A Prayer for the Headlines for May 30th

Good Morning, God.
There was a song sung by pop artist Barbara Streisand, Lord, that spoke of "Memories, misty water-colored memories of the way we were".  It is true, Lord Jesus, that we often look back, remember the way things used to be and wish for those times all over again - you know, Lord, the "simpler times", the "healthier times", the "richer times", the "more loving times".  However, we also know that "times" go on and we make new memories every day.

But, Lord, there are some memories we must never forget and that should never become misty and water- colored.  These are the memories created by the principles under which you, our Constitution and our neighbors expect us to live.  These are the principles for which our loved ones, flesh and blood men and women, trained, fought and died.  So, Lord, may this Memorial Day be so much more than store sales, than the M.D. telethon, than the Indianapolis 500, than hot dogs and hamburgers.  May it be a day of humbly giving you thanks - from memory - for the life we have because other people have given us theirs.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines, May 27th

Good Morning, God
Lord, you have instructed us in your Word that when we have everything good that we have - particularly a land flowing with milk and honey, like we do have - that we never forget to give thanks to you for it.

Lord, what we have is due in a great part to those who have gone before us, and this is the weekend we remember those who have died giving their lives for the freedoms we enjoy and those of our family and friends who have helped us to enjoy living within the freedoms we enjoy.

So, Lord, it is good to give thanks to you this entire weekend for the people who have made our blessings flow.  Let us remember that true freedom comes at a great sacrifice, that great wealth comes at a great cost, that true joy comes not from what we get, but what was given, and true love comes not from how many people love us but from how many people we love - and how much we love you.  Help us remember these things, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for May 25

Good Morning, God,
Alright, God, were you upset with us that someone tried to predict the end of the world - which is clearly stated in your Word that only you know when it will be and you aren't telling - that you sent the deadliest tornado in decades to Joplin? Were you still upset with us on Monday, so you sent the storms through Jasper that blew over a bunch of trees, some onto houses, most into yards and streets? Lord, are you trying to tell us all some things about the way we are living down here?
Or, are we just to believe your Word that the rain falls on both the just and the unjust, that weather just happens due to atmospheric conditions, and that you really aren't a God who would use your power to destroy us and our things, just to get your point across?
Lord, we do love you. We seek to do your will in your way. Please surround us with more of your love, protect us from harm and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, May23, 2011

Good Morning, God
Yesterday was the day of the week that many Christians call "The Sabbath".  Many others just say "It was Sunday, again".  For some, Saturday is their Sabbath.  Many others just say "It was the weekend, again".

For those of us who consider part of the weekend "the Sabbath" what did you see us doing?  Did you see us "just going to church" or really "worshipping" you?  Did you see us "catching up on all the things we had to do" or did you see us resting, doing nice things for others and visiting with loved ones and family?  Did you see us either playing or watching sports or did you see us playing with our children?  Did you see us just getting ready for the week ahead or did you see us praying for the week ahead?

Lord, we are now beginning that "week ahead".  We are now praying for it - and praying that next weekend, at least for one day, we will make it a Sabbath Day unto the Lord, unto you, precious Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Morning, God
Lord, we are well into the season of graduations.  Many collegians are now hitting the pavement hoping to put their newly-minted degree to work.  Bless them with the fruitfulness of their searching and hope.

Many of our area high schools are graduating their seniors.  Tonight, the Southridge graduates "walk".  There will be the "pomp and circumstance".  There will be the speeches.  There will be the presentation of the graduates and the acceptance of the same.  Finally, there will be the calling of the names, the solo walking across the stage, the handing off of the diploma folder, the shaking of hands, the snapping of the pictures . . . and graduation will be over.  Thirteen years of school will be over for these young men and women. 

Lord, bless our Southridge graduates, but also our Jasper, Dubois, Shoals, Forest Park and Heritage Hills graduates as well.  May these young men and women find the perfect place for their lives in the years ahead.  May they never stop learning wonderful things.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for May 18, 2011

Good Morning, God,
Once again, the thought behind this prayer to you are the headlines about the flooding caused by all the rain. The waters are receding slowly in Jasper and around the county. The waters are receding slowly from the upstream parts of the major rivers, including the mighty Mississippi. But now, the lower parts of the rivers are being inundated with much too much water. But the water itself is not the cause of our prayer today.
Lord, we want to pray today for when we feel we are safe and life proves we are not. We think of those downstream on the Mississippi today. They thought they were safe behind the levies and the floodgates. Now they see the floodgates opening and the waters covering their land and homes in the country, in order to protect many other lands and homes and businesses in the cities.
Lord, this must illustrate your biblical principle of "Greater love has no one that this than to lay down one's life" - one's land, house, livelihood, animals, possessions - so that someone else doesn't lose theirs.
Lord, be with those who are giving and comfort them, and may those who are gaining be truly grateful.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 16

Good Morning, God
Lord, we've all gotten those emails or hand-written letters or the verbal memos that come across to us as terse, unlovely, dis-ingenuous or downright insulting.  Sometimes these are intended to be a sharp jab, a hitting over the head with a brickbat, an intentional put-down, an insult to beat all insults.

But at other times, the words we read or hear we misinterpret.  We read a hastily written note and in our haste, put more negativity into it than should be.  We hear a voice and misinterpret the inflection and don't allow for the emotional state of the speaker and think the negativity is directed at us.

Lord, these days it seems that we have become super-sensitive to what is written and said, in marriages, in business, in politics and in religion.  Lord, may we have the grace to give others the benefit of the doubt - and even forgiveness - when we hear and read things that rub us in a negative way.  In fact, may grace abound!
In Jesus name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines, Friday, May 13

Good Morning, God
Here it is Friday the 13th.  We may consider the day a day of bad luck.  However, most of the time, it isn't bad luck but a lack of wisdom, a lack of knowledge (and there is a difference), a lack of consensus and/or a lack of agreeing to disagree agreeably - before a proposed project costs $300,000, with the only results being that we know what we don't want.

Heavenly Father, there are good intelligent folks on all sides of the library issue.  There are good, intelligent folks who are paying taxes to pay for all sides of the library issue.  There are good, intelligent folks who are becoming frustrated, hurt and angry on all sides of the library issue.

Lord, may this prayer for the library issue, that keeps making the headlines, help the decision makers come to an agreement without spending much more money.  At this point, it isn't about winning or losing, personally, because all of us are losing.  It is about coming to a decision where all of us are winners and we get a much-improved library.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 11

Good Morning, God,
The headlines say "Flood Zone Residents 'Praying Every Day'." We know what this is like, Creator God, only we aren't the ones praying this time. Oh, we're praying prayers of thanksgiving that our high waters haven't been as devastating as they might have been; we are grateful for this. But the ones praying today are the folks along the Mississippi River, particularly in Tennessee, Louisiana, and Alabama. "The worst they've ever seen," it is said.
Heavenly Father, watch over our families, friends, loved ones and fellow U.S. citizens as we all cope with all of this extra water. May the lives of people and animals be safe on dry land. May important possessions be saved and safe. may property and land be recoverable and repairable. And, may all of us turn to you for guidance and protection in and from all the stormy, dangerous times in our lives. May the floods that come never overwhelm us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, May 9, 2011

Good Morning, God
Lord, today we want to pray for our up-and-coming young people, those in the late teens, twenties and early thirties, about 20 years of young men and women, about a generation.  Gracious God, it seems that often it is in this age group of people that we see strong idealism, the strength to act, the hope for a better tomorrow (at least as they imagine it), and sometimes, the wisdom to carry out the dreams appropriately, but sometimes not.  Sometimes the teachers and mentors of these young people limit their influence to encouraging free thinking and new imaginings, but with the cautions that protest to life and health.  Other mentors and teachers, though, lead these young minds to do things that harm.

Today, Lord, we thank you for the gift of our mind, and especially the minds of our young people.  May they always be thinking of better ways of doing things and have high idealism - for all concerned as they act on their imaginings.
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, May 6, 2011

Good Morning God,
Lost in the headlines of the week (but not in the advertisements) is that this is Mothers' Day weekend.  Sunday is the day we pause from all else to give you thanks for the woman who bore us, the women who nurture us and those who have encouraged us.

Lord, thank you for creating women, for making "Eves", with the physical bodies for conceiving, growing and birthing children.  Thank you for creating men also, making "Adams", to live in partnership with Eves, to play their part in the creation of offspring.

Lord, we want to pray for all women today.  We ask that you bless them with their heart's desire.  We ask for joy in their bearing of children and comfort when they cannot.  We ask for your protection of their hearts and the full acceptance of what their minds can dream.

Let each woman alive hear you and us say "Well done, well done", whatever the path they chose to take in life.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 4

Good Morning, God,
Lord, our last prayer for the headlines gave thanks for the power of an interruption, and the interruption about which we prayed was the rain which may be interrupting things that would be detrimental to us.
Locally, Lord, we are grateful that our lives weren't interrupted by the collapse of the Jasper High School gymnasium roof. As you and we know, there had just been a lot of folks in the gym for the big prom party and clean-up. the roof waited until all were out - and before any were in. thank you, Lord, that only our schedules were disrupted, not our lives.
Internationally, Lord, we have had the interruption to terrorism with the death of bin Laden. Lord,. it is unfortunate that he didn't come to the salvation of his soul through Christ before he died; yet, it is fortunate that the world no longer has his evil ways to fear. Now we pray for the complete interruption of and protection from the evil al Qaeda orgainzation. Lord, move mightily against them for peace.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines, Monday, May 2

Good Morning, God
Lord, the headlines have been about the rain and all the damage and danger they might bring and what we need to watch out for.  There is no doubt, Lord, that many of our days and plans have been interrupted of late.  We've had to adjust and our schedules, spend time and money on sandbags (or mops!), work with our shop-vacs, detour around high water and hope that water doesn't reach our electrical and electronic equipment.  All in all, Lord, we are grateful for all our safety measures and the lack of serious problems with life and limb here, and are very sad for the losses in other places!

In fact, Lord God, what if this interruption of water has kept us safe from other things that would have harmed us here?  Perhaps it kept us from an accident on the road, because we couldn't  make the trip.  Perhaps it kept us from falling off of a building, because we couldn't get on it due to lightening and rain.  Perhaps it kept us from a meeting that would not have been in our best interest and would have cost us money.  Only you know, Lord, the power this interruption of rain has really had.  Sometimes interruptions really are good for us.
In Jesus name, Amen