A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 31st

Good Morning, God,
Lord, it's Halloween time again, the time we decorate ourselves, our children, even our dogs and cats, in some sort of costume and have parties and collect goodies. There is a bit of coercion involved, because we say, "Trick or Treat." Since most of us don't want our mailboxes trashed, our trees teepeed, our houses egged, or our cars soaped, we usually pay the bribe with candy!
Lord, such shenanigans and frivolity can be so much fun...but it can also be dangerous. We will have excited children running around in masks that limit their sight and costumes so dark they limit our seeing them. We may have a few folks who think it funny to booby-trap the loot with dangerous stuff. We may have a few who think up tricks that are permanently injurious to life, limb, and property.
Lord, there may also be folks for whom Halloween is a holiday time for celebrating the real devil.
Whatever, Lord, may this day and night be only fun and protect us from harm from tricks and the evil spirits.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 28th

Good Morning, God,
The other night, Lord, almost two hundred men and women and youth met for an exciting dinner and program. The cause for the meeting was the annual Young Life and Wild Life fund raiser. The attendees enjoyed a great catered meal provided by a generous group. The young people took the opportunity to serve the meal and share their testimonies. The leaders were obviously proud of their charges and the influence Young Life and Wild Life has on them, helping them feel like they belong, helping them learn good choices -and make them! - and helping them literally stay alive.
Lord, thank you for blessing adults who have big hearts and gifts for working with Middle School and Senior High youth. Thank you for organizations that encourage healthy behaviors. Thank you for people from all walks of life who give of their monetary, talent and time resources to support such an important ministry.
Lord, bless our future with great young adult men and women, especially because of Young Life and Wild Life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 26th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, do we feel safer now? Another of the world's worst terrorists has been killed and buried. Most of the country of Libya has cheered; Most of the world has breathed a sigh of relief. Now we wait while Libyans decide what to do next and how to do it.
Naturally, we hope that a democratic government will happen that will want its people and thus its country to prosper. If some in our country have their way, we will encourage it by causing the vast natural resource of oil to flow our way. This causes us to wonder what will flow toward Libya in return.
Heavenly Father, Lord of the Nations, send your blessings to the people of Libya that they may experience joy and freedom in their lives. May countries far and wide not seek to exploit any new openness, but seek to befriend folks who haven't had many friends over the years.
Grant, Merciful God, that all tyrannical governments will cease and that governments which serve its people righteously will prosper.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 24th

Good Morning, God
Lord, do we remember that today is United Nations Day?  This is the day that we celebrated the founding of the organization whose charter involves bringing disparate nations together in one place to discuss and take action on keeping peace and safety among countries around the world, helping to conquer hunger and disease wherever it is found and to help educate and protect children so that they might have a fair, fighting chance at an abundant life.
Many of us, Lord, grew up when the United Nations was in its infancy and were convinced of its potential and high idealism.  Lord, what has happened to such aspiration?  Is there no more desire for peace through compromise and negotiation?  Is there no longer the commitment to sit at a negotiating session and come to a mutually agreed upon resolution?  Is there no more possibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and heal the sick through being united even though nations are different?  Lord, may the high idealism of the United Nations be restored, live on and be effective.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 21st

Good Morning, God
Now is the time, Lord, when our football teams and band organizations need our prayers.  These groups are in the crunch time - they are in-between the regular season and the finals.  Any loss will mean the end of the season for them.  If a football team loses, the players will hang up their pads for the last time this year.  If a band gets a low ranking, the players will not march again until next fall.  For the seniors of both groups, another high school activity will come to an end.
Lord, we so appreciate the opportunities we have to use the talents you have given and that have been honed and fine-tuned to do our level best, for the team, for the fans and for you.  Strengthen each performer in their skill.  Keep each one healthy.  Protect each one from discouragement.  Give them the attitude that while each person is called on to do his or her best, they are not doing so for individual glory but for the team, the school and for heaven.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 19th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, how much is one person really worth? What should we be willing to trade for the life of one person?
In the case of an Israeli soldier who was captured by the Islamic Hamas government five years ago, it is worth 1,027 prisoners whom Israel has been holding. Those being released from Israel in tradae include some serving life terms for being part of the crime of murder.
One commentator said that the Israelis didn't want again to be known as a people who wouldn't do all they could to get one of their own back. Thus, 1,027 men and women are being released by Israel in exchange for one man held by Hamas.
Lord, you know exactly what it is like to trade one life for others, for many others, for limitless others. You traded your own son, knowing he would face death on a cross, so that everyone who believed in him and accepted him as their savior, as their "hero," could have life and have it abundantly and eternally.
Yes, Lord, you know what it is to trade one life so that innumerable men and women can be saved. Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 17th

Good Morning, God,
The sign said, "We are Citizens United." It was being carried by a well-dressed man involved with the "Wall Street Protestors," now moving into the "Occupy Protestors." These Occupy Protestors are gathering in front of the homes of billionaires and milliionaires to protest the "hoarding of wealth" that these business men and women do. The comment is that the horading is done "at the expense of the 99% rest of us."
Lord, your wisdom is really needed here. You word tells us that in the ealy Christian Community, there was not "need" because folks shared and shared alike. Your word tells us to watch over the widows and orphans. Your word also instructs us that, if we are able, we need to work and support ourselves and others.
Lord, society says we are in the "Me" generation, a "Capitalistic society," a society that encourages making money, spending it and making more money.
Lord, give us the desire to work, share, and care for others as our end goal.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 14th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, these are times when the words we use mean different things to different people. For example, of late in our national politics, we have heard the word "cult" used by a pastor of whom it is said is an "Evangelical Christian." As a result, another pastor has labeled the Evangelical Christian a "bigot." We, the people, the choose the "side" we are on by what we believe the words mean.
Lord, we first need forgiveness for name-calling when someone takes a position with which we disagree. Perhaps we could seek to understand that "cult" in this case certainly doesn't refer to a "satanic cult" or to the likes of a group that followed Jim Jones a few years back, but is referring to extra-Biblical interpretations, latter-day prophets and prophecies, different beliefs about your God-head, Lord, your Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that there different rites and rituals than are in an Evangelical Christian's faith. It would do us all a whole lot of good to undestand the beliefs of others!
So, Lord, give us a better understanding of each other and give us words and their interpretations that don't conjure up fears, slurs and bigotry.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 12th

Good Morning, God,
Last night's "Candidates Forum" was what it was, Lord: Interesting, informative, sometimes challenging.
We should always be grateful for those men and women who will stick their necks out, put their lives under scrutiny, risk their reputations and invest their resources to stand for election to a public office!
We should also be grateful for men and women willing to take on the leadership of our social and civic clubs which, while not necessarily involving the same or as many risks, definitely involve a commitment of time and running the risk of being criticized.
Lord, you have given everyone the ability to do at least one thing very well in life. Some you have gifted to be leaders; some you have gifted to be followers; some you have gifted to be helpers.
Lord, may we excel in the special calling you have given us. And in our political processes - may what we do measure up to your election standards for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 10th

Good Morning, God
Your word has one of your people saying " . . . this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."
Lord God, all of us are "pressing on" to something.  The headlines reflect both positive and negative "pressing on".  Some are pressing on in protests on Wall Street - protesting high executive salaries, a seeming lack of accountability of everybody to anybody, the state of the economy, the state of the war in Afghanistan, the state of the country, in general.
Some are pressing on in their areas of expertise and being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.
Some are pressing on despite lives interrupted by trials, tribulations, hunger, wars, illnesses.  Some are pressing on and achieving victory over deafness, racism, hate and genetic disorders.
So, Lord, may we press on to what lies ahead for us and be with us Gracious God.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 7th

Good Morning, God
Only one month 'til elections, eh Lord?  Such a privilege we have, to elect those who rule us, those who serve us.  And to think, your word reminds us that you have a lot to do with those in authority over us; you put people in place to guide and direct us.
Lord, we often wonder about this, though.  When the wrangling takes place, when there is corruption, when there is mudslinging, is this in your will?  And, if a candidate professes to be led by you, to be following what he or she believes is his or her calling to stand for election to an office, we seem to negate this and say that religion has no place in politics.  In addition to this, candidates and elected officials are worried to express their faith because of the fear that someone will quote "separation of Church and state; separation of Church and state" to them.
Lord, this election season, may the debates be decorous and the candidates be candid.  Help us to elect your choice.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good morning, God,
We have been remiss in these prayers by not praying for our farmers and this time of harvest - but you know what is on our hearts and are blessing us anyway!
You are blessing us with beautiful days: Crisp, clear, dry. You are blessing us with bounty: The yields are doing very well, thus making us feel that our efforts are worthwhile. You are blessing us with machinery that keeps on operating and doing what is expected of it. You are blessing us with safety.
Gracious God, Lord of the Harvest, who gave us the charge and blessing to have dominion over the good land so that it will produce that which sustains life, we give you our grateful thanks. We ask that we will continue in your favor this harvest season. When we work, may we have tireless strength and energy. When we rest, may we feel safe, unworried and unhurried, and at peace.
Watch over us this and every season of the year, Sustaining God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God
Lord, there was a song penned several years ago now by a woman who was going through some very difficult times.  She had not been in contact with you for awhile, so long, in fact, that she didn't remember how to contact you.  So she wrote a song that confessed "Lord, I forgot your 800 number".
Of course, God, we are thankful that contacting you does not depend on remembering any numbers, either without or with toll charges!  All that you require is for us to have a true heart - turn toward you and you will even hurry to hear us.  You have invited us to go into our room, shut the door and pray privately, "Father in heaven, holy is you name.  Your kingdom come, your will  be done on earth as in heaven.  Give us today, our daily bread.  Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.
Thus, Lord, hear our prayers.
In Jesus name, Amen