A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 28

Good Morning, God
Sadly, Lord, the headlines last week were about four Americans who were sailing the seas until their boat was hijacked off the coast of Somalia.  It seems that 19 men swarmed the sailboat.  During the negotiations with the pirates, shots were heard and the Americans, who were now hostages, were dead.
Lord, one of the statements made was that the victims were aware that it was dangerous sailing as an only boat in the area where they were.  But, because of their dreams and desires, they went anyway.
This gives us great pause to think, gracious God.  When do we pursue our dreams and when do we not?  When do the rewards outweigh the risks and how do we know?  How do we know which course to trust and which path to discard?
Lord, you have given us the faculties to deal with these things:  hearts to dream & minds to weigh the dreams.  May we keep these two in the proper, safe balance.
In Jesus name, Amen

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