A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 31st

Good Morning, God,

We don't often see the word "gossip" in our usual media - the word is most often in tabloids at the check-out counter. But we don't have to have "gossip columns" to have "gossip" around!

For example, Lord, the other day on Facebook was the story that a teacher was fired for praying with her class in the midst of the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado. "Not true," said the administration, having to take time out of the recovery efforts to dispel the gossip.

For example, Lord, the other day several boys told lies about a particular young woman at school. No one would believe the true story from the woman. She took the only way out she knew; she took her own life. But you know this, Lord; she's at home with you now.

Lord, what we always need to do is ask: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to everyone?

If these can't be answered "yes," then it is gossip - and we need your help to keep it to ourselves.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

(The four questions are the Rotary International's "Four Way Test.")


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 29th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines have been about President Obama touring two of the sites of natural disasters - the site of the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado form a week ago, and the site of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey last fall. While in Oklahoma, the President did observe devastation of buildings and landscapes, but couldn't do anything but speak of the resolute residents and indomitable spirits of Oklahomans.

While on the Atlantic Coast, the President made remarks about how his administration is committed to standing with communities during their recovery efforts - as it has for the Jersey Shores. he also, in both cases, praised the arrival on the scenes and the efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Lord, you have endowed all of us with indomitable spirits for use in crises such as these. Thank you for the resoluteness and resourcefulness of both the victims and the aid workers. May they have the strength to do what needs to be done.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


a prayer for the headlines for Friday, May 24th

Good Morning, God,

As the school year and even the school careers end for our students, we pray for the graduates. We pray for those with the highest grade points, those with the lowest grade points, and all those in-between.

Many of the commencement speakers will encourage the graduates to "follow their dreams." Many will have the ability to do this, Lord. Many will have the smarts, the financing, the support, the mentoring to chase after what they want to do. But many will not. Many will simply end up foundering at home or around town, unable to get and hold even the simplest of jobs.

Lord, if they need a blessing of some sort to get going, use us. Use us to come along side them. Use us to picture a bright future for them. Use us to walk with them toward that future. Use us to be the first to say "'Way to go; I knew you could do it," when the dream is achieved.

Use us, Lord.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 22nd

Good Morning, God,

As showers and thunderstorms cross our paths, we lift up the headlines coming out of Moore, Oklahoma, from the huge, devastating twister that struck Monday afternoon.

Creator God, the nature you made is so awesome, from the tiniest of seed to the greatest of tree, from zygots in a womb to a person fully aged and grown, from the beautiful spring days to the ugliest of storms-the nature you made is so incredibly awesome. (See Psalm 8).

But, Lord, when devastation comes out of the clouds, we wonder why? We wonder why nature destroys so easily what we build. We wonder why nature snuffs the life out of men, women, and children, especially children hunkered down in school buildings.

Oh, Lord, our Lord, send your healing, comforting hand to those whose lives are a wreck today, and may your love and strength give us and them good courage.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 20th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, in your word, a Ruler asked rhetorically, "What is truth," when confronted with your Son, Jesus Christ and Jesus's ministry. Pilate was confused. He was confused between the secular and the sacred, between his government and a perceived threat to it, between wanting to be fair and wanting to please, between heeding his wife's warning not to have anything to do with Jesus and heeding the crowds call to crucify Jesus.

Lord God, we face the "truth" question every day. Who do we heed? To which voices to we listen? What goes into our decision-making? Who comes out ahead and gets crucified, at least figuratively?

Heavenly Father, may we be endowed with the wisdom of Solomon as we make all our decisions-and may we not rest until all truth is known in each and every situation.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 17th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, who says exercise and fund raising be fun? Recently, about 400 people demonstrated that running and walking and being showered with powdered paint can be hugely fun!

Lord, we often thank donors when they give to our projects-those who give a dollar, ten dollars, fifty or a thousand dollars. But we don't often thank the fund raisers for a job well done, for their good efforts, for their good ideas.

So, today Lord, we thank you for endowing people with energy, intelligence, imagination and love, and their desire to use these attributes to the betterment of others.

Lord, many times in your word you speak of things that amount to good, clean fun that go toward loving our neighbor. Thank you for those who use your given gifts and skills to do so.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 15th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines on the obituary page speak of many deaths due to old age, car accidents, illnesses and those who have taken their own life. What won't be reported is the way the public servants did their job at the scene of the deaths.

Recently, Lord, the deputies were called to the location of a person who took his own life. Of course, there was the usual securing of the scene, the usual flashing lights, the usual milling about while waiting for the coroner, then the funeral home. However, when the pastor arrived to represent you and the church, there was a respect and deferment to his ministry. When it was time to pray, the deputies, the coroner, and the funeral director all joined hands with the pastor and the family to ask for your strength and blessing.

Loving God, we thank you for those who can do their tough job when dealing with death, but who also can be soft and compassionate through prayer and touch.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 13th

Good Morning, God,

It's a very sad sign of our times, dear God, that we don't know our neighbors. While many television commercials depict neighbors at the hedge separating the two properties or neighbors noticing the new car in the driveway or neighbors enjoying a cookout together, the reality is we aren't "neighboring" anymore.

If we who are making this prayer today truly think about it, we really don't know what is going on with our neighbors, even those immediately to the sides of us, across the street from us or through our backyards.

Sadly, Lord, the neighbors didn't notice for 10 years that their neighbor was holding captive three young women, even that one had given birth. Blessedly, Lord, the one next door neighbor responded to a cry for help which rescued these girls. Praise you, Lord, for that neighbor!

Lord, may we vow today to get to know our neighbors and to be a great neighbor ourselves.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 10th

Good Morning, God,

 Lord, most of us who live around here are pretty happy with the living conditions and opportunities. We have all the services we need and the services are kept up and running. We have all the shopping. We need, although many go elsewhere to shop at "malls." We have most of the movies that come out. We have an arts center. We have good schools. We have excellent health facilities. What more do we need, Creator God?

The headlines are about a "Business Development Office" being opened in Huntingburg by the Indiana Small Business Development Center. This is a plus for local and regional residents and officials. Thank you, God, for giving us the desire to always do and be more.

Thank you that we have the energy, intelligence, imagination and love to put to work making where we live, play and work more like Eden. Grant, gracious God, that we will always seek to maximize the opportunities we have for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-but always in your way and will.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 8th

Good Morning, God,

The headline last week was about a high school baseball team that didn't have the essentials and thus "lost sight of the other team." As it followed, the team lost.

You ask, Lord, what some of these essentials are? Well, it is essential that a pitcher can get the ball over the plate. It is essential that fielders can stop grounders and shag the flies. It is essential that runners know when to steal and when to stick. It is very essential to listen to the coach and play as a team. It is also essential, Lord, to suit up for each game, play the game as well as one can, and be a good sport at all times, and whether one is winning or losing, do these things always.

What's that, Lord? Do we recognize these baseball essentials as essentials for life? Most of the time we do, God. We try to follow you and work as teams. We try to know when to stay put and when to move. We try to be and do the best at any position at which we are put-and we try to "suit up" each day for the game of life.

Please be with us as our owner, coach and manager, God.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 6th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, another conflict has started between two countries. Israel supposedly has bombed Syria. The Syrian deputy minister says, "We'll retaliate against Israel. Our President has said he "doesn't expect to have any U.S. boots on the ground." Yet, recently, someone in Syria supposedly used biological weapons, and this crossed a "red line" that our President set, if it is true.

Lord, you can see from your throne n heaven from where the rockets came and on what the rockets fell. The target was a military research facility.

Lord, you can hear with your ears that Israel fears Syria might be arming the Hezbollah, who in their time will fight against Israel.

Ah, loving God, we pray for peace in the Middle East. We pray for the peace that passes all human understanding - because there are so many factions and beliefs, it will take a miracle of your proportions to attain peace.

Lord, give to all peace in this time.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 3rd

Good Morning, God,

Today on some calendars. It is "May Friendship Day." On other calendars. It is the "62nd On Annual National Day of Prayer." The theme for this year, God, is "Pray for America." Your word from Matthew 12:21, says, "In Jesus's name the nations will put their hope."

What if we truly put our hope in you, God? What if we didn't  hope that our government will get it all right for us? What if we didn't put our hope in family and friends to make us happy all the time? Even, what if we didn't put all our hope in ourselves and our own abilities to survive each day?

What if, loving God, who has a plan for each of us, we determined that we would seek your face and follow where you want to take us? What if we acceded to your promise from Second Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Your promises are sure; may we do so.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 1st

Good Morning, God,

The headlines today are found in the sports report, God. One of your biggest fans and followers, Tim Teboe is being talked about. It seems that he was a great quarterback in college and an even greater man of faith. He was drafted to play in the NFL, but hasn't been able to play NFL caliber ball. He does, however, still give you praise, glory, and witness, God.

Lord God, so many times we have been good at something, but later on we aren't. Our talent that once flowed now ebbs. Our energy that once was tireless is now tired out. Our minds that once were considered brilliant are now seeming to atrophy. The gifts and skills we once were given seemed to be taken back… And we wonder, "what's next?"

God, you know the plans you have for each of us, plans to prosper and not to harm. So, for our part, may we hold fast to our faith and your guidance, as we experience each new day in, perhaps, new ways.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 29th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are international headlines that speak of atrocities of governments against their own people. In Syria, the suspicion is that some biological weapon was used. Incidentally, this theoretically crossed a "red line" that our government set before we would get involved. Give our leaders wisdom to know what to do.

In Egypt and other Islamic countries, Lord, we hear of atrocities against Christian believers perpetuated by some members of the Islamic faith. Lord, all the Christians are trying to do is worship you and show love to their neighbors in the name of Christ.

It is so unfortunate for your kingdom, Lord, that your desire for all nations, creeds, and religions be reconciled to Jesus. May your Holy Spirit's power be turned up so that more will receive your salvation.

This is enough heavy stuff for which we pray today, God. Please guide what we do this week. May it all bring glory and honor to you.

In Jesus's name, Amen.