A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 30th

Good Morning, God
Again, and still, the headlines are about Treyvon, the teenager, and Zimmerman, the one who shot him in Florida.  The fact that it happened is not in question.  The why’s and the wherefore’s are in question.  Was it murder in cold blood?  Was it self-defense?  Were drugs involved?  Was it racial?  Especially was it racial, a black and white issue?
Lord, why’d you make us, each one different?  Why’d you make some white, some red, some yellow, some black, and all of us somewhere in between?  Why did you make us different heights and weights?  Why does each of us look and seem unique?  Why are some white-collar workers, some blue-collar workers, some farmers, some laborers and some not working at all?  Why are there so many things to wear, to eat, so many different places and ways to live, work and play?  Why all the differences, Lord?
Because your lives would not be worth living if all were alike, my friends.  Why don’t you just give me thanks and enjoy what I have made and given you?  I love all that I have made – red and yellow, black and white – all and everything is precious in my sight – and should be in your sight, too!
Oh!  Thank you God!
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for March 28th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, this week the headlines are often about the current case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The justices are hearing arguments about four aspects of the new Health Care Law that Congress passed and that affects every American citizen in one way or another. The Court has to decide the constitutionality of the provisions of the law.
Lord, we are thankful for our system of government that provides such checks and balances such as these. We pray that the Health Care Law will be adjudicated fairly, without politics, and with concern for the liberty and justice for all for which our country strives.
Please give the Court your wisdom as they hear, discuss and rule.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 26th

Good morning, God
The headlines stated that “Police Say Teens Should Be Watched”.  This story was about a late-night shooting in Indy that left five teens wounded.  Two of the victims were only fourteen.  All of them had just been hanging out around the Circle Center Mall and the Indy canal that had been dyed green for St. Patrick’s Day.  Police believe the shooting stemmed from a “lingering argument” between two groups of people.
Lord, yes, teens should be watched.  But so should a lot of us.  We should all have someone who cares enough about us to know where we are, perhaps what we are doing and when we will be home.  Sound ridiculous, Lord, for everyone of any age?  Not really, Lord, for you have said that we are our brother’s keeper and that when we care for others we show them your godly love. 
Lord, help us to know about our teens and where they are, but also to care about the rest of our families and friends and where they are and what they are doing.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 23rd

Good morning, God
Spring is here and so are the Sweet Sixteen teams.  Lord, for any basketball fan, now is the time we have been waiting for.  Now is the time we can dream our dreams about the teams, make our best prognostications, take in as many games as we can watch and have lots and lots of conversations around tables, water-coolers and bars.
Lord, some may consider following sports a waste, especially if they don’t see a direct tie to the schools that are playing.  Some may see it truly as a “madness” rather than just good, clean fun.  Some may resent the time the fans spend away from their families and other pursuits.
But, Lord, you tell us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice.”  You have created us with the ability and desire to compete to win.  You have given us the ability and desire to have good fun.  So, during this time, may we consider having March Madness with a bit of moderation – and may the best teams and fans win.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for March 21st

Good Morning, God,
The headlines have spoken of the death of one and the severe injury of another last Sunday afternoon. Two young men out on a gorgeous day in a great car took to the air, and when they came down, disaster struck. This is sad, indeed, Lord, for something so exhilarating to result in something so permanent as death. We pray for peace for the families involved, Lord.
We also pray for peace for the folks along the road who were first on the scene and in whose field the accident ended and the life was lost. We pray for those who must travel that road regularly, perhaps once or multiple times each day. One neighbor, Lord, called the road "dangerous." Yes, it is narrow and some sight lines are short, but at the posted speed or less, the road is safe enough.
Lord, one good thing: drivers have been taking the road a bit slower, particularly as they see the reminders etched on the road and on the fields.
Lord, slow us down some more, that we all may enjoy these beautiful days safely.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we often hear and see corrections on the air or in the paper.  These corrections often end with "we regret the error" or "we apologize for the mistake".  Hopefully, once this is done, the hurt feelings over the error get salved and life goes on reconciled.  This is your way, isn't it, Lord?
However, there are those times when we feel we have been so slighted that no amount of apologizing seems to salve the wound.  Sometimes when a person feels slighted, they choose to hold on to the slight, share it with friends and family, and generally keep bringing up the slight as often as possible.
Lord, help us to live our faith better.  Our faith instructs us to forgive each other even as Christ has forgiven us.  Christ has forgiven us for our original sin with which we were born and for all the sins of commission and omission that we have ever done.  He has done this because he loves us.  He remembers our sins no more.
Lord, this is Monday.  May this day be the first day of the rest of our lives that we are living in forgiveness and love.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 16th

Good Morning, God
We look at joy today as we begin to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  Lord, we love a fun time.  We love to revel, wish each other well and celebrate a cause.  We do celebrate it as a cultural and a religious holiday.  It is a religious holiday because it celebrates when Christianity arrived in Ireland.  Patrick is recognized as the Patron Saint of Ireland.
Lord, we are thankful that Patrick survived his early kidnapping and enslavement.  We are grateful that you had your eye on him and, in a dream, told him to flee from his captivity.  We thank you that you led him to the ministry, to seminary, to the priesthood and then back to Ireland, where he ministered until his death.  Rumor has it, Lord, that he used the Shamrock with its 3 leaves to explain the Trinity and faith.  We thank you, Lord, for Patrick.
We also thank you for "rescuing" many of us from the enslavement of sin and freeing us to serve you as your Saints of God - when we believe on your name.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 14th

Good Morning, God,
We want to offer a belated prayer for the 100th birthday of the Girl Scouts of America. We missed the day of celebration on Monday, Lord, but we would also have prayed then for its continuing service and ministry. Yes, Lord, the Girl Scouts do offer a ministry, for what they do is bring girls and women together, teaching them things that are for their good and for the good of others. They have high standards and principles and strive to live up to them.
So, we give you thanks, Lord who created us to do good things, live well, and serve others. We give you thanks for the organization of the Girl Scouts. We give you thanks for all the women who give of their time and talent to mentor the young girls who are in the program. And, we give you thanks for the girls who are willing to be in the troops, enjoying friends, projects, camp -- and even the annual cookie sale!
May the Girl Scouts continue to have your blessing, Lord, and may our girls and women become good leaders because of it.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 12th

Good Morning, God
On Friday we prayed for the safety of those who have to deal with the illegalities of Meth production and usage.   Today, we want to pray for wisdom and safety against production of nuclear weapons.
In particular, Lord, we are concerned about the countries of North Korea and Iran, but also any black market conspirators who would seek to have the power to destroy inherent in nuclear weapons.  We have heard that North Korea will give up seeking to have their weapons of mass destruction.  We hear of and continue to pray for the failure of anyone trying to obtain these weapons illegally and the wisdom and the intelligence of those trying to ferret out these attempts.
But, especially, Lord, we ask for really cool heads around the Iran situation.  We pray that you will once again speak audibly to Israel that they should not be pre-emptive, and that you would speak clearly to our leaders that they should try every possible means to prevent Iran from obtaining these weapons, before all of this blows up in our faces.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 9th

Good Morning, God
The headlines were, once again, about the problems that the illegal Meth labs are causing.  Once again "the public effect of private living" is taking its toll in wasted space, wasted expense, lost income - and danger to property and life.
Lord, because of the chemicals involved and the way they are mixed, the raw materials and the processes used are lethal.  A slip and the process can cause an explosion.  A slip and an entire apartment or house can go up in flames.  One slip and people can lose limbs and life.  One slip and the air we breathe becomes unfit for human consumption.
Lord, we pray for an end to Meth production and usage.  We pray for those who have found it necessary to harm their bodies with the stuff.  And we pray for wisdom and safety for law enforcement and landlords and neighbors as we combat this dangerous and deadly habit.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, March 7th

Good Morning, God
The storms have cleared and the snow has cleared and now the clean-up can begin in earnest and safety.
Lord, first of all, we are so grateful that our area was spared this time from the devastation and damage of these latest storms.  Thank You.  However, Lord, this does leave us with frustration - frustration that the damage is so far away that we can't just go for a few hours or a day to help.
We do give thanks, Lord, for those who can help.  We give thanks for the many church folks - Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Christian and Independent church folks - who have boots on the ground, who are taking special collections, who are even providing worship services and pastoral care and resting places and hot coffee and food.
We also grieve with those who have lost loved ones, beloved possessions and their only place of shelter.  Give them the strength to endure and the hope for a new tomorrow.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 5th

Good Morning, God
The headlines read: The Healthiest State of Them all is Hawaii.  Then comes North Dakota, Minnesota, Alaska and Utah.  It seems, Lord, that a Gallup Healthways Well-being Index Poll surveyed the physical, mental and emotional health of us Americans, and found that overall; the healthiest totals were in Hawaii.  The poll looked at how people saw themselves: in life, were they struggling or thriving.  In physical health, were they obese and/or using sick days during the month.  In emotional health were they feeling happy, depressed or stressed? Were they exhibiting health or unhealthy behaviors in smoking, eating, exercising?  In their work environment, did they have job satisfaction, treated right at work?  In the basics of life, did they have safety in their neighborhoods, access to medicine, doctors and health insurance?  And, in Hawaii, more respondents said that they had smiled and/or laughed the day before, had better eating and exercise habits, and lower smoking rates.
Well, Lord, while Southern Indiana doesn’t quite have the beauty and mild weather of Hawaii, we can still choose how healthy or not we are going to live.  May we choose the healthy ways.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, March 2nd

Good Morning, God
Today you should be very pleased, Lord, for this is the day that the entire world is at prayer, at least those who believe in you.  At least those faiths that are included in your Good Book.  What's that Lord?  You haven't seen this yet?  Most of the world is going about its separate ways, with only a few people stopping, usually at noon, to have a special prayer time and service?  What's that Lord?  You have set aside this special day to especially listen to our prayers?
Well, we won't disappoint you, Lord.  We come before you today in humbleness, thanking you for your sustaining love and forgiveness.  We praise you for the world in which we live and the joy of living with each other.  We pray that more people, yea all people, will live more closely in harmony.  We pray for an end to disease and discord, an end to immorality and individualism, and a beginning to harmony and helpfulness, mutual respect and responsibility.  Lord, we will pray especially this day.  Hear the prayers we make.
In Jesus' name, Amen