledge. You hem us in. You go before us; you are behind us. if we turn to the right our to the left, we run into you. Where can we go and not be able to be with you? Such knowledge is too wonderful for us; we can hardly imagine it!

Lord, may we rely on the knowledge of your constant presence and abiding love to protect us from all the influenzas of life, even as we rely on vaccines to protect us from just the flu.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 13

Good Morning, God,

The headlines every day have something about our politics in them, Lord. Often, it is about keeping religion out of politics, lest we run afoul of the law and/or run afoul of "political correctness." But you nor the founders of our nation never planned that politics and religion would never meet. In fact, you planned it that our political leaders and the laws that govern us would grow out of our faith and be supported by our prayers. You even provided a covenant promise with us: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

Lord, our land, our homeland, the nation in which we live needs your blessing. May we be strengthened to do our part, as you say we ought, and give thanks as you do heal our land. . . and our politics. May we be a part of the political process by praying as a result of our faith.

In Jesus' name, Amen.