A Prayer for the Headlines, Friday, May 13

Good Morning, God
Here it is Friday the 13th.  We may consider the day a day of bad luck.  However, most of the time, it isn't bad luck but a lack of wisdom, a lack of knowledge (and there is a difference), a lack of consensus and/or a lack of agreeing to disagree agreeably - before a proposed project costs $300,000, with the only results being that we know what we don't want.

Heavenly Father, there are good intelligent folks on all sides of the library issue.  There are good, intelligent folks who are paying taxes to pay for all sides of the library issue.  There are good, intelligent folks who are becoming frustrated, hurt and angry on all sides of the library issue.

Lord, may this prayer for the library issue, that keeps making the headlines, help the decision makers come to an agreement without spending much more money.  At this point, it isn't about winning or losing, personally, because all of us are losing.  It is about coming to a decision where all of us are winners and we get a much-improved library.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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