A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 5th

Good Morning, God,

Trains, trains everywhere are trains, messing up our schedules and taking up our time! But the headlines are speaking of the time in the not too distant future that the trains through Huntingburg will be less of a factor to car and truck traffic. The headline speak of an overpass over the railroad so that vehicle traffic will never get stuck again!

The important points are made that emergency traffic-fire, police and medical personnel-will be able to make their runs without worrying about sitting behind a train. It is said that with the overpass, a citizen can easily get from one side of the city to the other in less than 20 min.

Yes, Lord, for the advantages and safety and saved time, the overpass will be wonderful. But, every now and then, it is nice to just sit at the crossing and count the cars. Sometimes it's nice to be forced to slow down and wait.

In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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