A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 29

Good Morning, God,
A prayer learned at a grandmother's breakfast table goes, "We thank Thee, O Lord, for Thy care of us through the night. Guide and direct us this day and keep us in Thy loving care always, Amen."
We have been praying this and similar prayers in the mornings at our breakfast tables of late, Lord. We pray each morning when the sun rises over our Dubois County and we have managed to get through another tornado without really major damage and especially, without loss of life.
Perhaps, Lord, since when we sleep we are not consciously aware of what is going on around us, we ought to pray a prayer before bedtime that says, "We thank you, O Lord, for guiding and directing us through this day. Now keep us in your loving care this night and always; in Jesus' name, Amen."
Lord, may we always see the morning light after safely making it through the dark of night.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 27th

Good Morning, God
When we hear or see just the headlines without the stories, what do we notice, Lord?  The headlines mostly are about people who are in the public eye of entertainment or government or some sensational crime.  What do we think about, Lord, when we hear or see these headlines?

Do we think "Aha, they are getting their come-uppence"?  Do we think "that's too bad; we will miss their acting"?  Do we wonder why "they" are in the news?  Do we wish that they and the problems they have caused and/or faced would just "go away"?

Or, do we attempt to see the heart and soul behind the faces, behind the facades?  Do we try to see the human side and what makes them tick?  Do we hope and pray for them and their troubles that all will work out?  Do we give them the grace that we hope we will get if and when we need it? 
Lord, may we always have your grace as we give grace to others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 24th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the Vacation Bible Schools for children are coming and going these days.  From VBSs that result in a young person's baptism to VBSs that take advantage of current media for theme - for example "Pandamania" and "Kung Fu Panda II" - to VBSs that take us back in time to what a market place was like in Jesus' days, we try to reach our children through the Bible points, Bible crafts, Bible songs and fun food and activities.  Lord, a lot of work by a lot of adults goes into Vacation Bible School, and the question is often asked if all the effort is worth it.  Well, Lord, is it worth it?

"First of all, my people, you are to teach the gospel in as many ways as possible.  Second, wherever two or three are gathered, I am there.  Third, let the children come to me, for such is the kingdom.  Fourth, Bible School is easy compared to the martyrdom that results from other ways of telling the Good News".

You are right, Lord.  Now give us the strength to lead and the desire to follow each Vacation Bible School.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 22

Good Morning, God,
The headlines say, "The Surge May End in 2010." We are talking about the 30,000 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan that have been "surging" since 2009. Now, particularly with the death of Osama Bin Laden, it is believed that those troops that went in to "snuff rising violence in the country" have done their jobs.
Lord, we pray it to be so. In fact, we pray that all troops everywhere could come home. We pray that there wouldn't be a need for even police forces, much less armed fighters, because citizens everywhere would consider themselves part of your kingdom and simply follow your Ten Commandments and your Two Great Commandments.
Lord, we know that this doesn't mean that we will all just have a big "love fest." But it does mean that each person, all of us, will try to live our lives as peacefully as possible and try to help others do the same. As much as it depends on us, may we be at peace with others, this day and always.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 20th

Good Morning, God
The international headlines asked the question "Will NATO bomb Roman ruins in Libya?"  The sub-plot says "NATO refuses to rule out bombing Libyan Roman ruins."  The ruins are beautiful; the ruins make a person stand in awe to think about how the Romans did it without the equipment that we moderns have.

For example, Lord, what would the Romans do about the ruins of the Jasper High School gym?  How would they tear it down?  Right now, a huge crane is sitting on the parking lot, taking aim at the fallen roof and leaning walls.  One man controls the destiny of that gym.

Lord, it's almost the same when we consider who we bomb and what we destroy.  It is often one man who puts his signature on the dotted line;  Oh, we know that there is most often good discussion by any number of people before such a decision is made, but there is usually only one signature.

Lord, what if we could be the one voice who could stop destruction, stop wars, stop killings?  Don't we wish our pen could be so strong to do so?  Lord, may those who must make the tough decisions as to whether to destroy or let stand be given the wisdom of Solomon this and every day.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 17th

Good Morning, God
Would it be to bold, brash and irreverent to say "Happy Father's Day" to you, Lord?  This is the weekend we are celebrating your gift of fatherhood to us; and we especially celebrate on Sunday, your day anyway, your "Lord's Day".

So we want to thank you for fathering your son, Jesus.  Thank you for sharing him with us, physically, for thirty-three years.  Thank you for sharing him with us spiritually, for eternity.  Thank you that through Jesus you have shown us how to be fathers and sons, how to teach and obey, how to love and sacrifice, how to be born and how to die.

Our Father who art in heaven, would you give us earthly fathers your special heavenly blessing this day and always?  Lord, we men down here do so much need your help and guidance.  Sometimes it is like the blind leading the blind down here.  We end up usually being and doing what we were taught and shown by our fathers, if we were blessed to have one around.  Unfortunately Lord, not all fathers have stuck around.  Not all fathers are nice fathers and good teachers.  Lord, send your mercy to all fathers each day.  Give them grace to love, courage to accept their responsibilities, and wisdom to raise their children to be like your own son, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 15th

Good Morning, God
You know, God, it would be so nice if everyone was as honest, straight-forward and paying their own way as the rest of us!  It would be so comforting to know that everyone who comes to our church doors and help agencies really need help and were not just running a scam.

The headlines were about a couple who needed help from our Dubois County Ministerial Fund, Lord, a fund that offerings from our community worship services supply.  When procedures were followed and the police check was made, it was discovered that the license plate on the car was stolen.  The couple ended up in the county jail rather than being put up for the night at a motel with vouchers for meals and gasoline for the car.

But wait a minute, Lord.  If they are in jail, they have a place to stay, one with a good roof over their heads, plus three meals a day.  And it is absolutely safe!

Lord, perhaps we shouldn't make light of the plight of transients and the churches' desire to help folks.  It's just that we wish that all of us would and could live a whole lot more honestly together - then we would feel more loving and caring toward one another.  May it be so, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 13th

Good Morning, God
The other day, Lord, the headlines were about an unusual daytime bombing raid over Tripoli, Libya.  The story had with it quotes from those who live in Tripoli who stood outside and watched the intended targets get hit.  Some had the fatalistic attitude of "Oh well, hopefully the bombs will miss us, but if they don't, then we hope God will take care of us".
We sing it, Lord: "Be not dismayed, what 'er be-tide; God will take care of you.  Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.  Through days of toil when heart doth fail; God will take care of you.  When danger fierce your path assails; God will take care of you.  God will take care of you, through every day, o'er all the way.  He will take care of you; God will take care of you."
God, thank you for taking care of us here.  Thank you for skies clear of bombing airplanes.  Thank you for the peace that we live in in these United States.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 10th

Good Morning, God
Lord, all of the new electronic media can be a marvelous tool and wondrous to behold.  It certainly is a far electron away from Pony Express, telegraph and smoke-signal days!  Communications these days are seemingly instantaneous.  We hit the "send" button and our messages are received - in the next cubicle and around the world.  We thought the Polaroid Land camera was so great; now we can take high-resolution pictures with cell phones and/or digital cameras and immediately send them to both willing and unwilling recipients, both intentionally privately and  accidentally publicly.  And the public exchange of what should be privately kept goes viral and many people and relationships are hurt.
Lord, we pray today that we will somehow regain the sense that there are moral absolutes by which to live, that most moral people do not approve of public sexual exploits, and that those who lead us should do so with the highest demonstration of moral standards.  May we live by much higher standards of virtue than we have been!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 8

Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about serious weather disasters of late, Lord. And, some of the stories are about how various people and agencies have been trying to help with safety, daily living and basic recovery. But when the headlines end (and we who are not directly affected by the disasters are tired of the reports and visuals!), the groups that have been helping throughout the recovery are tired, depleted, and running on empty. Yes, they are proud of their efforts, but they pray that some other serious event won't happen until they, themselves, rejuvenate.
Gracious God, we are thankful for those who answer the call to service when trouble strikes, especially those who respond as volunteers. Thank you for giving them strength to do what needs to be done. And, Lord, may the rest of us be more than willing to give above a fair share of our comfortable resources, sharing what we have so that help agencies and those they assist may also be comfortable once again.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for June 6th

Good Morning, God
Lord, around every town and city there is a group of society that "nice people" don't like to be with and may even be scared of.  We often try to just ignore them, and when they become uncomfortable to us or get too close, we let the police take over.  In addition, we who always love you, Lord, and try to do your will and are really charged with taking care of the least, the lost and the lonely, don't really know how to handle this group when they come near to us.
Heavenly Father, we pray this day for the "fatherless", those who have grown up with dads so unlike you that the results are pathetic.  We pray that these sad, lonely and who we would call "wild" young people would find positive role models and mentors who they can respect and follow.  And, Heavenly Father, we pray that when you lead them to us "nice people", we won't turn them away, but put our faith, beliefs and love into practice.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for June 3rd

Good Morning, God
Lord, how sweet it is to be among the "found".  We are reminded of this as more and more of the residents of Joplin are found after that tornado ripped through the city.  The headlines continue with the decreasing numbers of missing and increasing numbers of those whose where-abouts are known.  Even if these found people aren't home yet, at least they are on the way.
Lord, you know about the lost and the found.  You know about how many people are lost in their life's ways.  You know how many people are lost because they don't walk with you.  You even gave us the wonderful story of a young man who was lost to his religion, lost to his family and lost to himself.  When the perils of life overtook him and he remembered where his home truly was and went there, his Father ran out to meet and greet him.  Lord, thank you for being our home and for welcoming all of us who are prodigals home when we turn to you in faith and hope.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the headlines for Wednesday, June 1

Good Morning, God, "And another one bites the dust" could be our headlines today. In this case it is another football coach, a coach of great reknown, a coach of a great team. A coach who has been known for, as the story goes, integrity, faith, steadiness and virtue, has resigned for failure to "practice what he preached." He covered stuff up and didn't report things to those responsible for such things. Rather than dealing with the violators, he protected them. Rather than risking a losing season, he has put the entire life of the team, school and alumni at risk.
Heavenly Father, you have showed us what is good: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. To do the first two - doing justly and loving mercy - we first do have to walk humbly with you. Help us to realize that we are mere human beings not gods, with the great propensity to do wrong things, things you call "sin." But, Lord, with your will, way and work in our lives, we have much less of a chance to fail you and otehrs. Grant us your bibilcal, guiding wisdom this day, and the courage to live it out each day, particularly as we are leading others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.