A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 12th

Good Morning, God,
Last night's "Candidates Forum" was what it was, Lord: Interesting, informative, sometimes challenging.
We should always be grateful for those men and women who will stick their necks out, put their lives under scrutiny, risk their reputations and invest their resources to stand for election to a public office!
We should also be grateful for men and women willing to take on the leadership of our social and civic clubs which, while not necessarily involving the same or as many risks, definitely involve a commitment of time and running the risk of being criticized.
Lord, you have given everyone the ability to do at least one thing very well in life. Some you have gifted to be leaders; some you have gifted to be followers; some you have gifted to be helpers.
Lord, may we excel in the special calling you have given us. And in our political processes - may what we do measure up to your election standards for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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