A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 30

Good Morning, God,
The actions are happening; the speech has been made; the "coalition team" is meeting; decisions are being made, both publicly and privately. Our President takes the position that our stance and action has been necessary to prevent, quote, "a bloodbath against the civilians of Libya, and that we are helping out especially because we have been asked to by other ally countries." Plus, Lord, the control of the operation will be in the hands of NATO, it is said.
Heavenly Father, indeed it is an honorable thing - and you call us to do it - to stand and protect the least of people. Your Word takes the side of the widow, orphan, and fatherless. Your Word takes the side of the oppressed. Your Word does say that we are to "pray for those in authority over us, that we may live peaceful lives," but there are times when we must also seek to change those in authority, when the answer to our prayers may be to rise up for the sake of our lives.
Thus, we ask, give us all wisdom "for the facing of these days."
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Morning, God
It's springtime and things in nature are turning green and other vibrant colors that are popular this time of year.  Your palette is full of many different hues, all made from a combination of light and carbon dioxide.  Thank you, Lord, for the limitless variety of beauty you give us!
Lord, we do ask you for something to help us maintain your natural beauty and our enjoyment of it.  We are trying to turn the environmental impact of all we do as we live, work, play and enjoy to a "greener" impact.  While what you do, God, comes naturally, what we are trying to do comes at a cost of time, money and effort.
We are trying to "green" our need for fossil fuel by harvesting renewable energy from the sun and the wind, from methane gas and hydrogen fuel.  We are trying to use the much cleaner nuclear fuel, but once again, the dangers of such have reared their ugly heads.  We are trying to replace light bulbs with more energy-efficient ones.  We are trying to replace appliances to use less water and less electricity.  We ought to try to drive energy-efficient autos and try to adjust downward the miles we drive them.  Whatever we do though, Lord, may we carefully study the possible ramifications of the changes so that we aren't just going from one problem to another.
In Jesus name, Amen


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, March 25, 2011

Good Morning, God
It's Friday again and visions of relaxing tomorrow and Sunday dance in our heads and cause us to want this day to quickly pass!  But what if we decided to take the next days as an opportunity to be creative?

What if we decided to make even one room of our house or apartment prettier, perhaps just by cleaning it up?  What if we decided to make the outside of our house or even our apartment or our office building a prettier place by picking up the trash or the junk and trimming and sweeping?  What if we decided to make the street we live on or another street in the town where we live or even one of the county roads we drive on neater and cleaner by picking up the trash, putting it in bags and disposing of it properly?  What if we men get around to our "honey do lists" this weekend?  What if we women got around to straightening out the closets and culling the things that can't be worn any more and taking such things to a second-hand store to donate?  What if we parents decided to play with our children and have a picnic or take a walk on the River Walk?  What if we went to visit someone in a retirement home or care center or hospital?

What if we would feel far more satisfied with the weekend if we were creative rather than "couch potatoes" this weekend?  What if?
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 23

Good Morning, God,
There is a lot of talk these past couple of days about what our President's strategy is for our engagement with the battle for Libya. Seemingly, it is to join with allies with the authorization of the U.N. Security Council to establish a no-fly zone over Libya so government forces can't bomb their own  citizens who are being rebel forces. But we are concerned, Lord, that now that we have gotten involved, it will be difficult to disengage, even to the point of us "putting boots on the ground." What is our strategy? Do we have one?
All of us have or should have strategies for our own life, shouldn't we Lord? We have to want and plan to do more than just "eat, sleep, and be merry." We have within us the desire to be productive, and we need to have and take the opportunities to do so. We have within us the capacity to love deeply, and we need to take the opportunities to experience the giving and receiving of a long-lasting and abiding loving relationship. We have within us the capacity to give, to give without expecting anything in return. May we be willing to give of ourselves sacrificially, not counting the cost, even until we have given our all.
Let the desires of being productive, loving deeply and giving generously be our strategy for life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 17

Good Morning, God.
Lord, now the voice of a duck was fired for what he said. Yes, the comedian who provided the voice for the Aflac duck was fired for "tweeting" bad jokes about the disaster in Japan. The company, the people in Japan, and most of the world isn't ready for jokes about this really serious situation.
But this was not an isolated incident, Lord. Government spokespersons are losing their jobs because of off-hand comments caught on cell-phone videos and posted to the World Wide Web. Office workers, teachers, public employees are getting in trouble for using their thumbs on their I-Phones and I-Pads to express themselves. Things that might be said privately are now being put into print for all to see.
Heavenly Father, we do need appropriate places to express ourselves. We also need to be a bit more think-skinned about comments. But, as we always have been taught: "Is it true; is it fair to all concerned; will it build goodwill and better friendships; and, will it be beneficial to all concerned?" (The Motto of Rotary International).
When we can answer these questions with "yes," then we can say it or tweet it or post it to the Web!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 16

Good Morning, God,
Lord, as the challenges to life, health and daily food mount up for the people of Japan, we ask for your Light to shine in their hearts, your Goodness to deliver them from evil, your Power to be their support, your Wisdom to overcome any ignorance, your Pity to have mercy on them, and that they with their hearts and minds and strength may seek your face and know your love.
And, Lord, for us here with our daily, mostly mundane, concerns, "Make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, let us pardon, where there is doubt, give us faith; where there is despair, give us hope; where there is darkness, give us light; and where there is sadness, give us joy.
O Divine Master, grant that we may not seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive and in pardoning that we are pardoned." May we live by these words today and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 14

Good Morning, God,
We pray this day and every day into the foreseeable future for the people of Japan. Lord, what a horrible mess! Do we dare blame you for it, Creator God? Do we dare ask you why? Do we dare say, "Thank goodness it was them and not us?" Lord, we can ask anything because of the feelings you have given us, but the truth remains that we now should pray for what is needed in the future.
So, Lord, strengthen the resolve of the people of Japan - the government officials, the rescue personnel, the families and individuals. Control your nature so that after-shocks cease and the waters recede and the sun shines full every day. Protect those near the nuclear reactors and those who have to work on them. And, may the political borders of our world be non-existent so that many nations and people will lend aid and a hand.
Thank you, too, Lord, that the effects of the resulting tsunami were not as bad for us as they could have been. Continue to be with all who call upon your name this day and always.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, March 11, 2011

Good Morning, God
Lord, could it happen here?  We've been seeing it happen on the other side of the world over the past few months now - the small groups of citizens dis-satisfied with the way their government is running their country and lives, turning into large protests and civil disobedience.  We've also seen that, somehow, these uprisings in many places have not been met with violence but with acquiescence, and the government has changed.  Lord, we still await the results of the protests in many places, and the question remains, could it happen in the United States of America?
We've seen pretty serious protest over the years:  War protests, protests against segregation, protests against brutality, protest against budgets and the perceived loss of power the budgets would bring.  We've also seen over the years, marches in towns, cities, states and our nation, especially our nation's capitol, that have been dedicated to you, Lord.  Men, especially, have gotten together to pray, read the Bible, sing spiritual songs and hear speakers encourage men to be the best man of God each one can be.
Lord, let this prayer be a call-out to the men of this area to be a Godly man in all things.  And, may we see a noticeable, Godly difference from here to around the world.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 9

Good Morning, God,
To many of us praying today, this is just another Wednesday, another "hump day," another day to look forward to the end of the week, the weekend and what we are gong to do to have fun.
But to many of us who are Christians praying today, this is a special Wednesday. It is the Wednesday that is the beginning to the most important time for our life of faith. This is the beginning of our season of Lent.
For the next 40 days plus Sundays, we will especially be remembering what you did for us through your Son, Jesus Christ. For these 40 days, we will be considering how we follow Jesus' teachings. We will be considering how we live your commandments. We will be asking for guidance, strength and forgiveness from you, Lord God Almighty, through our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
At the end of this season of Lent when we celebrate the resurrection of your Son Jesus after his crucifixion, may we have noticeably grown in our faith, our "follower-ship" of Jesus Christ, and our ability to "see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day."
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 7

Good Morning, God
Lord, this is the week we begin the remembrance of the foundation of our faith.  We begin the season of Lent, leading to Easter.  But before then we like to have one last "hurrah".  Tomorrow is what we call "Fat Tuesday".  In another place there is a "Mardi Gras" celebration.  Basically, Lord, we look at it as one last time to "party hardy" before we get down to the business of penitence for the times we party hardy or not live the way you would like or break your commandments and sin.  It's the old line, "Let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die".
But, Lord, your desire is not that we die, but that we have true life and have it abundantly.  It is time, Lord, that when we follow your will and do your work in your way, we live far better lives - health, financial, safety and soul wise.  So, Lord, rather than gorge ourselves on partying on Fat Tuesday, may we fill ourselves with your love beginning on Ash Wednesday.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 4

Good Morning, God
Lord, you may be very busy today with a lot of extra prayers, for on our calendars this is the World Day of Prayer.  In our own town today we will be having a special prayer service, recognizing some of the needs around the world and asking you to help us meet those needs.  Lord, be present to hear our prayers today at 1:00p.m., please.
Of course, Lord, we wouldn't presume to have you all to ourselves on Friday or any other day, for that matter.  For you are the Lord of the Universe.  You are omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.  You are the Creator, the Redeemer and the Sustainer of humankind.  You are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity.  You are God.  You are in control.
May we have our blessings, yes, but may you also bless and keep all others in this vast universe, and we will give you all the praise and glory due your name.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 2

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we are looking forward to another day of sunshine and warmer tempaeratures today. This kind of day will cheer our minds and warm our hearts. Even as we complete the clean-up of the damage from Sunday night's storms, we can be in better spirits with more energy when we are blessed with nice days. So, thank you, Lord, for days when the weather helps us to be glad we are alinve.
For the days that aren't so nice weather-wise or the days that we feel nothing can cheer us up or the nights that become so dark and stormy that we feel they will never end, let us feel your loving care, especially, Lord. Many times, Lord, when we feel down, we blame it on things outside of us - the weather, other people, current events - when often our problem is our own "dark night of the soul."
So, Lord, may we build up our souls always with the sunshine of your love, so that when we feel the darkness, we have your light in reserve.
In Jesus' name, Amen.