A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 25th

Good Morning, God,
the headlines the past two days are indicative of the trouble we are in as a nation. While our current President is proposing and promoting plans to get our country going, the possible candidates for running against him are fighting ugly among themselves! Then there is the third headline that is almost a lone voice, our own Governor, who had to rebut what the President said.
At least, Lord, we aren't out fighting in the streets! However, we are fighting in places that may not do us a lot of real good - in the media which slants every which way and in the winds of public opinion which are blowing in every direction.
Lord, you have given us brains to think; please give us more wisdom to know how to use the knowledge. Please give us maturity in what we expect from those who govern us and give those who do govern, or want to govern, the maturity and wisdom to do so well and rightly.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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