A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 29th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we consider two headlines this morning. We consider the headlines form Ohio, where a student opened fire on other students on Monday morning. the lives of two students have been snuffed out and the lives of many others altered forever with fear being introduced and innocence shattered. Lord, our children are supposed to be safe, especially at school. Be with those in Ohio in the days ahead.
We also consider today the headlines about two men who have helped keep our own children safe in and around Huntingburg. Lord, we give you thanks for the combined 60-plus years of service of retiring Chief of Police Ron Drew and retiring Detective Sargent Bill Wampler. Through good times and bad, through changes in  their jobs, through changes in administrations, and through the changing crimes and criminal elements, Ron and Bill have served us well. Lord, thank you for their gifts on the job and in life. Bless them in their retirement.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 27th

Good morning, God
The international headlines are interesting these days, Lord.  Greece has been saved from insolvency (and we know the relief that brings!); there is a report about how men disfigure women with acid in Pakistan when they are dissatisfied with their women in some way and there is the report out of Spain about how workers collect unemployment benefits even while earning wages both on and under the table (and we know about this, also!).
Lord, the world – the entire world – needs your way desperately.  Your simple plan, if put into practice world-wide, would eliminate the cheating, the harming of each other, the “expecting something for nothing” attitude.  Your simple plan, if we would follow it, would make you our Supreme Leader, would give us respect for each person, would give us irrefutable standards to which to hold ourselves as individuals.  Your simple plan would, at the very least, cause us to respect each other – if not love each other. 
Lord, may we better follow your Ten Commandments and know a life lived well.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, February 24th

Good morning, God
Winning and losing, winners and losers dominate the headlines around here these days, Lord.  We are in the midst of all the basketball finals, especially locally.  These games are planned for, the players are up for them and the fans come out for them.  When they are over, some go home elated and some go home disappointed.
Lord, as we think about winning and losing, we remember that you are with all.  You rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.  You remind us that the gifts we used to win come from you and that even if we lost; we still have your gifts.  We are reminded that you favor neither team nor a particular player, but that your encouragement to “do your best and never give up” is your cheer.
So, Lord, may we always seek to do our best and never give up – in sports, in the game of live and in the relationships of faith.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 22nd

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 22nd

Good Morning, God,
Lord, even as we pray this hour, we will be seeing men and women with a smudge in the shape of a cross on their foreheads. These folks have already been to church on this day called “Ash Wednesday.” At various times during this day and into this evening, more ash crosses will be placed on individual foreheads.
Lord, we are humbled by these crosses. We are trying to show you and the world that we are going to walk more closely with Jesus during these next forty days we call in the Church “the season of Lent.” We want to demonstrate, albeit quietly, that we have a good ways to go to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly. But during Lent, we are going to make a special effort to be closer to you.
Thus, Lord, we come before you this day in faith, penitence and hope that we will be better followers of Jesus and be more acutely aware of all we owe to him.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 20th

Good morning, God
We give you thanks today for those who have led the democracy of our country over the years.  Especially we thank you for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, for who this “Presidents’ Day” was originally named, but now is used to honor all of our Presidents.
Lord, from the inception of these United States, we have been blessed with a system of government that enables and encourages the participation of all its citizens, the recognition and election of a few gifted individuals to serve the rest of us, the checks and balances necessary to prevent a dictatorship, unilateral decision-making and to provide for fair elections, so that we, the citizens of the United States of America, can live to expect that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” will be available to us.
Lord, we thank you for the service of past Presidents and ask that you will guide President Obama and all those who serve us in our nation’s capitol, to lead in ways that glorify your creation and provide well for our living.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, February 17th

Good morning, God
Lord, what a gift you have given us with our minds.  Our minds can be trained to direct our bodies in a certain way.  Our minds can be filled with information that accumulates and serves us well as we experience life.  Our minds, like the rest of our bodies, are fearfully and wonderfully made by you, and are a "terrible thing to waste".
Lately, Lord we have the headlines of some of our young people being invited to the White House to share their science project with others and with the President.  Of worthy note, with our young people, is that their project could be used to provide temporary shelter after a disaster.  This project could very much be able to ease the pain and brighten the lives of others!
Lord, a lot of the imagination of our minds comes naturally.  May all of our dreamings be for good and may we have the encouragement to bring dreams to fruition.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 15th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, yesterday, when we tried to show and share love more than we usually do because yesterday was Valentine Day, is over. But the actions of the day don't have to be over, do they God?
To begin with, we know that we start each day with your love, because your word says, "God is love." You prove this with all you give us. You give us life. You give us gifts - both for ourselves and to share with others. You give us unique guidance on how to live to receive blessings and to live well. At the end of our lives you give us peace and the promise to love us back into your loving arms. All you desire for all this love is for us to love you in return.
Loving God, you also have given us the desire and wherewithal to love each other as you have loved us. We can give life and brighten life. We can give gifts of physical, spiritual and mental love. We can give loving guidance in family, faith, work and other life matters.
Lord, may we always thank you for your love and pass it on each day to those you put in our path.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 13th

Good morning, God
The sign says “Silence is appreciated”.  The Headlines are about a new room for Yoga at the San Francisco International Airport.  It is believed that this room is the first of its kind.  Airports have other places for relaxation – massage chairs, airline club lounges, chapels for Jewish and Christian travelers and Christian Science Reading rooms for that ilk.  There are also the U.S.O. and Red Cross lounges for service men and women who need a place to rest before, between and after their flights.
It does seem to be a good idea, Lord.  As one person said, “It’s perfect; I can get my exercise and a little peace and quiet – a little Zen moment – before my flight.”
Lord, its Monday again for us.  We may not have a flight to catch, but we are taking off for another week.  Help us, Lord, to be able to find and use the opportunities for quiet, meditation and exercise that you provide for us this week.  The week will feel much better if we do!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, February 10th

Good morning, God
Today we pray for the international headlines coming out of Syria.  While we have celebrated hosting the Super Bowl in Indiana and New York celebrates their Giants winning that big game, the people of Syria are playing a much more serious game for much higher stakes.
Of course, politics and economics are affecting how solutions are being attempted.  In the Security Council of the United Nations, China and Russia won’t vote along with the rest who have voted for sanctions.  China and Russia do business with Syria.  So, once again, politics and economics affect detrimentally and to death the lives of every day people.
Heavenly Father, God of Christians, Hebrews and Muslims, raise your hand of peace for Syria.  Protect the lives of its citizens.  Give the leaders the wisdom necessary to solve their crisis peacefully.  We pray for the people of Syria.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 8th

Good Morning, God,
Thank you, Lord, that this incident didn't make headlines.
It happened and was overheard in a local eatery. The man (we would hesitate to say, "gentleman") was at the register to pay for his meal. The hostess asked the usual question: "And how was everything, sir?" To which the man replied, "The service _______!" (you heard it, Lord, so we won't pray it back to you). The man then commented on the fact that it was a person in a management position that didn't give good service, so it was no wonder that the overall service was so poor. To her credit, the hostess simply apologized and didn't argue.
Lord, please forgive that man for his outburst and rudeness. He must have been having a bad day. May he be gifted with much more patience. Also, please bless our restaurants with great servers who appreciate their jobs and tips so much that they go beyond what is considered "service enough," all the way to super service and warm hospitality.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 6th

Good morning, God
Lord, in the hype over the Super Bowl and the excitement of our local basketball teams and wrestling matches was also a headline about students taking to the stage to recite poetry.  Poetry, Lord, among high schools students?  Isn’t this something only those who can’t play sports, only the “artsy” folks take part in?

No, Lord?  No?  You say that each person has poetry inside of them.  You say that poetry runs the gamut from sonnets to rap, from the romantic to the rogue?  You remind us that we even refer to people who are playing sports well as “poetry in motion” at times.

Lord, the hope for the “Poetry Out Loud” effort is that it will become as accessible, important and accepted as all of our spelling bees have become.

Thank you, Lord for the beauty of poetry, from free verse to the rhyming, and for those who risk to recite.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, February 3rd

Good morning, God
Lord, we have one of the biggest events in the United States happening this weekend.  The Super Bowl of Professional Football is having its title game.  Ant it’s happening right in our own back yard!

Lord, for the most part, the Super Bowl is a wonderful extravaganza.  Everyone pulls out all the stops.  The stadium is spit-shined.  The restaurants and hotels put on extra help to offer their guests extra hospitality.  The players are psyching themselves up to play their very best.  And, Lord, the commercials – The Ad Agencies really get their creative juices flowing for these very expensive ads.

However, Lord, there is a great concern around every Super Bowl and around every big, wild event such as this.  We have to deal with those who would seek to traffic in human beings.  So, Lord, bring in the extra security.  Send in your protection.  Let us pray for the safety of all, especially women, but young women and men.  May all the action be on the field and not in dangerous ways in dangerous places.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 1st

Good Morning, God
Lord, is your calendar messed up?  Is the control for your seasons a few months off?  We ask, Lord, because this is the first of February and the weather is like we would expect more the first of March.
Lord, don't think we are complaining, though.  We enjoy the smile of the sunshine, the blueness of the sky and the warmer breezes.  It is just that our flower gardens are starting to sprout and bloom, and if you decide to send us a true winter yet this year, our fragile blossoms will get nipped.
All this said, Lord, perhaps we ought to pray for clouds tomorrow, we do enjoy this weather so much that we would like it to continue.  Therefore, may Phil the groundhog not see his shadow tomorrow, and we will give you more thanks for a beautiful, early spring!
In Jesus name, Amen