A Prayer for the Headlines, Monday, February 7

Good Morning, God
Too often these days the headlines are about the making and using of illegal drugs, especially Methamphetamine.  Lord, there's a lot of money to be made if one makes and sells Meth.  Lord, there are a lot of "highs" to be had if one makes and uses Meth.  And, Lord, there is a huge physical and mental toll to be had if one makes and uses Meth.  Making and using Meth, one can become a thief, stealing the ingredients.  Making and using Meth, a twenty-five year old can have the body of a fifty-five, sixty-five or seventy-five year old.  Making and using Meth, a person, no matter his or her age, can mess up their mind enough that there is absolutely no reality - all becomes as hallucinations.
Loving God, use this prayer today to cause a person to stop making and using Meth.  Fill that person's life with incredible "highs" that come from living the straight life to the fullest, and Lord, give your strength, guidance and support to each person who would love to get off of Meth, for their sake and ours.
In Jesus name, Amen

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