A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we often hear and see corrections on the air or in the paper.  These corrections often end with "we regret the error" or "we apologize for the mistake".  Hopefully, once this is done, the hurt feelings over the error get salved and life goes on reconciled.  This is your way, isn't it, Lord?
However, there are those times when we feel we have been so slighted that no amount of apologizing seems to salve the wound.  Sometimes when a person feels slighted, they choose to hold on to the slight, share it with friends and family, and generally keep bringing up the slight as often as possible.
Lord, help us to live our faith better.  Our faith instructs us to forgive each other even as Christ has forgiven us.  Christ has forgiven us for our original sin with which we were born and for all the sins of commission and omission that we have ever done.  He has done this because he loves us.  He remembers our sins no more.
Lord, this is Monday.  May this day be the first day of the rest of our lives that we are living in forgiveness and love.
In Jesus' name, Amen

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