A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 24th

Good Morning, God,
Ah, Christmas Eve Day!
Early this morning, the stores will still be busy with people buying groceries.
Men (mostly, probably!) will be buying those last minute gifts, just to get something!
Around noon today the offices will begin to close.
Even now, families are preparing for the travel to the home of family members and/or friends.
The children are getting especially antsy, because they know that in just a few more hours, Santa will come to their house.
Around 4:00 p.m. the worship services will begin and continue to begin and end until just into tomorrow morning, Christmas Day.
Then the joys of Christmas Day will begin:
The joys of children and presents;
The joy of worship and Jesus;
The joys of families and friends.
Lord, amid all of these joys,
May each person be the bringer of joy to at least one other person:
A smile,
A hug,
An "I love you";
The comfort of "I'll be with you, no matter what";
The hope of better relationships,
Better health
And the best gift of all:
The acceptance in our lives of your gift to us with your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 19th

(A repeat from Monday's first prayer. This is being broadcast today, 12/19)

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we will never see the headlines here that are seen elsewhere. Elsewhere the headlines have been about a thirty-two year old man who has had ninety-nine cosmetic surgeries, with more to come. It seems that he wants literally to be a human Ken doll.
Then, there is the headline about a nine-year old boy who had cosmetic surgery to make his ears lay back flatter against his head. His ears had stuck out almost perpendicular to his skull, and he had been severely teased and bullied about his "Dumbo" ears. Now his ears will be used only for listening to his teachers and not to be the things of jokes.
Lord God, in whose image we are made, you yourself must be really interesting to look at! Oh, that's right; you don't have a body as such, but you are Spirit. What you have created us with is a soul created in your image; our outer shell is just what developed when we were formed. So, while we may or may not be satisfied with how our body is, you would rather we be much more concerned about how our soul is like your image.
May we spend at least as much time looking at what is unseen, rather than what is seen.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 19th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about "heroes" these past few days. The heroes being spoken of are the teachers who, when under fire last Friday, remained calm and did what they could to protect the children inn their charge from harm.
Some of the teachers used their own body to shield the children, even as a mother bird shelters her babies under her wings.
Some of the teachers sought and found solid shelter for their class and pushed and packed the kids in, even as God hid Elijah in the cleft of a rock.
Some of the teachers had the strength and presence of mind to make a special story time out of the trying time, or to keep the children calm by telling them "let me see your smile," even as Jesus told his disciples "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."
Lord, thank you for any who performs an heroic act by "standing in the gap" for us;
By shepherding us to safety;
For giving us a reason to smile, even in the midst of chaos.
And, thank you, Lord, for your Son Jesus, who came and did all of these kinds acts for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 17th

(This prayer was the one that was broadcast. I am sorry that it wasn't the one that was published first.)

Good morning, God,

The headlines have been about an evil that was manifest in our lives on Friday. Evil caused a person to take the lives of 26 innocent people - 20 children and 6 adults, plus the one in whom the evil had taken residence.

Heavenly father, many are grieving because of what has happened, not only those directly affected - the families and immediate friends - but those of us who are even far away. Pastors had a difficult time preaching yesterday; tears were shed during the prayers that were made in worship. And, many people wondered why you let such a thing happen, Lord.

Yet, Lord, we believe that you are a loving God, a God who came down at Christmas, coming down as Jesus, your Son. You gave us your Son to save us from our sins, and we know we all have many. So, Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon this broken world to mend it, one person, one heart, one soul, one mind at a time, until we are healed, until there is no evil., until we know nothing but love.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 14th

Good Morning, God
The headlines reported that 70% of us want “compromise” on the national budget scene.  70% of Americans want to see our law-makes reach a compromise rather than dig in and refuse to sway from their  principles.  Let’s see, God.  We want some sort of compromise that will not raise our taxes – the country’s income and will not result in spending cuts – the country’s outgo back to us in services.  The fiscal cliff would do both.
God, if 70% of us want our law-makers to figure it out – and quickly – it ought to be done!  In the realm of politics and Robert’s Rules of Order and voting, 70% is a very strong majority.  A simple majority of 51% will win an election for someone – and our senators and representatives may need to remember that!
But for now, God, we, the citizens of the United States, are asking you to endow our senators, our representatives and our president and his policy-makers with the Wisdom of Solomon.  We need it to help bring two halves back together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 12th

Good Morning, God
The other day the headlines were about traffic signals, God.  The stories were regarding how adjustments had been made at the “Y” in Jasper and how the Bretzville Junction was going to upgrade to stop and go lights, rather than just the flashing red light and the stop signs.  The adjustment at the “Y” is for better traffic flow.  The adjustment at the Bretzville Junction if for more safety and better flow.  Now if the state would see fit to let the lights change quicker when approaching the highways, life would be so much better!  But that is another prayer!
Seriously, God, we ought to consider your signals that keep us flowing smoothly through the roads of our lives.  We ought to consider your “red lights”, your Commandments that stop us from doing harmful things.  We ought to consider your yellow caution lights that warn us to change our habits before it is too late.  We ought to consider the green lights we get from you that keep our lives and others’ lives flowing smoothly – things like doing what is right, loving our neighbors as ourselves and traveling each day with your guidance.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 10th

Good morning, God

The headlines speak of new houses being built.  Usually, this bodes well for a city; it means that the economy is good and getting better and that people are thriving in their day-to-day lives.  And, it is a wonderful feeling to move into a brand-new house!

However, when the motive to building a whole community of houses is retaliation, the joy fades out.  Such is the case in Israel.  A few days ago, the United Nations voted by a very big majority to name Palestine a “Non-member Observation State” upgrading the recognition from a “Non-member Observation Entity”.  Israel, and the U.S. and a few other countries refuse to recognize this change in status.  In fact, Israel is commencing to build houses in an area that the Palestinians also have claimed.  And, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “the U.N. decision will not bring us closer to peace”.

Heavenly Father, your Word tells us that Israel and Palestine will always be at odds.  It started a really long time ago and will continue into the future.

So, we pray this day for the “innocent”, those who struggle each day in Israel and Palestine for life, liberty and happiness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 7th

 Good morning, God

We give you thanks, Heavenly Father, for the past few weeks and the headlines that have told us of what’s right about where we live.  Recently, we have been doing many things to get ready to celebrate the birthday of your Son, Jesus.  We have had bake sales, cookie walks, “strolls” on our main streets, visits from Santa Clauses, candle carrying children, church services, Celebration Singer concerts and, actually, much more.

As we drive around our towns, we see a multitude of decorations in, in front of and around our many houses.  If we are ahead of the game, we have gifts purchased, even wrapped, and if we are really, really on top of things, we have our Christmas tree up.  Some of us are physically all ready for Christmas to come; many of us wish we were!

But, Lord God, all of this is but an outward sign as to what you hope will be our inner preparation – the preparation of our heart to receive your true gift that is designed for everyone – your Son, Jesus Christ.  May we be filled with your gift to the world, even as we express our joy with the tinsel, trees, glitter and gladness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 5th

Good Morning, God,
Amid all of the unpleasant headlines, Creator God, have been the headlines speaking about our weather. These headlines have been the opposite of unpleasant; they have proclaimed the weather "beautiful." we thank you, Lord of the weather, for these days and nights.
Oh, yes, we know Old Man winter is coming (he paid us a bit of a visit last night), but we are going to enjoy what you have been giving us for as long as you are kind and gentle in giving us the warm days and nights.
While we are thanking you for the weather, we also thank you for other things, as well:
We thank you, then, O Father, for all things bright and good -
The seed time and the harvest; our life, our health, our food.
You send the snow in winter; the sun to warm the grain.
The seasons and the sunshine; the soft, refreshing rain
All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above.
We thank you, God, we thank you, God, for all your love!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 3rd

Good Morning, God,
The fiscal cliff is looming! The fiscal cliff is looming! Only 29 more days until we fall off; only 29 more days until we fall off the cliff!
You know, Lord, when we are out hiking or skiing or walking along the cliffs above the seashore, we usually heed the warning signs and ropes. If we don't we risk falling off the cliff; to do so is very injurious to our health!
We might fall into a deep crevasse; we might fall into the waves beating on a shore; we might bounce injuriously from rock to rock until we come to a stop, mangled and bruised - or dead. All because we didn't heed the warning signs!
Lord, our U.S. Congress has had many and ample warning sings. These signs have been ignored until they no longer can be ignored.
We pray for a great wisdom to come upon our congress and our President, that they won't bust through the ropes marking the dropping-off point, the great cliff.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 30th

Good Morning, God,  God, we often get a secret pleasure from the Police Blotter Report. We actually get enjoyment from the headlines that tell us of someone who had allegedly broken the law and who is now in the local hoosegow: "bout time they were stopped"; "his parents weren't any good, either"; "hope they put her away for a long time"; "glad he is off the street."
We talk like this at our coffee klatches around town, around the county - until it is one of our own family members or the family member of our closest friends. Then our words change: "must be a mistake"; he'll get off with a slap on the wrist"; she has to get out; she has young children"; and so forth.
Heavenly Father, from whom comes all moral guidance, may we learn right from wrong from our parents, our teachers, and our ministers. May we put into practice all the ways to be "good" and may we soundly reject all that is "bad." And, may we pray for and with those in jail and their family, that what is right will come home to them and that they will live moral and happy lives.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


a Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 28th

Good Morning, God,
What refreshing headlines, for a change, God! For once, it is said that folks around here "behaved responsibly" over the long Thanksgiving weekend and didn't "drink and drive." The law officers didn't have very much to do; they had an easier time of it. More importantly, people weren't hurt or killed because of a bonehead decision!
God, from time immemorial, we humans have enjoyed the "fruit of the vine," either in alcoholic form or in some drug forms. In fact, your word in a Psalm says that you gave us wine to, "gladden the heart." A missionary advised a young minister to "drink a little wine for your stomach." Even some health gurus these days advise having a glass of red wine even each day, for the true medicinal benefits.
Lord God, like everything else in life, wine or beer or other spirits can add to the enjoyment of life. Help us to not push the limits, however, when enough is enough or any at all is too much.
May we always be as responsible as we were this Thanksgiving.
IN Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 26th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, in the language of Hebrew, your Jewish nation has recently resurrected an ancient biblical image. During the intense shelling between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Israelis named the operation as "Operation Pillar of Cloud," and reminded us of when the nation of Israel was led out of Egypt to the desert to wander for a long time before entering the Promised Land.
Your Word tells us, Lord, that the Pillar went before the nation during the day to guide them and stood guard behind them to protect them at night. The idea of the Pillar of Cloud is to have God's protection in all ways - physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Lord God of Hosts, whose purpose is never swerving, lead us in our daily tasks through the deserts of our lives. When darkness falls at night or when the sun goes dim during the day, protect our hearts, minds and backsides from any and all attackers. And, Lord, may we always see your cross as our pillar of strength, faith, hope and love.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 23rd

Good Morning, God,
Ah, Lord, we have awakened this day to "Black Friday." Quite an off-putting name for any day, but especially a day that begins the season of giving and joy and peace on earth and goodwill to all!
One has to know the retail world to understand that "Black Friday" is so named because it is the day, or begins the season, when retailers' bottom lines turn to the "black," turn to the profitable side of the ledger. The stores do this by counting on loss-leaders and the much larger-than-average sales on deeply disconted items called "door busters," as those items are often called. Sure enough, shoppers really do bust down doors and hustle and jostle to get to the prized-priced items to purchase.
No matter what we do in the retail world, though, Lord God of the Universe, help us to believe that there is no discounting your grace to us that came in the form of baby Jesus, who is the reason for the season. There is no discounting the fact of faith that your Christiams gift cost all that you had to give - the life of your Son, Jesus Christ.Thank you for your fully-priced gift - the un-discounted Jesus of our faith.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 21st

Good Morning, God,
Lord Jesus, we ask your blessing upon us today as we prepare for tomorrow.
We ask that as we travel, we be kept safe...and that we act safely ourselves.
We ask that once together with family and friends, we value each person's dignity and protect each person's pride. As much as it depends on us, may we see that a nice time be had by all.
We ask, giving and forgiving God, that we not so much just rush through our prayers before the meal, but that we take time around our tables to consider each person there and the difference they make in the family or group.
We ask that we remember to give thanks for our friends and family who have died this past year, for everything that was part of them that was good and kind and faithful...and anything else, forgive.
Finally, Lord, let us live thankful lives by being instruments of your peace, for in the end, it is in giving that we receive and it is in pardoning that we are pardoned...and it is in loving that we are loved.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 19th

Good Morning, God,

We wonder which season we are in, Lord God. Oh, we know it is climatically the fall season - we've set bout clocks back, the trees have become bare and the winter wheat is showing its beautiful green in fields where it has been sown.

But, Lord, we are confused as to the holiday season we are in! Already we have has a Christmas Stroll in Huntingburg and a Christmas concert by the Celebration Singers. The Christmas decorations have been in the stores for weeks, and many folks put up their outside decorations last weekend because it was such beautifully warm weather. A major store has jumped the Black Friday gun by putting some popular items on sale starting at 4:00 PM on Thanksgiving Day.

Oh, Lord, we do have Thanksgiving this week, don't we! We almost forget it. We almost forget your admonition that in all things we are to give thanks and gratitude to you. So, Lord, may we put aside all thoughts of the Christmas season this week and especially remember to give you the thanks and praise you deserve for all of our bountiful blessings - at least until all of the turkey is eaten on Thursday!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


a Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 16th

Good Morning, God,

The mainstream media hasn't really been making headlines with this, Lord God, but places like Facebook, Twitter, coffee klatches, water coolers and bar conversations have. These conversations are already look ahead four years to 2016, and who will be seeking the presidency then. Many are wondering who the Democrats will continue their hold with; many are wondering who the Republicans can put up to get back the presidency.

All of this is a natural thing, God, but we are living "right now." A line in a movie says, "Yesterday is the past; tomorrow is the future; today is a gift, that's why it is called the present."

So, Lord, help us to live in the present. Let us be comfortable heeding your Word that instructs us not to worry about tomorrow, that you are already and always in the future as you have been in every past and as you are present each day, even day by day.

Let us look to you this day for our daily bread and daily direction.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 14th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines speak of something that went "boom" up in Indianapolis and turned a neighborhood into what resembles a war zone. Two houses gone, many  more so damaged that they may have to be torn down, families displaced and two people dead, from a cause as yet unknown. A natural gas explosion is suspected, but the tell-tale smell of natural gas was not sniffed. Thus, it is a mystery.

Lord God, we face all sorts of mysteries in our lives, mysteries as huge as the origin of the universe, mysteries as puzzling as how each person is unique from all other persons, mysteries as problematic as how we make both the good and bad decisions with the same brain, mysteries as unprovable as what happens when we die.

Your word speaks of mysteries, Lord. Your word speaks that even if we have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if we have a faith that can even move mountains, but do not have love, we are nothing."

So, today, Lord, may we love a bit more, praying for the blast victims in Indy, and loving just a little bit more those here around us today.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 12th

Good Morning, God

The headlines come from a cartoon the other day.  In the one-panel Family Circus cartoon, Jeffy came from his bedroom and said, “Guess what, Mommy!  You were the star of my dream last night!”

Creator God, you gave us the wonderful gift of dreams, from the warm ones where we experience the great loving people in our lives, to the ones that, honestly, leave us cold.  Sometimes we wake encouraged by our dreams, sometimes we wake scared by our dreams.  Sometimes we wonder why we dreamed what we did; sometimes we wonder why our dream couldn’t have lasted forever.  Dreams.

You have your dreams and hopes – for us, don’t you, Lord.  Your dream for us is that all of us would come to know you, love you, serve you and when our lives are over, come home to you.  The beautiful thing about your dreams is that they can become very real, because we can experience them when we are awake.  May we love and embrace your dreams for us, Loving Parent.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 9th

Good Morning, God
OK, why not, God.  Why not be having a start to the Christmas season by strolling through Huntingburg this weekend.  In fact, Lord, it is a good time to have this, as it can raise our tired spirits after the grueling election season just over.
So, we ask for your blessing to be with the merchants, the performers and the strollers these several days.  To quote the words of a Christmas Carol, “may our days be merry and bright”.  And, to quote another carol, “Oh, we need a little Christmas; yes, we need a little Christmas".
Of course, God, we need the real season for Christmas most of all.  We need the belief in Jesus Christ, your only Son and our Lord.  Our Christmas Strolls and merchandise specials and our special music all need to flow from you and back to you as our response to your greatest gift to us, the Christ Child.  Lord God, may we always remember the true and very real reason for this season.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 7th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are screaming about "champions" and victories" today, Lord. some of us are celebrating; some of us are commiserating. Some of us are scared; some of us are satisfied. Some of us believe that you are still in control, God; some of us wonder where you are today.

Whichever "some of us" we are, God, we need you now more than ever. We need your Word to speak even more clearly. We need your Word to be heard even more forcefully. We need your Word to be believed even more deeply.

Gracious God, one of the things we are celebrating are the two local bands that won at state contest: Jasper and Forest Park. We pray for their continuing success and the success of the other bands around us.

We also pray for the election winners and losers, as we now as ever, have a common job to do: To help each person in his or her pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Guide us, O God.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 5th

Good Morning, God

Okay, Lord, today starts our prayer vigil for the different governances in our country.  Certainly, the election that tops the list for concern is the one for who will be our next President.  It has been a tough campaign season, Lord, with many points and counterpoints.  There has never been an election where there has been so many fact-checkers on the job.  There has never been an election with so many concerns.  Perhaps, even the fate of our country is in the balance.

Running a close second, Lord, are the elections of our senators and representatives.  Since they are the ones who introduce, discuss and vote up or down the laws we follow, we are concerned that the ones who are elected represent our desires.  The thing is, there are a lot of different desires to be represented. 

The same concern can be shared with all the positions up for votes.  We all have our desires and wants we’d like to see met by those we elect.  Help us decide for the truly important ones.

Lord Jesus, give us great wisdom as we mark our ballots tomorrow.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 1st

Good Morning, God
The headlines on some calendars are that this is “World Community Day”.  Nowhere are we seeing this illustrated and acted out as we do in the Northeast.  We prayed on Wednesday for your strength and wisdom to be with all who are aiding in the recovery effort.
But, elsewhere today, Lord, there are untold numbers of men and women whose companies have set this day aside to encourage them to do something good for someone or some organization in their community.
Perhaps a team of junior high and senior high students is raking leaves from yards of senior citizens.  Perhaps more people than usual are donating blood, plasma or platelets today.  Perhaps a team is helping to build a Habitat for Humanity house.  Perhaps teams are visiting in hospitals and retirement care and rehabilitation centers, bringing kind words, a gentle touch or cheerful programs.
Lord God, we each have about ten to twelve hours today to do something good for our community.  Show us what needs to be done . . . . . and we will do it because we care.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 31st

Good Morning, God,

We want to do our part this morning, praying for all who are suffering from Hurricane Sandy, Lord. As such, as she has passed, we all too well see what she left behind. Now, we need the wisdom to know what to do when and the strength to do it. Please, Lord, may we have hope for each new hour that the infrastructures that were damaged are being repaired, that the hospitals are able to care for those who are hurt, that the world will see how we come together in a crisis, and that those civil servants whose jobs are to make life livable for the rest of us will be kept strong and safe.

We also give thanks for helpers from far away, even from Indiana. And, while they are gone from their home area, keep it so they aren't needed back home.

Lord, we always have the good hope for restoration of our way of life, no matter the damage, no matter the cause, for you have made us to be able to hope for each new day. We go forward with this hope...always.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 29th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines last week told about how Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dubois County has changed its name to "Mentore for Youth." The organization plans to continue matching children with adult men and women - the big brother, big sister - but now they will be called "mentors." Hopefully, these mentors will not only be friends, but also teachers of the things of life, helping their chosen youth along a good path.

Lord God, one of the reasons you created us all so differently from each other is that you want us to have different expereiences from each other. You want us to experience life in all its fullness. Lord, we really don't even want to think about what life would be like if we were all the same, all clones of each other with no vareity. How dull!

However, Lord, it would be nice if, in life with all its variety, we would have a common, ultimate goal. What if, God, all of us resolved to glorify and honor and enjoy you above all? What if we gave ourselves, our work, our relationships, and our materiality, all to honor you? God, it would definitely make our lives better.

Give us the wherewithal to honor you first and foremost in our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 26th

Good Morning, God,
As we have been so taken by the political headlines these past weeks, we have forgotten to praise you for the beauty of these days. Lord, how busy yo have been with your paint brush! Not even the largest box of Crayola Crayons holds all the colors you have. Employees at paint stores could never mix all the hues you use. Even computer color palettes cannot compare with the colors we see all around us on the trees!

We can also comment on the beautiful days and nights, with the sun shining bright by day and the moon growing larger each night. We praise you for each star, also. We like the smell of fall, also, Lord. The whiff of burning leaves, the smell of a fire in the fireplace. Oh, Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your world!

We do know that winter is coming, Lord, with its grey, clod days and nights, and it will even have its own beauty. But for now, we praise you for all the fall you have been giving us. Thank you, Creator God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 24th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines said, "Can a person be the 'wrong' kind of Christian?"

The story spoke of how people believe in you, God, what people believe you want them to do and what they want you to do for them, and how we take care of each other, especially the poor, the widow, the orphan and the infirmed.

God, you know that some people sy that a person has to "be born again" to be a Christian. Some poeople say that Jesus Christ died once for all for everyone, so everyone is sort of "automtically saved." Some say that faith in Jesus isn't important, but it is how good a person is is what counts. Some people say that they are "Christian," yet never talk about their faith or go to church. Some people say that even if a person talks about faith and goes to church, they aren't necessarily a Christian.

Gracious God, we ought to be greteful that we aren't the ones to judge, that you are the only one who will decide who is right and righteous. Lord, may we at least agree on this!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


a Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 22nd

Good Morning, God,
Who's behind a picture, Lord? These days we are seeing the pictures of our political candidates everywhere. Then we can learn of the candidates through the stories we read and hear from and about them - and from the rumors and innuendos that are spread, often out of ignorance. Because of the grueling nature of this sort of campaign rhetoric, a candidate has to have a heart that cares deeply, but one that also is protected strongly.

A tough way we have to live, isn't it, Lord? We can't be "nice people" all the time because of the protective facades we must put up. And, when we "let down our guard," we are hurt.

Heavenly Father, who gave us hearts to love, minds to think, strength to work, eyes to see and ears to hear, may we really appreciate all those who feel led to lead us. May we look for the positives that qualify them, and not magnify the negatives beyond their true meanings. May we encourage one without demeaning the other.

May we remember that you are working through us to get your people elected - hopefully!

In Jesus, name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 19th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines, locally and internationally, have been about people coming along side of a person in need. In one headline it has been about the Pakistani school girl who was shot by the Taliban for advocating that girls should be educated. Now she has to be guarded in the U.S. because the Taliban has said they still will kill her.

The local headline has been about a woman who was fighting a battle against cancer, and her mom who had been by her side encouraging her to use her artistic talents as a distraction to best cancer. But unlike being able to "post guard" around a political refugee, in the battle against cancer one can only do so much before the natural body takes over. Cancer won the battle in this headline.

However, God, it is possible for us to live  through these headlines until it is time to come home to you. As one of the stories said, "You (God) are our breeze carrying us home to be with you in heaven without pain and suffering." Thank you for this promise, God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 17th

Good Morning, God,
The jury is still out about last night's debate winners and what it means, God. At least some people still wonder, because our juries about our politics aren't fair and impartial juries. In a court of law, our Constitution guarantees that we can be tired by a "jury of our peers," in order to have a fair trial.

However, in politics as in love and war, it seems that "all is fair" - and it is and isn't, depending upon what is said by whom and which "whom" hears it! Then, God, we have to have the "fact checkers" (and they have become the most sought after people in these debates!) to tell us what is truth and what is falsehood.

Gracious God, it is your fault, you know, that we wonder whether or not we can trust what anyone says these days: You gave us free will to act anyway we want and say anything we can come up with! But you also gave us the commandment not to lie, and Jesus said, "Let your 'yes' be  'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'."
We can do this, even in politics - if we try to live your way, God. May we?
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 15th

Good Morning, God
Recently the headlines have been about the United Nations.  There were speeches given by different heads of state.  There was debate.  There were reminders of the purposes of the U.N. – and the desire to better be a United Nations truly helping nations to be united.
We are reminded of the different Secretarys General of the U.N., one of whom was Dag Hammarskjold.  He put a lot of his thoughts into a book entitled Markings - a wonderful book with many thoughts for a United World. 
Although you already know this prayer, God, please listen to it again as we repeat what Dag Hammarskjold wrote: “Great and good God, give us pure hearts that we may see you, humble hearts that we may hear you, hearts of love that we may serve you, hearts of faith that we may live in you, reverent hearts that we may worship you here and in the world out there.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 12th

Good Morning, God
One of the headlines recently indicates that the fastest growing “religion” (in quotes) in America is made up of people who have no religion at all.  It seems, God, that the Pew research study has found that 20% of Americans say they have no religious affiliation.  However, there are still majorities of peoples who say they believe in God and a notable minority who pray daily or consider themselves “spiritual” but not “religious”.
God, this must make you very sad.  You have created and given us all the beauty of nature.  You not only did this, but you created us – men and women – and gave us minds to know you, hearts to love you, voices to sing your praises.  You have made us “spirited selves” which we use to party and have fun, to gather in the shrines of stadiums and worship our sports idols.
Lord, may we use our spirited selves, though, to celebrate your goodness and glory and worship and adore you in spirit and truth.  May we make you happy, God.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 10th

Good Morning, God
Lord, how sad for a man to live out his life in prison.  Jerry Sandusky, at the age of 68 will spend at least 30 years behind bars, after being sentenced to 60 years for his crimes.
But sadder yet are the young men who were the victims of Sandusky’s advances, abuses and molestations.  Their lives will go beyond thirty years, probably even 60 years.  Hopefully, Lord, your grace, mercy and peace will be given to them to heal the hurt and pain and any shame and hate.  Lord, your gift of grace can do miracles within our lives when we let it.  We don’t have to have suffered a horrendous crime, either.  Your grace is available for any of our hurts and problems no matter the size.  Your shoulders are broad enough to take any and all of our wrong-doings.  Your forgiveness is able to overcome even the deepest shame and guilt.
Today, Lord, may we both experience and offer your grace for those we have hurt and for those who have hurt us. 
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 8th

Good Morning, God

Lord, there was a song penned several years ago now by a woman who was going through some very difficult times.  She had not been in contact with you for awhile, so long, in fact, that she didn't remember how to contact you.  So she wrote a song that confessed "Lord, I forgot your 800 number".

Of course, God, we are thankful that contacting you does not depend on remembering any numbers, either without or with toll charges!  All that you require is for us to have a true heart - turn toward you and you will even hurry to hear us.  You have invited us to go into our room, shut the door and pray privately, "Father in heaven, holy is you name.  Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.  Give us today, our daily bread.  Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.

Thus, Lord, hear our prayers.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 5th

Good Morning, God

A little over one month 'til elections, eh Lord?  Such a privilege we have, to elect those who rule us, those who serve us.  And to think, your word reminds us that you have a lot to do with those in authority over us; you put people in place to guide and direct us.

Lord, we often wonder about this, though.  When the wrangling takes place, when there is corruption, when there is mudslinging, is this in your will?  And, if a candidate professes to be led by you, to be following what he or she believes is his or her calling to stand for election to an office, we seem to negate this and say that religion has no place in politics.  In addition to this, candidates and elected officials are worried to express their faith because of the fear that someone will quote "separation of Church and state" to them.

Lord, this election season, may the debates be decorous and the candidates be candid.  Help us to elect your choice.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God
Last week the headlines told how Michelle Obama had said that she could make Barak Obama mad.  “I can make him mad any number of ways” she quipped.  “I do it by being completely unreasonable” she said.
Lord, who made men and women to be joined together in wedded bliss, why do we want to or are able to make our spouse mad?  Why do we even want to seem “unreasonable”, much less act that way?
You have given us the greatest desire of our lives – that of having a mate to love, honor and cherish, to procreate and guide our children to be worthy men and women.  You have made marriage to be a witness to your love for us and for our love for each other.
Why do we then so make each other mad?  We do so because our love for each other isn’t like your perfect love for us.  We have a lot to learn, a lot to get over, and a lot to practice when it comes to loving each other.
Loving God, bless every marriage today with your love and help us strive for your perfect love together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 1st

Good Morning, God
God, what if we would take all of our thoughts today and decide to make them positive, helpful, peaceful, even loving, headlines?
What if we took that headlines that are made in Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan and Pakistan and said that the militants and the common people are now at peace?  What if these nations put away their swords and offered peace to the United States and other nations of the world?
What if the United States could offer our way of life to the world lovingly, rather than defensively or apologetically?  What if we would help the people of much poorer countries with their basic needs, without a quid pro quo and with the assurance that the aid would get to the people?
What if we could have the headlines for tonight that everyone is paying a fair share of the taxes, that everyone who can has a good job, that every widow, widower and orphan has the care they need and that every government official is serving in a manner that brings glory to you?
What if we all took the responsibility for these headlines to happen?  Oh, what a glorious day and start to the week this would be!  May it be so.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 28th

Good morning, God

The headlines have been about how National Football League games were being refereed.  It seems that the regular, well-trained refs were on strike and substitute refs had been working the games.  It seems that these refs made a lot of mistakes, even costing the game for some of the teams.

Lord, we could say “Well, at least they tried” and let it go at that.  We could hope that they would get better as they learned their trade and got more experience and “coaching” for themselves.  We have been disgusted and ranted and raved and cussed them!  But, bottom line, they are who they are and it has been what it has been.  At least they tried, right, and the games went on?

Well, God the negotiations with the regular refs have borne fruit!  It may not be truly the right deal to make with them, but it is a deal and the “pro” refs are back!

So Coach, this proves we always need the Wisdom of Solomon.  Whether it is sports or business or any other part of life, we need You as our coach to stay whole, to prosper, to follow the rules of any game and to settle all differences.  Lord God, be our coach, please.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 26th

Good Morning, God
The headlines today speak of the United Nations.  This is the institution based in New York City where leaders and representatives of the nations of the world are meeting right now.  The headlines today also speak of United Nations, the dream and desire that the nations of the world could just get along for the good of humanity.
Lord God, what a hope this is!  What a desire this is!  Even you have this desire – that all nations will beat their swords into plowshares and that nations would not make war against each other anymore.  However, you also tell us that there will be no peace, no ceasing of wars, until all come to a knowledge of you, even a saving knowledge through Jesus Christ, your Son.
Heavenly Father, we seem to be farther away from this unity than ever before.  We even champion “diversity” rather than working toward “unity”.  So, Lord, we pray this day for the work of the United Nations to be an instrument of your desire that all may be one, just get along, and be reconciled with each other and with you, through Jesus Christ the Savior of the world.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 24th

Good Morning, God
Your word, O Lord, encourages us to “esteem” each other.  We often speak of “self-esteem” as being something we should all have; “ego strength” is also held out as desirous so that we can survive in our world. 
These qualities are difficult to develop, though, Lord.  We are constantly bombarded with headlines that, with the stories behind them, take away the personhood that we seek to develop.  An age-old adage that used to be on every school house wall – that still is contained in every Bible, instructs us to “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”  As if we didn’t know, this is called the “Golden Rule”, and for good reason – it is priceless.
Loving God, may we consider what we call news and headlines this day and week, and ask ourselves if it helps to build up or tear down that other person.  Let us be cognizant of how we speak of those with whom we work, those who seek to serve us, those whose job it is to make our lives easier, and those with whom we live.  May our words and actions always “esteem” one another.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 21st

Good Morning, God
The headlines were about a National Football Referee who was to ref a game between the New Orleans Saints and the Carolina Panthers.  Turns out that the referee was from New Orleans and had posted several pictures of himself, in Saints’ gear tailgating at the pre-season game, onto his Facebook page.  The N.F.L. officials pulled the referee from the officiating at the game.
“It’s only a football game” some might say.  “Just because he is a fan of one of the teams doesn’t mean he won’t be fair” others might say.  “What?  Don’t you trust me?” he might say.
Heavenly Father, Ruler and Judge of the Universe, you caution us against even the appearance of wrong.  Your word tells us not to put any stumbling blocks in the path of others because of what we might be able to do.  There are a lot of things that might be permissible, but not all of them are beneficial.  Help us, Lord, to always be as circumspect and as fair as we can be – and let us judge ourselves so that others don’t have to pull us out of the game.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, your word says to us, “What causes fights and quarrels among you?  Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?  You want something but don’t get it”.
Yes, James, you are absolutely right.  From as soon as we are born, we have desires.  Some desires are immediately important to our health.  Some desires come from our sinful nature.  Some desires come from our wanting to please you, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.
But, we are human, Lord God.  We are willful people, so we quarrel and fight; we look for the specks in every eye but ours – but in ours is a log!
Lord, God, what if we would consider applying one criteria to our headlines – no political agenda, no self-aggrandizing, no ego-centeredness, no money-hunger – but the one criteria of how does what we are doing and the way we are being glorify you, Lord God.  Help our politicians, and we who support them, make better headlines because their and our own sight is on you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 17th

Good morning, God

Lord, there are many men and women of every age and stage of life praying with us this morning.  They perhaps listen to these prayers all the time, or perhaps for some reason are listening by happenstance this day.  However, after any of us listens, Lord, we are listening for a word from you.  We listen for encouragement, for direction, for discipline (yes, Lord, we often want someone to tell us that what we are doing and the way we are living is not the right way, so we listen to be told by you).  We also listen for forgiveness – forgiveness for what we have done wrong or the strength to forgive someone for what they did to us.

In whatever the case, Lord Jesus, we know that your help is available for the asking.  Then, there is a ton of help available all around us with 12-step programs, prayer services, support groups.   If it is needed by someone, it is available for the asking.

Gracious God, lead us to the help we need today, for you love us and want us to have life abundantly – and help us make all the right choices.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 14th

Good morning, God

The headlines were about a legislative panel study about how a criminal’s past history of convictions affected his or her sentencing for any new convictions.  In fact, in a system that is supposed to both punish and rehabilitate those convicted of a crime, two-thirds of Class-D felons in prison had three or more prior convictions and three-fourths of new Class D felons had failed in at least one type of other punishment like probation, work-release or home detention.

God, you are a God of justice.  You have given us THE Law – the Ten Commandments – upon which all of our laws are based.  And, you have created us with the privilege to chose how we will live – either obeying the laws – yours and the land’s – or breaking both sets.  Your word even tells us that we are tempted by our own desires and lured and enticed by them; then when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin – to crime, and when sin – crime – is fully grown, it gives birth to death, perhaps not physical death but certainly spiritual death.  Lord, God, inspire and strengthen us to make choices to obey both your laws and society’s.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 12th

Good morning, God

Lord of heaven and earth, of life and of death, we ask your special presence with us today as we give respect and honor to one of our fallen young men.  Alec Terwiske is coming home to us today, but not the same way we last saw him.  Alec, one of your creations, is coming home to us in a casket.  Thankfully, his soul came home to you when his life here was snuffed out.  We give you thanks and praise for our heavenly home where there is no more death but only eternal life.

Lord of the universe, when our local men and women die in service to our country, it hits us hard because they are so close to us.  But we also need to always remember what we thought about yesterday – the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, on our country, on our democracy, on our way of life and on innocent lives.  But we don’t need to remember in order to seek revenge, but we need to remember because of the necessity to pray to you for peace and well-being, for you desire us to have peace through faith and belief in Jesus Christ, your Son.  May we all believe.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 10th

Good Morning, God,
On some of our church calendars, God, this week has been designated as "Christian Education Week." Of course, because of the doctrine of the separation of Church and State, we won't be doing anything special with this week in our public schools. And, we really doubt that our churches will be doing much daily, either, except maybe, beginning their mid-week, Wednesday afternoon and evening programs.
Some of us do remember the days when church and school had a more coordinated effort. Children were taught in Sunday School to respect their school teachers, because this is what Jesus would do. And, in school, children would begin the day, not just with the flag salute, but with a devotion and prayer. The Golden Rule Bible verse would be on the wall, along with the Ten Commandments.
Now, we are always trying to figure our how to instill these same principles through some sort of "values education." Interpreting Biblical values for secular society and education has always been he role of the church and Christian Education, hasn't it, God?
May it be easier in our time; may it be easier.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 7th

Good Morning, God,
We can truly begin our prayers today with the call, "They're off!" The political conventions of both parties are completed, the platforms are built, the candidates are named, and now the "horse race" can begins in earnest. Who will be the big winners?
You know, don't you, God? Because you place, or allow to be placed, all those who serve in the offices that govern us, you already know who will win the elections. But because of your permissive will that uses our choices, we may elect those who wouldn't be your first choices for us.
So, Lord, it may be a very wise choice for us, first of all, to seek the candidates of your will through prayerful conversations with you. To this end, then:
God, be in our heads, and in our understanding.
God, be in our eyes, and in our looking.
God, be in our mouths, and in our speaking.
God, be in our hearts, and in our thinking.

God, be in our choices, and in our voting.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 5th

Good Morning, God,
Some of the Indiana headlines are speaking of our school systems, the school voucher system, and the State running some of the districts. Of course, God, these are big concerns of ours because the education of our children is of the utmost importance.
God, you have given minds to meditate on the lessons, eyes to see the things to learn, ears to listen to the teachers and the teachers to the students, a heart to love learning, and a lifetime to put into practice what is learned through the power of the mind.
But, sometimes, our living situations get in the way and make learning difficult. So, for each school day, give our teachers an extra measure of patience, imagination and love as they try to shape the minds of our children. Give parents the utmost respect for the efforts our teachers are making and instill this respect in their children.
And, God, help our children to learn, to persevere through language barriers, bullying, belligerence, and boredom all the way to learning their 3 R's, and how to use what they have learned each day in the game of life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 3rd

Good Morning, God
A great majority of us are off of work today, God.  We are off of work celebrating what we call “Labor Day”.  Sounds sort of oxymoronish, doesn’t it God!  But here we are with most of government, business and school shut down for a day especially designated to honor the ability we have to labor:  to imagine, to design, to construct, to produce and to maintain products and services that we need in order to live each day on this planet.  It is our labor that keeps us alive, Lord God, and we give you thanks for the innumerable ways that we can work.
Some of us work with our heads, some with our hands.  Some of us entertain others of us: some of us work helping others of us cope with what life throws at us.  Some of us are working today to keep things going and our corner of the world safe.  Yet some of us are crying for work, so this day is bitter sweet. 
Gracious God, who gave us minds to think and hands to do and hearts to care, may all we do help others, give gory to you and demonstrate our love toward others.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 31st

Good Morning, God
Creator and sustaining God, we don’t know how you do it.  We don’t get the headlines about you that tell us when you rest, when you rejuvenate, when you take a vacation or take a day off.  We do remember that the Bible tells us that you worked creating all that is for six days and on the seventh day you rested.  We remember that you also invite, albeit command us, to “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.  Work for six days, but rest in the Lord on the seventh,” you have said.  We know you care about our rest, relaxation and rejuvenation like you care about your own.  All this said, God, we are thankful to you for never taking a vacation or a nap or gettin’ a good night’s sleep or taking a holiday.
But we are also so thankful when we have holidays, those extra times to breathe easier, enjoy the day doing something special – or not, and remember why the day is special in the first place.  So, as we take a holiday on Monday, after our Sabbath on Sunday, may we be ever mindful and thankful, god, that you never rest and are always on call.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednessday, August 29th

Good Morning, God,
We pray this day for the gulf coast area of our country, as Isaac has made his presence known. Not only has he come with the usual strong winds and buckets of rain, but he also comes eliciting memories of a gal named Katrina, the storm that made her presence known exactly seven years ago. Hopefully, Lord, Isaac will be gentler and the people will be better prepared, so that lives and property will be safer.
Lord, we always face storms in our lives. They aren't limited to tropical storms and hurricanes, either. Our "storms" come in health issues - the sudden heart attack; the surprise stroke; the creeping cancers. Our storms come in our relationships - the decisions and actions we take because we are ourselves that offend and hurt others because they are being themselves.
However, God, you are present and available for us in each and every storm - and in all calm, as well - to strengthen, comfort, guide, heal and love us. May we always feel you nearby us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 27th

Good morning, God

Last week, competitive cyclist Lance Armstrong was in the news again.  It seems he had had a lawsuit that he had filed thrown out of court.  The lawsuit was an attempt to stop the investigation of Armstrong – once again – on charges of using illegal, performance-enhancing drugs, especially during his Tour de France rides and victories.  Lord, perhaps only you and Mr. Armstrong now for sure.

Heavenly Father, you see everything, don’t you?  You know when we sit down and when we rise.  You know our thoughts even before a word is on our tongue.  Your days for us were written in your book even before we were born.  And, we are fearfully and wonderfully made – by you, Creator God, and because you made us, you keep tabs on us, what we do and what we don’t do.  Such knowledge should be incredibly wonderful – and humbling – for us, and we should try to do everyday what pleases you before we try to please ourselves or others.  So, may we walk with integrity each day do that you, nor anyone, doubts what we are doing.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 24th

Good morning, God

Lord, another good person has been caught with his foot in his mouth and is having to chew shoe leather.  A political candidate for the U.S. Senate out of Missouri misspoke about the very sensitive topic of abortion and rape.  His comments seemed to come from a very ignorant person, rather than one who was educated on the matter.  Now, his political allies and political enemies have distanced themselves from him.

Lord, we all know that the issue of abortion is a hot-button issue.  It is an issue that gets into a woman’s right to control her own body.  It gets into the issue of when life begins.  It gets into whether or not one is destroying a life by the abortion process.  It gets into the question of when pregnancy is caused by rape, or whose life is more valuable – a mother’s or a fetus’ – when there are medical complications.

Gracious God, please give us wisdom when we speak our opinions about sensitive issues – and give us wisdom around the issue of when, if ever, it is okay to end a pregnancy with an abortion.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 22nd

Good morning, God
We’ve all heard the adage, Lord, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”.  Such have been the national headlines about a 62-year old woman named Diana Nya.  She has tried to swim from Cuba to Florida across the Straits of Florida, a distance of 103 miles, four times now.  Her latest effort ended night before last due to being stung by a jellyfish and having severe lightening storms in the area.  She said that this was her last try at this feat.

Lord, we pray for Diana and any of us who have had our dreams dashed.  Even when we “try, try again”, the efforts have been to no avail.  What do we gain from all our efforts when they fail to get us to a goal?

Well, Lord, your word tells us that when we faithfully pursue our goals with the gifts you give us to use, we will reach our goals – if only the goal of being blessed by you in eternity.  So, Lord, may our efforts be in accordance with your will and may we have the strength and courage to follow your will.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 20th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the other day, the headlines were about how a U.S. destroyer ship collided with an oil tanker ship on the open seas.  Regardless of how it happened, God, one wonders about the odds of it happening.  Obviously, two ships were trying to occupy the exact same spot on the ocean at the same time.  But what are the odds of this?
God, who created math and probability, we notice it a lot when two vehicles meet in an accident when no other vehicles are around.  We notice these conjunctions when we are jogging on a narrow road and we and two cars meet at the same time.  What are the odds?
We also wonder, God about how our seemingly unanswerable dilemmas get answered at just the right time.  We pray for healing and it happens.  We pray for safety and we see the accident happen just behind us.  We pray for a job and we are selected out of the huge number of applicants.  We pray for long-life and we beat the odds of our family history.
God of heaven and earth and probability, may we always believe that things don’t just happen “by chance” but to fulfill your great purposes.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 17th

Good Morning, God
It is always said in a negative way, “Those who don’t remember history are destined to repeat it”.  Well, Lord, it is to our benefit when we remember from where we came and how we got to where we are.  Our own Dubois County Museum with its newly established and minted Main Street is a great example. 
It is very thought provoking, God to see the different vignettes of where we used to live and how we used to do things.  It is interesting to imagine the step-by-step changes that have taken place on our current main streets to get us from where we were to where we are now.  It is also interesting, God, that the more things have changed, the more things have stayed the same:  We still have churches, saloons and jails, millenary, grocery and shoe shops, barber shops, newspaper offices and photography studios, land surveyors, school houses and funeral homes.  We also have the homes to which we go for warmth, food, family and love.
Thank you, Lord, for memories, but thank you for our present live, also.   Please bless it all.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 15th

Good Morning, God
We ask your blessing and protection today on the four men who have been making the headlines since Saturday morning.  We are thankful that these four are following what they believe to be their calling to serve this country as either its president or its vice-president.  We are thankful that they are willing to take the risks inherent with such offices.  We are grateful for the spouses who unselfishly give up more and more time, so that these men may do what is necessary to campaign.
Lord, these men and their families must have your guidance and protection.  You have said that those who are elected to serve us do so under the auspices of your calling.  Therefore, Lord, give us your guidance and wisdom to seek the candidates who will do your bidding.
And, Lord, because we are human beings who are prone to sin, and in doing so harm others, only your sure, strong protection can prevent any attempt – be it by word assassination, physical assassination, family assassination – on the lives of these people attempting to answer the call of this country.  Guide and protect them, we pray.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 13th

Good Morning, God. Let's begin the week with the sheer elation of headlines that came our of NASA - the new Mars Rover made it safely to the surface of Mars and is operating exactly as it should, if not better! The joy exhibited by those in the control room couldn't be contained; it was explosive!
Lord who created the heavens and the earth, who are we that you are mindful of us, and our sons and daughters that you care for us? Yet, you have made us a little lower then the heavenly beings, but have clothed us with glory and honor.
Thank you, Father, for imagination and desire to go exploring. Thank you for the brains to figure out how to experience our dreams in reality. Thank you, God for the projects that bring people together around a positive goal. And, Thank you, God, especially when we remember that all that we are and all that we ever hope to be and do is made possible because you give us the abilities.
May all we do be to your glory and for humanities benefit.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 11th

Good Morning, God,
The prayer on Wednesday was about how we aren't being very good toward each other in very serious matters as Americans these days. Today we want to pray for the headline that involves
free speech, but is really a ridiculous thing to be bothered with.
It seems, Lord, that a young lady's hair is of concern to others. This young woman, Gabby Douglas, 16 years old, had just won the gold medal in the Women's All-around gymnastics Olympic competition with incredible performances, a huge smile, and a beautiful demeanor that gave the glory to you, God. But then the "tweety-birds started in about how she ought to do something, quote, "about her hair that was too straight or too kinky, and whether it was over-gelled or under-tamed, and what she could have done about that floppy bun...alright, if I were her mother, I would have put a headband on it," someone said.
Lord who made us the way we are, may we celebrate the beauty of an award-winning performance, or even just a person's inner beauty, without tweeting tackily about someone's hair!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 8th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are causing much sadness today for good, red-blooded Americans! The headlines speak of how some Americans are not being the best Americans they can be, and, in fact, are acting against all that we stand for as Americans.
Lord, the latest headlines are about the shooting in the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, near Milwaukee. Six people were killed and four were wounded as they worshipped together last Sunday. The gunman was killed by police officers. Sometime before the shooting, the gunman had spoken of a "racial holy war."
Part of the story also tells that the gunman was an "Army Veteran," as if this made him more or less likely to do this, depending on one's point of view. He was also many other things. We shouldn't besmirch the Army good name simply to try to describe a crazed man.
Then, last week we had to deal with the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom for life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness issues around the chicken thing.
Lord, help us all to live up to the basic tenets of being an American and "One Nation Under God," and merely being the best human being we can be.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 6th

Good Morning, God,
Now that Strassenfest is over around here, we can get to preparing for fall. Of course, with fall comes school, and in some parts of the country, school has begun. For some of us, school begins next week or soon there-after.
Lord, you gave us the incredible thing we have under our scalp and within our skull we call "the brain." You made it not only so it could perceive, sort and store information, but you made it so it could make decisions about that information and use the information for good and for ill. Indeed, Creator God, you have given us a miraculous item in our bodies!
God, as we begin to put in more information from what is taught in school classed from Kindergarten through college, from the school of hard knocks through the success of life-long learning, may we give you thanks for the potential power of our brain, fill it with the right stuff, use it to make wise choices, and seek to understand all of life around us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 3rd

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines have been about the owner of a fast-food restaurant business - and a very successful business, at that - sharing his views on how running his business in what he believes to be the Christian way and living his life, especially his marriage, in a Christian way, has blessed both. Part of the business success is being closed on Sundays, and his marriage success is believing that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman 'til death they do part.
Now, Lord, he is being castigated for taking this view of the Christian faith and Christian marriage. There have been calls to boycott the business. Towns are considering not giving a license for the business to operate. The epithets are being hurled against him, all because he expressed his own view of how his faith calls him to live.
Lord, may we all respect each other's viewpoints more than this. May we not be strident in our voicings, but seek to understand one another out of care and concern.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 1st

Good Morning, God,
God of good times and bad, we ask your blessing this week for the "good times." It's time for our Strassenfest weekend, our Street Festival time, and we want it to be safe and fun both.
We want to enjoy life together on the streets and sidewalks. We want to enjoy the concerts and food. We want to renew old friendships and wander around the square with those we love. We want to feel safe letting our kids go off by themselves. We want to make lots of money at our different stands.
Gee, Lord, we sure want a lot, don't we?
So, perhaps, if we will do our part; that is, behave ourselves, defer to each other, watch our alcohol intake, and even still attend the worship service of our choice over the weekend, then we will feel your blessing on these good times.
Lord, may we be wise in all things at Strassenfest.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 30th

Good Morning, God
Lord, it behooves us to be able to laugh at ourselves, even when we are dealing with serious things.  A case in point, Lord, was the headline that said that there is now an app (or “application”) on our I-phones where we can see ourselves in the various clothing of different religions.  For example, some may see themselves in a nun’s habit; some in a black pulpit robe; some in priestly garb complete with the headdress; some in a fancy three-piece suit with handkerchief in the pocket.
The app, called “Ordain Thyself” doesn’t confer any religious credentials, but merely lets a person see themselves as a religious worker.  Some of us, who have the ordinations that take an undergraduate degree and a seminary degree and rigorous ordination exams, and then a church that wants us, may be offended by the humor in this.
But, Lord, what if through this you would speak to a person you really want as an ordained worker for you?  We know that you do have a sense of humor and that you use many means to touch our lives.  Perhaps this app is one.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines foe Friday, July 27th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines today are about an international event that could surely enjoy your guardianship, Lord! The Olympics open today in London, but rather than the back-stories on all the amazing athletes, we get the sensational story of how it takes 18,200 troops to "guard" the "games"!
It is said that the Ministry of Defense is also deploying two warships, Typhoon fighter jets, Puma helicopters, and high-velocity missile batteries on rooftops! My gosh, are we sure that we shouldn't just call these "war games"?

Lord, sorry for the sarcasm, but why must everything that is good about sports and people coming together to participate and watch, have to be "protected" like it is more of a prison camp than a sports arena? You say this is nothing new, only that the "sport" used to be even about how long men could make it with lions competing with them in the arena? You say it is still about sin against righteousness?

Loving God, we pray for the safety, endurance and success of each athlete, the pure enjoyment of the spectators and complete protection from any nefarious, evil intent and attack.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 25th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines just keep coming, don't they, God, telling us about the fallout from sin. The fallout this time is from the Sandusky sexual abuse scandal, cover-up, and the lack of proper oversight and control by those in authority. Now, a very fine university and some very fine young men and adult men who have come through Penn State will forever live with the stigma and stink - plus having their efforts on the football field nullified for the past, present and future. Those currently in authority have wielded their power thoroughly.
Lord Jesus, we pray for the extreme remorse - the extreme remorse - by everyone who had even the slightest involvement in the sins. We pray that all concerned will accept the penalties as pronounced, then begin to lead a more righteous life inside and outside the university.
We pray for each and every victim, that their lives will be healed and peaceful. And, we pray for the innocent people - the students, faculty, staff and supporters of Penn State, that they will have hope and strength enough for the new days ahead.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 23rd

Good Morning, God,
Lord, whether we like it or not, or admit it or not, the headlines since Friday have bothered us. Some of our feelings are fear; some feelings are anger; some are frustrations; and, some are even hate. Lord, we even don't know what we are supposed to feel after something as horrific as the shootings in the theatre in Colorado takes place. We just know we are supposed to feel something.
So, Lord, even though you are busy comforting, strengthening, and giving wisdom to the people of Aurora, please give us the wisdom and strength and comfort to handle our feelings here. We don't want to fear going to our theatres. We don't want to imagine everyone we meet as a possible murderer. We want to feel safe in our homes, on our streets , around our businesses and even at our entertainment.
Lord, let us hear your words, "In life and in death you belong to me. You are my child, and I am always with you.
Thank you, Lord. We hear and pray this in Jesus' strong name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 20th

Good Morning, God
Some of the headlines this week have been about tainted food again.  This time it is about sewing needles being found in different turkey sandwiches that were served on at least four different airplanes coming out of Amsterdam.  It seems that, somehow, these needles were put into the sandwiches.  Fortunately, no one has been hurt by this prank.
Of course, Lord, this is definitely a prank, and a dangerous one at that!  Sewing needles are definitely not part of the ingredients of a sandwich!  So how and why did this happen?
Was it done by a worker just wanting to have a bit of fun?  It isn’t right to think that anyone would consider this a humorous act.  Was it done by a worker wanting to express his or her frustration at something, perhaps personal, perhaps work related.  Was it done by a worker who is truly angry at the food company or the airlines?
The answer doesn’t matter, Lord.  Please protect all of us from pranks that can injure – and straighten out the minds of those who would be the perpetrators.
In Jesus’ name, Amen