A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 2nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we pray this day that every able-bodied person of working age could hear these words from a great hymn:
Come, labor on,
Who dares stand idle on the harvest plane.
While all around us waves the golden grain.
And to each servant does the master say,
"Go, work today!"

Heavenly father, you made us male and female to use the gifts and skills you gave us to support ourselves, to provide for our families, to better our communities, and to plan for and protect our futures. You are correct, Lord, in saying that "idle hands are the devil's workshop." You were right, Lord, to show us how to work six days of the week, but also to take the seven today to worship, enjoy and thank you, as well as to enjoy each other.

So, Lord, thank you for holidays that celebrate labor, vacation days that give us extended rest from our labors… And your seventh-day commandment each week to take a much-needed 24-hour break. May we always do so.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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