Prayers for the Headlines, Friday, December 24, 2010

Good Morning, God
Here it is Christmas Eve morning, Lord.  As we make last minute purchases and arrangements for gifts and travel, are you getting ready for the birthday party for you son, Jesus?  Father God, even though we can read and believe that Jesus has been with you from the beginning; even though we believe that everything that was made by you also was made by Jesus; we also believe that you sent your son, Jesus to earth to make it possible for us to go to heaven.
So, Lord, as we go through this day, may we begin to slow down our daily routines, slow down our rushing to get to the stores and slow down our fretting and look forward to the stillness of the night, the beauty of the cold, the warmth of candle lights, streetlights and houselights, and see in our hearts this night and into tomorrow your love for us in your son, your only son, Jesus Christ, whose birthday we celebrate with you.  Thank you, Father God, for you son, Jesus, the Christ.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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