A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, April 6

Good Morning, God,
We pray for the desisions that need to be made around the Federal Budget, Lord. If the decisions aren't made soon, the Federal Government will "shut down" on Friday. Some say that this wouldn't be a bad idea; however, we need to services that our civil sevants provide. Oh, sure, Lord, there are efficiencies that can be had. There are cuts that can be made. There are even taxes that can be rasied. But "politics" enter into the picture, and they are a force that almost cannot be overcome!
However, Lord, there are good men and women who are intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and responsible in Washington charged with making these decisions for us. Therefore, we ask for the gift of Solomon's Wisdom to be with them until they can work these things out.
Lord, we have so many blessing from you. Please give special blessings of wisdom and understanding to these who are the decision-makers in these important times.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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