A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 29th

Good Morning, God,

Gracious God, our heavenly father, we thank you for the blessed opportunities you have given us to make these headline prayers for these past several years. We know that they have been your words, spoken through our voice and over the airwaves to bring to your people a message from you about the things we face each day. Lord, at times it has been hard to make the prayers you have wanted, as the headlines were very sad to us at other times, it has been easy to lift up the prayers, as the headlines were about joyful things to us.

But, Lord, no matter what the mood of the headlines has been, you have always provided the prayer we needed to hear to sense your presence in our lives. Lord, help us to know, even without these prayers, that you are always in our lives, and if you give us the inspiration, we can make our own "prayers for the headlines," no matter the headlines, each day through eternity.

Thank you, Lord God, for the "Prayers for the Headlines."

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 27th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, as we begin to really look forward to tomorrow, let us consider the things for which we ought to be thankful.

We are thankful that we have the results of your creative genius, Lord. Even as the landscape turns brown around us, it takes on its own beauty. There are fields of new green where the farmers are using conservation methods to help your creation. The sky lights seem to shine brighter and crispe;r the air is fresher.

We are thankful for our health and strengthen and daily food-and we give you the thanks, loving God. You made us and sustain us and guide our lives.

We are always thankful for the opportunities to be with friends, family and loved ones, especially tomorrow, Lord. It is good that you set us on earth to have relationships that bring joy to our hearts.

Thank you, God, for the gift of Thanksgiving.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 25th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are out of the international scene today. One headline says, "It's a deal." A "deal" has been struck between Iran and six world powers, including the United States. Under the deal, Iran promises to limit its nuclear activities in return for the other world powers to ease the sanctions that have been imposed on Iran. Iran has said that they weren't enriching uranium for weapons; others have said they were.

Now, there is this a six-month deal while a more formal deal was worked out. Everyone seems pretty pleased with themselves, Lord. Everyone seems proud of the negotiated "deal."

Lord, in most cases, a person's word is their "bond." We learn this from you: "let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no"." However, if we don't read your word nor follow your teachings, a person's word may not be considered to be worth anything at all.

So, we pray this day that everyone's words in this important international matter can be trusted.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 22nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we have heard fou

In Jesus's name, and.r words we don't ever want to hear in the headlines: "They Dropped the Bomb."

Fortunately, this doesn't refer to dropping a nuclear bomb from a plane over an enemy. Unfortunately, it does apply to a sacrosanct rule of debate and takes away the ability to block votes in the United States Senate. With the dropping of the bomb, now filibusters can be stopped with only a simple majority, rather than a two-thirds vote.

Lord, we have a great deal of rancor among those who are making decisions for us in Washington these days. Discourse is put-one, friendships are strained, decisions are made for political reasons and not often for what is best for we, the American people.

Lord, before any more people get hurt because of the many decisions that are being made, intervene in the United States government, the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, all three.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 18th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, you have heard this prayer many times before coming from sports teams that come from the YMCA's: "When or lose I pledge before God to play the game as well as I know how; to be to obey the rules; and to be a good sport at all times. Amen." We are grateful for this kind of attitude when we play any sport, or in fact, live the sport of life.

Although they weren't YMCA games on Friday night, the Jasper and Southridge football games were games that were played with the attitude of the YMCA games. Both Jasper and Southridge lost, Lord, but the players on both teams played the games as well as they knew how. They obeyed the rules-there was only one penalty in the Jasper game. They they were good sports at all times-they didn't cheat, there wasn't any extra-curricular activity on the field between players, and when the game was over they shook hands.

Lord, thank you for players who play fair and obey the rules and are good sports-and hold their heads up high,win or lose.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 15th

Good Morning, God,

The headline was about a new woodcarving that sits in Jasper on eighth street. It seems that one of your old trees, a 100-year-old, 5- inch pin oak blew over in one of your storms, God. Now, a wood carver has fashioned a beautiful statue of one of your saints, Francis of Assisi. We appreciate St. Francis for his kindness to all of your creatures, loving God, as it is important that we always try to respect all life, human, plant and animal, with the lives we lead.

We do thank you, Loving Father, for your creative genius in making life and putting us in the midst of it. We thank you for the ability to be kind to all things, but especially to each other.

So today, Lord, may we take stock of ourselves and ask ourselves if we can be better caretakers of nature, of the environment, but especially of each other. We are made in your image, God, and it would be sinful to harm any likenesses of you!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 11th

Good Morning, God,

It's been a tough weekend for the Philippines, Lord. One of your huge hurricanes hit that island on Thursday, Lord, causing a huge amount of damage and many deaths. Lord, many people were evacuated to safe areas, but with the storm that strong with the winds and rains, persons can run but not hide! So, this morning, we pray for safety and peace, mercy and strength, for the people of the Philippines. Lend them your grace during this time of recovery.

Lord, during times of devastation-whether naturally caused, or the result of human action-we remember your words from the 69th Psalm and we plead them now:
Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold. I have come into deep water, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me. With your faithful help rescue me from sinking in the mire; do not let the floods sweep over me, or the deep swallow me up, or the pit close its mouth over me… I will praise the name of the Lord.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 8th

Good Morning, God,

The news was relatively local at first, but then made the national headlines: Timothy Bowers, a 32-year-old man, fell from a deer stand, became paralyzed and was put on life support, to be one life support the rest of his life. When asked what he wanted, he chose to be taken off the life support, and he died. Mr. Bowers left behind his wife of three months, who was pregnant with their first child.

It is said that "He had such a strong faith that it didn't surprise that he made the decision. He was ready to go to heaven; he was ready for God." Heavenly Father, we trust that you have received Timothy into your heaven. We ask your blessing on those left behind.

We also ask that we be given the strength, desire and wisdom to contemplate what we want our death to be like, and whether or not we would choose to forgo life support for the rest of our earthly existence for an early entrance into heaven with you.

Gracious God, may we live as those who do not fear death and dying. May we live as those who love life, but as one who also looks forward to eternal life with you through faith in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 6th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, you didn't create us to always receive bad news, sometimes heart-rending news, sometimes news of crimes and how many were hurt and/or killed. No, Lord, in your creative genius, you made us to also receive good news, news of people, especially young people, making beautiful music and designs on a football field through marching bands.

Today, we thank you for this good which has shown through, especially through the Forest Park and the Jasper bands. We thank you that they have had the stamina and work ethic, the talent and understanding to take their performances all the way to the state competitions. And, we rejoice with them that they brought back high finishes. Out of all the bands in the state, Forest Park is number one and Jasper is number four.

Lord, this is cause for Thanksgiving-for the gift of music you give and the use of the gift by our teenagers! Thank you, God.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 3rd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about those who have suddenly lost their lives: A Transportation Safety Administration agent; and assistant football coach; a person caught up in a traffic accident; a person coming off the field of a football game who just crumpled and died.

None of these people had planned to die suddenly; perhaps none of these people had made any preparation as to what would happen if they died.

Yet, Lord, you tell us in your word to live our lives ready to die. You tell us that when we have accepted your love in your son Jesus that whether we live or die, we "are the Lords;" we are yours.

Lord of the living and the dead, may we this day have the sense of peace that comes from knowing your love through our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior-in case we live or die today!

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 1st

Good Morning, God,

The question was asked the other day, "Are Dubois County Residents with German Roots, Especially Young People, Losing Interest in Their Heritage? Some People Think So." The news went on to show and tell about our German heritage in Dubois County.

Gracious God, indeed you have made us to value from where we have come. We may say that all of us are related, even if we have to go all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden!

Unfortunately, we may be losing interest in our heritage, because to celebrate our heritage means to set ourselves apart from those who aren't like us. Then to its worst, this can lead to serious discrimination.

But, Lord, may we celebrate the history, the background, the "heritage" of each person, rejoicing in the best and forgiving the worst and enjoying the variety that each person brings to our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 30th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, really, it was a slow news week. A lot of the headlines dealt with our inhumanity toward each other: murder, mayhem, nude pictures being sent by a teacher, child rape and abuse, and accusations of racial discriminations, still, in this day and age when by now we really ought to be color-blind.

A lot of these stories made the headlines because the government had really only one story going on: the mess up rolling out the computer software for signing up for Obama care. This, in itself, is really old news, though.

However, the new news is about the company and party who wrote the main software. Turns out, it was a company where a classmate of Michelle Obama was an important vice-president, and it was created on a no-bid contract.

Lord, we pray that our government will do its best to be transparent and circumspect of any and all its dealings. We must be able to trust those who govern us! May it be so.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 28th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are from the world of sports today, specifically the World Series, game three, on Saturday night. It is said that the game was won on a "walk-off" when a runner crossed home plate in the bottom of the night. The thing is, God, he crossed home plate because the umpire had sent him home, after he had been "obstructed" at third base. It seems that after the third baseman had dived for a grounder, the runner tripped over him, thus being obstructed, thus being awarded home plate.

Lord, after the controversy surrounding the call, the ruling was correct and handled correctly. Let's move on now, and play the next game.

The thing is, often, no matter whether something in our lives is right or wrong, we don't want to move on-we want to keep bringing the issue up, keep arguing even that the rules are stupid, keep trying to say that the offense wasn't meant and should be excused.

Heavenly Father, may we seek to understand the rules and live by them, especially yours.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 25th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we give thanks for the positive news we can report, for the news of people in trouble doing something worthwhile.

Such is the case of some of the offenders at the county jail. Seems that part of their rehabilitation is including working on and in the garden plot, growing vegetables for the food bank and other places.

Lord God, when we can see the garden, when we can see the faces, when we can see the produce, and we can see the pride, then we know that the decent parts of human beings are coming out.

Creator God, inside every human being a battle is being fought, a battle between good and evil. When evil wins, people land in jail. When good triumphs, people grow gardens.

Thank you, Father, for the good in people. May good always shine on our faces.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 23rd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines have spoken of how, with the shutdown over, "happy routines" return. Included in these happy routines are visits to National Parks and Monuments, offices back in buildings where they belong, environmental and engineering folks taking care of the natural things in life, and schoolchildren being able to take their full trip to Washington, DC, and surrounding national landmarks.

Ah, the "happy routines"; normalcy: commerce, community, and caring.

But, Lord, is this what our lives together is all about-everyone going along happy in their routines? We know that many of us weren't unhappy that our democracy was on the line during the shutdown; many of us were unhappy because our own routines were shut down.

Gracious God, may we all take a look at our happy routines and see if, just perhaps, we ought to re-consider our priorities.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 21st

Good Morning, God,

Lord, tonight is a big party that ought to make the headlines tomorrow. It is a night that honors you, God. It is the night of the annual Young Life and Wild Life banquet. It is a catered affair, served by the Junior and Senior high youth who participate in Young Life. And, who may participate in Young Life and Wild Life? Any junior and senior high youth who wants to come closer to you, God, and have good friends who are also close to you.

Lord, you know the value of Young Life and Wild Life  You know the many times a youth needs a good listing here. You unfortunately know the times when a young person thinks that life is not worth living and need someone to bring you close to them to give them worse. You know the times, Lord, when the Young Life and Wild Life peer groups are important groups for turning a person's life around, bringing them into a personal relationship with you, and giving them hope, joy, and a better future because of faith.

Lord, bless the Young LIfe banquet tonight and may Young Life and Wild Life continue saving lives for you.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 18th

Good Morning, God,

We want to thank you this day for all the headlines involving the extra-curricular activities for our young people and their parents and friends. We are so encouraged when the stories tell about the team's efforts, the winning and losing, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

We give thanks for the patience of the coaches and directors. We are grateful for the individual skills learned and the team efforts put forth. We admire the discipline and perseverance learned and practiced, and the beauty of a sport well-played or a piece of marching band music that paints a beautiful picture. We give thanks that the wins don't come easy, that the gold ratings aren't automatic-they come the old-fashioned way-they have to be earned.

God, who created our bodies so we can play sports and music, we are thankful for the gifts and skills for both

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 16th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, thank you that our lives are more than bumper stickers! When we drive on our streets and highways and see what are on the backs of the vehicles in front of us, thank you that our lives are much richer, much fuller, much lovelier than a short, pithy slogan.

What do you like to see on a bumper sticker, Lord, when you are behind a vehicle? Do you like to see the fish symbol, the indication that the occupants are Christian? Do you wonder about the fish symbol that has sprouted legs to indicate that the occupants believe in evolution? Do you like the stickers that indicate the number of members of the family, including pets? Do you like the sticker that says that you are the drivers copilot, or would you rather see the one that says, "If God is your copilot, move over"?

Lord, bumper stickers are as good as headlines. Both fortunately and unfortunately, they speak of who we are and what we value. May we only stick stickers that please you, God.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 14th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are out of the world of sports today, Lord. Teams have been upset, and this causes people to be upset. Indiana upset Penn State a few weeks back. Texas upset Oklahoma Saturday. Penn State upset Michigan. Missouri upset Georgia. LSU upset Florida. Utah upset Stanford. Lord, what's with all of these upsets?

Of course, Lord, we can't attribute any of this to you and your blessing or not blessing a team. You really don't favor one team over another. You give the players, their bodies, their health, and their minds. Then, through patient coaching, the encouragement of parents and fans, and the sheer will to do well, the gifts and skills of the players are used to play the games.

Lord, grant that each of us use the bodies you have given us to play the great game of life well. May we know that we will be victorious at the end because we have played our best for our life coach named Jesus Christ. May we know that this victory is not a surprise or an upset to anyone, but an assured victory because of our belief in Coach Jesus.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 11th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, somewhere inside each one of us is the desire to help other people. It may come through a young man, himself often put down and down and out, helping others so that they can survive just a little bit longer and get a leg up.

The desire to help others may come through those who volunteer in community not-for-profit organizations, for example, the crisis connection, the YMCA, the local food banks, our local churches and schools.

Another place that people are helping out as volunteers is our hospital, where the motto is "Be for Others." Headed up the last few years by the same person, the number of volunteers has doubled.

What a gift-the unselfish gift of self in a place where even the smallest gift may mean the difference between a positive and negative outcome.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift that volunteers give to our hospital, "Being for Others."

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 9th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines have been about the serious standoff situation in Hayesville last Saturday morning. Guns were involved. SWAT was called in. A command post was set up. A robot was deployed. The house was stormed. The suspect was taken into custody without gunfire. All ended as well as it could; as well as law enforcement could have hoped for, as they had trained for.

Heavenly father, we thank you for the wisdom and cool heads of our law enforcement people. Thank you for their constant physical training and psychological understanding. Continue to keep them safe as they face dangerous situations.

Gracious God, look with compassion upon the person causing all the commotion. May he come to know the whys and wherefores of his actions. May he get any help he needs to be healed from it. And, may he give the law enforcement thanks for his life.

Thank you, God, for the way this one turned out.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 7th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines spoke about the right way to argue about religion. They came with those little word bubbles saying things like, "God must love stupid," "Who are you even talking to, you stupid moron?" and "Your beliefs are evil."

The story is about "Holy Trollers," folks who follow a particular blog online and comment, one after another, about religion. The article speaks of those who can come across as "The Streetcorner Prophet," "The Provoker," "The Atheist," "The Scholar,""The Peacemaker."

The Streetcorner Prophet predicts gloom and gloom and going to hell. The Provoker loves to preach about the stupidity of religion. The Atheist says there is no such thing as you, God. The Scholar has the biblical proofs for everything biblical, including all the symbolism in your book of Revelation. The Peacemaker is content to not argue any points even when the points disagree with the Peacemaker's view.

Lord God, you knew that this is the way faith would be, yet you left the book open for it. Perhaps we need all five of these characters to make faith real and our minds. But, Lord, we ought to echo the words of Scripture: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." May it be so.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayers for the Headlines for Friday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God,

Lord God, protect us from ourselves! Give us more patience, more wisdom, more care in these very trying times.

Comfort the distraught. Bring intelligence, understanding and compromise to our leaders. Protect the least of us, the lost among us and the lonely who are without us.

Gracious God, the headlines speak yesterday and today of the wild incident involving a woman driving a car around the capital area in Washington, D. C. The police responded immediately; debate in Congress was halted; Capitol Hill was locked down, and as one reaped representative stated, "The timing on this was really kind of scary. Capitol Hill police are at a lower personnel level because of the shutdown."

Lord, we should not have to use a "scary situation" to get the job done! But, the whole situation is scary: layoffs, closed government and non-government offices, angry people, and a populace that is weary of the stalemate.

Help us, loving God!

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 30th

Good Morning, God,

Today, Lord, we want to say "thank you" for the lives we live in our small towns.

We think about the Jasper Strassenfest, the Dale Fall Fest, the Holland Community Fest, the Ferdinand Folk Festival, and the Huntingburg Herb Fest. It often seems that these festivals are the place to be. They hearken us back to what seems to be a simpler lifestyle, a time when it was a joy to take time from the farms and factories and enjoy friends and family and fun.

Now, as then, we get to share our wares, our good food, our games. Even though our food booths take time, it is a joyful time for raising funds for various good causes. Even though it takes time and some money to set-up and tear-down, it is a worthwhile venture to provide clean, safe venues that bring us together.

Lord God, a God who loves a good get-together, thank you for the good hearts, good ideas and good times that we have at our community festivals. Until next year, then.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 27th

Good Morning, God,

There is a headline out of North Dakota about a person who wants to buy up a small town and convert it to one which is all one race and culture. Currently there are several different colors and cultures represented by those living in the town. It is just a small town, Lord, so what difference would it make? If this person wants to live with only his "kind," what's the harm in that?

This isn't the first situation like this, either. As long as there have been men and women and differences, there have been desires to stick with one's own kind. Your book, the Bible, speaks of this, of not inter-marrying, of not associating with some people, of keeping oneself pure from different sins, lifestyles and religions.

Yet, in the end, your Book always comes around to saying that in your kingdom, in the world you desire, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free. What matters solely to you, Lord, is that we become as one because we have come together in Christ-red and yellow, black and white-all are precious in your site, and you want us all together in your kingdom.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 16th

(Better late than never!)

Good Morning, God,

Creator God, you gave us the lakes and shorelines. You surround our highways and byways with your dirt and grass. You give us all things natural.

However, God, you also created us humans and endowed us with creative ideas that when used, create waste. Sadly, we aren't all that careful, either, Lord, when we dispose of that waste-we toss our trash on your lakes, shorlines and out our vehicle windows onto your shoulders. We lay waste to the land and pollute the lakes. We actually abuse your good gifts of imagination and freedom, of intellect and reason, and we end up breaking the world you have given us.

Lord, forgive us when we don't care for the gifts of good and beautiful waters, lands and fresh air. And, where we are willing to help maintain your natural resources, give us the energy, intelligence, imagination and love to do so, even as was illustrated not long ago at our Lake Patoka. May we be found "cleaning up."

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 13th

(A late posting)
Good Morning, God,

Lord, your word says in the book of Micah, chapter 6, verse 8, what you require of a person of your liking. You say, "Only this: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you, our God."

Lord, you are so blessing the efforts of the congregation of believers at the Dale Presbyterian Church. You are so blessing their faithfulness to this verse that they are breaking ground on the new Micah center this Sunday to do even more justice, to demonstrate even more mercy, and to humbly give you even more of the credit.

We praise you, Lord God, for what you are doing in Dale through the faithful people there. However, such are the opportunities of any godly person; any of us can see to it that justice is done for the least the lost and the lonely. Any of us can give mercy to the least, the lost, and the lonely. Any of us can walk humbly with you, our God, any time.

May we, in our own ways, live out your desire that we do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 11th

(a late posting)
Good Morning, God,

The headlines speak of an "off-the-cuff" remarked by Secretary of State John Kerry, suggesting that if Syria would put their chemical weapons under international control, it may avert a U.S. air strike against Syria. It seems that Russia took the idea and ran with it, China went along with it, and the U.S. is leery of it, but hopeful.

Lord, for those of us who have been praying for a much better solution to the situation than bombing, we will give you the credit for the idea, for the details and for the acceptance. Now, we pray for the carrying out of the plan and the honoring of it for the future.

Gracious God, it is always best when people, as individuals, as well as national representatives, seek solutions that encourage growth and the life rather than destruction and death. May we always have the hope of abundant life.

In Jesus' name, Amen

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 25th

Good Morning, God,

Lord Jesus, we are so grateful when we feel safe, at least feeling safe most of the time. We say "thank you" when we go to see a movie and return home safely. We say "thank you" when our children return home from school safely. We say "thank you" when our sons and daughters and spouses have an uneventful day while on military duty. We say "thank you" when we have enjoyed a day of shopping with friends and made it home for supper. We say "thank you" when we weren't involved in that car accident along the way. We say "thank you" when our homes indeed remain our castles, and we find ourselves safe in them each and every day.

We say "thank you, loving God, for your protection, each day. Thank you for the peace it brings to our lives. And, thank you, that at our end, we may dwell securely with you, eternally, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 23rd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines were about four groups of community members, teachers and administrators coming together to describe perfection in learning experiences, classrooms, educational leadership and systems of communication. Some brain cells were generating a multitude of ideas, other cells were sorting through the ideas, yet other cells were accepting the great ideas and tossing the others out. It was wondrous to behold!

It's too bad, Lord God, that all of us can't, don't, or won't participate in such brain-storming sessions to solve the myriad of problems that face us every day.

What if, God, we decided today, Monday, that by Friday. We with two others will have hatched three new ways of better doing something. These ways would be applicable for work, play, family, individually, cheaply or astronomically expensive. Cause us to use the brain cells you have given us to make something better. This week.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 20th

Good Morning, God,

O Great Physician, it was just supposed to be a routine surgery, but not without the usual risks exacerbated by other cumulative health problems. During the beginning of surgery, the heart stopped and couldn't be restarted. Someone ushered the loved ones into a private room. The doctor came and told them what was going on. The chaplain was called. Everyone waited. At one time there was a glimmer of hope, then even that glimmer was extinguished. The patient had died.

Great Physician, we know our bodies have a specific life-span, and it is different for all of us. We never know when our time is going to expire for this life. We believe we can prolong life with medical help, but it is still your will letting us live this life.

Great physician, help us to always remember that our days are numbered and that we always need to be ready to meet you, our Maker, and to know you through Jesus Christ our lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednsday, September 18th

Good Morning, God,

Once again, God, the questions are being asked about how something like this could have happened. The something this time is the Navy Yard shooting this week in Washington, D.C. How did the guy get a pass to get in? How could he have bought a shotgun? How could he have passed a background check? Supposedly he had a "pattern of misconduct" in the Navy, run-ins with the law and possible mental health problems; how did he get a pass?

We are sure, God, that inquiring minds will figure all of this out, and some heads will probably roll and there will be more talk of gun control, etc., etc., etc.

However, God, the issue is, until you come and set up your kingdom on earth, we will always have these and other kinds of evil happenings. We can stem some of the tide bit by bit as people come to Jesus, but until the devil is fully overcome by Jesus, we will experience these things. So, our prayer today is, "Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come."

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 9th

Good Morning, God,

Eternal God, for any of the headlines that are shining in our eyes or ringing in our years this day:

May your eternal light shine into our hearts;
May your eternal goodness deliver us from evil;
May your eternal power the our support;
May your eternal wisdom scatter the darkness of our ignorance;
May your eternal pity have mercy upon us,

that with all our heart and mind and strength, we may seek your face and be brought by your infinite mercy to your holy way and presence, that you will:

Be in our head and in our understanding;
Be in our eyes and in our looking;
Be in our mouth and in our speaking;
Be in our heart and in our thinking;
Be at our end and at our departing.

Eternal God, help us so to know you that we may truly love you
and so to love you that we may fully serve you,
whose service is perfect freedom
and whose answers are just what the headlines need!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 6th

Good Morning, God,

God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you, and voices to sing your praise. Creator God, you have also given us minds to do wisely in our daily actions, hearts to love others in our daily relationships, and voices to sing of all the good things in life.

Lord, we need to put to better use our minds, hearts, and voices. Our headlines speak of children who have died because they are left in hot vehicles. Our minds need to remember and control our actions. Our headlines speak daily of vehicle accidents where one vehicle hits another from behind. Lord, our minds need to remember and stay back farther. Our headlines speak of domestic and child abuse. Our hearts need to go out to the victims, and our heads need to work on solutions. Our headlines speak the voices of war and destruction. Our voices need to speak to our hearts and minds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, and self-control.

Lord God, give us hearts, minds, voices…and grace to do things your way.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 4th

Good Morning, God,

God of true justice and peace, your Word cautions kings to estimate the cost of going to war. It warns that one may be going against a power bigger than one. Your Word instructs to send a delegation and work out terms of peace.

God of the universe, help our leaders count, then re-count, the cost of sending missiles into Syria, whether in retaliation or punishment, or the worst reason of all, to show our strength of government!

Heavenly Father, what we and all other nations ought to be doing is supporting the weak and helping the afflicted in Syria, while shunning those who would commit such atrocities against their own citizens, but more importantly, against other human beings.

Heavenly Father, actions of destruction will not be prudent; protect us from unwise decisions.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 2nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we pray this day that every able-bodied person of working age could hear these words from a great hymn:
Come, labor on,
Who dares stand idle on the harvest plane.
While all around us waves the golden grain.
And to each servant does the master say,
"Go, work today!"

Heavenly father, you made us male and female to use the gifts and skills you gave us to support ourselves, to provide for our families, to better our communities, and to plan for and protect our futures. You are correct, Lord, in saying that "idle hands are the devil's workshop." You were right, Lord, to show us how to work six days of the week, but also to take the seven today to worship, enjoy and thank you, as well as to enjoy each other.

So, Lord, thank you for holidays that celebrate labor, vacation days that give us extended rest from our labors… And your seventh-day commandment each week to take a much-needed 24-hour break. May we always do so.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 30th

Good Morning, God,

Usually, God, if we ask the question "Are we better off today than we were 50 years ago," we would speak of the financial state of things.

But this week marked the 50th anniversary of the highly quoted, "I Have a Dream Speech," given by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. We remember how he stood at the Lincoln Memorial at the end of the reflecting pool on the Capitol Mall, and spoke of his dream that whites and blacks would someday do things together without the issue of skin color getting in the way, essentially dreaming that we could someday be color-blind.

Lord, who created us to be red and yellow, black and white, and all precious in your site, we have been a bit better off than we are now. It seems that we are getting more and more dishimconnected between the races these days. Sometimes it seems that we are almost back at fully seeing all colors and being separated by them.

Lord, make us color-blind today.

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 28th

Good Morning, God,

Today, Lord, we must beg for your presence in Syria and everyplace the situation in Syria is being talked about: In the United Nations, the halls of government in the United States, Great Britain, and France. Even Russia and China are acquiescing to the necessity of something being done about Syria's use of chemical weapons, even against its own people.

So today, Lord, may the madness and mayhem in Syria stop on its own accord. May your divine hand come down on that country and keep the people safe. Also, Lord, may our country and the others contemplating military action be aware of your divine, sovereign guidance in their decision-making. Give our leaders great wisdom, superior intelligence and very-caring hearts, before launching damaging attacks.

God of Love, you always have said that vengeance is yours. Please still the hands in Syria and around the world. May there be no more harm because you have directly intervened.

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 29th

Good Morning, God,

Do you wonder, God, why more people didn't enjoy yesterday as a Sabbath day, even as you have instructed us to do? Sadly, Lord, most in the world were out making headlines in all sorts of ways, except in ways that would make your wish for us be true: that we would all take one day a week-and it really doesn't matter which day, except that most worship services are on Saturday or Sunday-that we would take that day and give it up for you.

God, you have made us to work for six days-you worked for six days according to Genesis in your book-but you also made us to rest for one day, even as you rested from your labors creating the heavens, the earth, the flora and fauna...and humankind. Your work wears out us mere mortals just thinking about it, Lord!

Seriously, Father God, may we so plan our week now that we will take one day this week to worship you, to enjoy the world you have created, and to bring your love to someone else. You created the Sabbath; may we wisely use it.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 23rd

Good Morning, God,

On Wednesday, we prayed for lives lived in positive ways. Tonight we will enjoy some of those ways-we will be watching and listening to High School Football for the first time this fall.

We usually enjoy these games, God. If we aren't playing the game, perhaps we once were on the gridiron playing "lights out ball." Perhaps we watched our boyfriend play and now sit next to him as his wife, listening to his bouquets and brickbats that are directed to the team. Perhaps we are students, just coming to the game for the socialization; perhaps our boyfriend is playing now and we hope and pray he doesn't get hurt. Perhaps we are the sportscasters and technicians whose great pleasure is describing the plays so that they are real to the listeners.Perhaps we are going to be the players and coaches and officials, tonight.

Lord. All we ask, no matter who we are, is that win or lose we will play the game as well as we can and that we will be good sports at all times. At the end of the game, we will give you the thanks, God, for the ability to play, watch, and enjoy the game of football.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 21st

Good Morning, God,

The headlines began in a relatively small city in Oklahoma on a quiet Sunday afternoon. By yesterday, the headlines were national: Three young men, ages 15, 16 and 17, decided that to break their boredom, they would shoot and kill somebody. About that time, another young man, a college student, originally from Australia but going to school in Oklahoma and visiting his girlfriend in this small city, walked by. He was shot in the back and died, after staggering across the road and dropping to his knees. It is said that the 17-year-old drove the car; the 16-year-old pulled the trigger; the 15-year-old was "just the passenger."

All of this, Lord God, because these boys were "bored," bored on a Sunday afternoon in a small city of 24,001 souls.

Heavenly Father, may we never want for something to do so much that we would do anything destructive: vandalism, thievery, sexual crimes, assault and battery, or the worst-taking another persons life.

Life is so precious, Lord; may we always enjoy living it positively.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 19th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines recently spoke about the city of Detroit, Michigan, filing for bankruptcy protection. The headlines have also been about other cities around the U.S. having similar problems. We haven't heard that much about Indiana cities, but recently there were headlines about Indianapolis and Huntingburg and the budgets of our different local schools.

Some of the news is good news; other news gives us pause. And, while the stock market is doing well overall and it is reported that our credit card debt is actually going down, many, if not most, people still live from paycheck to paycheck.

Gracious God, it almost cost too much to live these days! It costs a bunch to have babies, to stay healthy, to live in a nice home, to get married, to go out to eat, to have our nice cars, to wear appropriate clothes, to take vacations… It even costs a whole bunch to die and be buried.

Gracious God, show us how to prioritize how we spend our money, both personally and publicly.

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 16th

Good Morning, God,

Ah, the joy of being on one's own watercraft, paddling madly on the Patoka with a few good friends and competitors.

Such was the situation last Saturday, Lord, as the Holy Family School Patoka Cardboard Boat Regatta took place. Oh, the intense looks, the struggling grimaces, the determined paddling, made the day a great competition. Really, Lord, if a boat stayed upright and afloat, the boat builders tasted success. If the boat was not water worthy-well, the boaters tasted the Patoka.

Heavenly father, who made us to enjoy fun in life, we thank you for the many opportunities we have to have friendly competitions, created wonders, the use of our own waterways, the celebration of winning and the desire "to do it again next year," even when it all doesn't go according to plan or as we had hoped.

We give you thanks for the opportunities we have to have fun with others in this life.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 14th

Good Morning, God,

Over the years, Lord, we have enjoyed the different uses for the word "eagle." An eagle is a great job on a golf hole; an eagle is a member of a civic club; one may have an "eagle eye"; a spacecraft has been named "The Eagle"; our national bird is the majestic American Bald Eagle.

But none of these uses match the pride and accomplishment of a young man who has come up through the Boy Scouting ranks and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

Generally Speaking, Lord, an Eagle Scout is a top-notch young man. When we know an Eagle Scout, we know a person of high integrity, morals, persistence, kindness, honesty… and a few other adjectives. Many men who have accomplished much humbly claim to be an Eagle Scout.

Gracious God, thank you for the young man and their families who know Scouting's highest achievement.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 12th

Good Morning, God,

Lord. We always love the many colors you have given us to enjoy-the reds, blues, greens, and every shade in-between. We appreciate your rainbow of colors, the beauty they all provide.

However, Lord, we are drawn to great concern when we hear of amber or silver colors, because they come with alerts that someone-either a young person or an elderly person-is missing. We get a chill down our spine when we hear of a baby, a young child, or even a teenager gone missing.

Many times, Lord, these alerts do not turn out well. Many times the missing person is the recipient of harm. However, loving God, we are often blessed with the discovery of the person for which the amber alert (or the silver alert) is called being found safe.

Heavenly Father, Master Painter of all colors, we give thanks for the safe return of the latest amber alert subject. Color our world joyful!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 9th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, our heroes are falling again-this time some of our baseball heroes. Some are falling farther than others. Some of the ballplayers are getting 50-game suspensions. A-Rod is getting a 211-game suspension-the rest of this season and all of next, essentially.

However, Lord, our system of governance says that one accused may appeal and play while the appeal is in process. So A-Rod is still playing third base for the Yankees, but is playing among a great chorus of boos. The true fans of baseball don't like it, Lord. The true fans more appreciate what the other 12 players are doing-accepting their 50-game suspension without pay to get things over with.

Lord God, who calls us to live lives of integrity, let us examine ourselves and ask ourselves whether we are more like the 12 or more like the one-then let us act in the future with the better integrity.

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 7th

Good Morning, God,

Good God, who is our ideal for both love and justice, we ask for your guidance to be like you.

Compassionate God, you love us unconditionally as your creations, despite what we do to displease you, despite the number of times we fail to love you and others as you have loved us. Lord, we classify people into those who are like us and those who are different from us-and we love the like ones and at the very least, try to ignore the different ones. Help us change our eyesight, Lord, so we can see others as you see us all.

Also, Lord, not only do we ask for help to see others as you see us all, but we asked for help in our actions. Only seeing is not enough; we want to put into practice helping others to be fully accepted, fully appreciated, and fully having their gifts and skills utilized. Lord, may we see, utilize and encourage the great potential of all your creation, while loving all as you love us.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 5th

Good Morning, God,

It's back to normal now, God. All that is left of our Strassenfest weekend are the stories of successes and failures stories of friends we met and friends we missed, and comments about how it was the best weather year in a long while. Thank you!.

However, Lord, while we were having fun, the rest of the world was being warned of possible terror activities. The time is ripe, so it is said, because of it being a particular holy day for the world's Muslims, "The Night of Power." It is called this because it is when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. It is seen by any Muslim who would follow the Koran and to be martyred for the cause of faith as a particular auspicious time to die. Thus, there is a lot of traffic pointing toward a serious al Qaeda threat to peace.

Lord, may we be alert to the dangers, repent of our own rebellious ways, and live our lives much more faithfully for you.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 2nd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about a 22-year-old man from Huntingburg, who allegedly murdered a man in Louisville. The alleged murderer was ratted out on a hot tip.

The thing is Lord, the man's name (and even his picture) was thought to be familiar to the parents of young people known to run around with people like this in the Huntingburg area. The thoughts that their young people were friends (or just acquaintances) with this person was a scary thought, so much so that the parents ask their sons and daughters about it.

Fortunately, none of this particular group of young men and women knew the alleged murderer.

Lord God, Scripture tells us to, essentially, only associate with those who are upstanding people and to shun those of bad repute and action. God, give our young people who are on the fringes of our society a great desire to be righteous men and women and shun evil and do good.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 31st

Good Morning, God,

Lord who takes pleasure in our pleasures when they provide good, clean fun and enjoyment, we ask for your presence for our Strassenfest weekend. We ask for safety. We ask for pleasant weather. We ask for neighborliness. We ask for joy.

Lord, we wonder sometimes what your blessed once did for fun. We know Jesus attended a wedding, although he performed his first miracle there, so his attendance was also work. We know that Jesus attended dinner parties, but he had to work there, also, settling hurt feelings. We know that Jesus went camping and boating, but crowds followed him so much that he really had to search for lonely places so he could pray seriously to be recharged. We also know Jesus enjoyed walking and talking with friends, but his conversations seem to always leave us with something serious to ponder.

Lord, may we consider what Jesus did for enjoyment as we walk around Strassenfest these next few days.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 29th

Good Morning, God,

Gracious God, we pray this day for the people behind the headlines in Indianapolis. Lord, some of your followers were killed and injured when their church bus rolled over after its brakes failed. There were 40 people, mostly children and teenagers, in the 40-passenger bus returning from a fun week-long church camp in Michigan.

Lord, the inevitable questions will come: was it the driver's fault? Was it the bus' fault? (They think it was the brakes), but the question will also be as to why you would let this happen to those who love you. Why would a caring God allow this, and if you do allow this, then what's the use in believing anyway? Bad things will happen anyway. Why waste time with faith and belief in God, then?

Lord, it is a mystery about you that bad things do happen to good people. It is a mystery why your word says, "The rain falls on both the just and the unjust."

You are a mystery, loving God. Please help us solve the mystery. Until then, help us to know and love you, anyway.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 26th

Good Morning, God,

Heavenly Father, who causes the sun to rise and usher in a new day, we are thankful for each day that we can arise with it. We thank you that even when a new day comes with a routine, there is the promise of a few differences-different customers, different traffic, different orders, different balances, even different out-of-balances to be fixed!

We appreciate that you made us with differences and with minds and hearts to appreciate the differences. As we hear and see headlines each day, we wonder what is behind each one. The names will be different, the actions and reactions will vary, the results will be unique to the situation. "Variety" is the spice to our lives, we say.

Generous God, may we experience joy in living today. May we appreciate the differences from yesterday and expect to make tomorrow different from today. Thank you, God, for both sameness and variety.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 24th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about how people working together were able to push a commuter rail car away from a woman who had fallen between the platform and the railcar. The train car weighed only a mere 32 tons.

A commentator made the observation that the staff and bystanders took immediate action to push on the side of the car, while some others lifted the woman up. The woman was unhurt. The train left the station only 8 min. later. The passengers had a story to tell and a good feeling to go with them. And, life returned to normal.

Lord, we are so much stronger when we push together on a project. We are so much stronger when we can get on with our daily lives after an "experience"; even a harrowing experience. We are so much stronger when we can accept situations as they are, solve the problem, and go on, without analysis, without delay, and without looking for someone to blame other than to say, "That's life, isn't it, Lord!"

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 22nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, the situation is still in the headlines - the Martin and Zimmerman case. We begin another week with the discussion of justice for people of color - particularly - and whether or not justice was done. In this case, in theory at least, justice WAS done: There was an arrest, a trial, a deliberation, a verdict - the American Way.

But this hasn't been the end of is, Lord. Because you created the variety of people you did, we all look differently, think differently, and act differently. Different ways of living are unique to each person.

The trouble is, Lord, we have used the differences you created against each other. We have used the differences to oppress each other, and not just whites against blacks but people of the same color, the same family, the same religion, the same everything, always find some way to trouble, even oppress, the other.

As we begin this week, may we be thankful for our differences and realize who each person is and what they bring to this wonderful life you have created.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 19th

Good Morning, God,

We give you thanks today for our week at the fair. We thank you for the opportunities to display our talents, to have our skills evaluated, to see our efforts appreciated, and to carry on a healthy, positive tradition.

Lord, participation in the fair, especially from a young age, develops in a young boy or girl, "stick-to-itiveness," pride, joy, healthy competition, grace in winning and grace in losing.

We give thanks that young people are still learning how to raise animals to be healthy, happy, productive specimens. Coincidentally, these efforts also lead to the maximum amount that the animals bring at a sale.

We give thanks that the fair is a "family affair." We give thanks for the parents who get up early to awaken their child to do the chores necessary. We are grateful for the trust and care-taking that is required for "animal-sitting" at night, all night.

We give thanks for the food contests, the sewing projects, the mid-way fun, and the shows.

Thank you, God, for a bit of Americana called the Dubois County 4-H Fair!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 17th

Good Morning, God,

Perhaps we should have prayed this on Monday when we prayed the prayer of thanksgiving for the newness in downtown Jasper. Perhaps we should go ahead and pray for the 4-H fair today: It's success, its fun, its safety. But today we need to pray for peace - personally, locally, nationally, racially and neighborly.

Lord, you have endowed all of us with hearts and heads and hands that consider issues, that form opinions, that can make decisions. You have also given us the ability for grace - grace to not unduly celebrate victories and grace to not resent perceived losses. Lord, both kinds of us need a bunch of your grace today and tomorrow and further to accept the verdict of the court of law in the Martin and Zimmerman case. Lord, the verdict was rendered. We have agreed to the process through our privilege as citizens.

Lord, please give us good wisdom. Lord, please cause the Media to tone down the voices, to make the headlines smaller, to quit the sensationalism. Lord, may the Media encourage the acceptance of what was decided, rather than fanning the flames of disagreement and discontent.

Please give us a special measure of your grace.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 15th

Good Morning, God,

On Saturday the latest investment for the future in something from the past was dedicated. The pedestrian walkway from the train depot to Third Avenue entitled the "German American Boulevard" was officially named and opened. The Redevelop Old Jasper Action oalition has done another fine job of reminding us of the past with something useful for the future. The walkway provides a smooth, level, safe way to get from one point to another--useful.

We thank you, Lord, for the ability to be reminded of what has been yesterday with something that can be used today and tomorrow. We thank you for reminders that fill in the blanks on the timeline of history, for it is important to build on what has been, and we need to be reminded of the past so that we do not repeat mistakes or do not waste time trying to reinvent the wheel.

We are also grateful, Lord, that while your love for us is fresh each day, we have a history with you. It keeps us in your loving care for the future. Thank you for the past, the present, and the future, Eternal God.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 12th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines were about a fisherman in Alaska catching a 40 pound "shortraker fish." The fisherman had a long line out, as he caught the fish at a depth of 900 feet; that's shallow, since shortrakers usually live at depths of more than 2500 feet! This is amazing, Lord! Even more so, it is thought that this fish is about 200 years old.

Lord, your nature is absolutely incredible! From fish and other marine life at the bottom of the seas to the moon and the stars, galaxies and black holes, O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your creation, no matter where we are!

Help us to appreciate all of your creation and honor it by caring for it. May we keep our little part of it clean. May we not so much seek to genetically modify the natural order of things merely for economic benefit. And, Lord, as much as it depends on us, may we always respect life-from the tiniest zygot to the oldest person; from the most moral person to the worst criminal-may we always honor your creations.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 10th

Good Morning, God,

We lift up today the life of Nelson Mandela in our headline prayers. At one time Mr. Mandela was a prisoner in a maximum security prison for 18 years. Of late Mr. Mandela has been in the prison of an old, failing body. Many around the world have kept vigil on his last days.

Mr. Mandela has had a cause, Gracious God. He has had the cause that apartheid and its injustices are wrong. He has had the cause that rule over the African natives by a minority white government wasn't just.
White children, who grew up ignorant of the situation of black children, were rudely awakened when the Soweto riots happened in 1976. Hundreds of people were killed; children were shot and killed.

But the log-jam became broken with the efforts of Mr. Mandela and others, and in April of 1994, whites and blacks alike voted for the first time in an election determining justice for all.

Thank you, God, for Mr. Nelson Mandela.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 8th

Good Morning, God,

Oh, Lord, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! These words come from us Sir Walter Scott in 1808, but could come with this morning's headlines or any mornings headlines!

Lord, who cautions in your Good Book to "always let your yes be yes and your no be no," you must be hoping we also remember your word that "we reap what we sow"… And we are.

The biggest, latest deception and exposé, Lord, is the case of Edward Snowden, a worker who had access to very secret information the United States Government was gathering, and made it "un--secret" by telling the news media what was going on. At first, it was about the government spying on us, it's citizenry; then it was that the government is spying on other governments (what else is new!); now it is about how with Edward Snowden on the lam and his hiding and attempts to leave, are deterring and delaying other important people.

Lord, will there ever come a day when all truth will be known about everything?

Oh! Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come!

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 5th

Good Morning, God,

We pray this day for the people in Egypt behind the headlines. We pray for justice for former President Morsey. We pray for justice when dealing with the leaders involved with the Muslim Brotherhood. We pray for the Interim President Adly Mansour. We pray for the military, its leaders and for there wisdom. Most importantly, we lift up the people of Egypt who face an uncertain future in their country. They have questions, Lord: Who will lead; howwill he be elected; how will he govern; how will it affect us?

Unlike we in the United States who always have an orderly, predictable transfer of power and leadership, where the military could never take over the government and drive a duly-elected president from power, and whose lives are not dependent upon whom is in power or not… The people of Egypt need your guidance and your protection, Gracious God.

Please be there for them.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 3rd

Good Morning, God,

The fireworks have begun, loving God. We have begun lighting up our skies with sparklers, kabooms, pops, and great bursts of light. We are remembering the "bombs bursting in air that gave proof through the night that our flag was still there."… And it was.

Lord God, as we begin our Independence Day celebrations, may we truly remember the thoughts behind our independence and what it takes to maintain it. May we remember that it took minds that knew you and hearts that loved you. May we remember that it took lives that sacrificed limbs and life in the battles to pay for the rights of freedom.

Most of all, may we remember that it is you, Creator God, that allows us to be governed in the way and by whom we are governed. You have allowed the authority, you place the authority, that guides and protects and challenges us.

May we be ever mindful of the cost of our independence, and the necessity of being dependent upon your grace to sustain us and our country, Almighty God.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 1st

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about a young man who has kept on going despite losing the use of his legs. His desire to still go hunting with his dad and brothers-and their desire to see that he could-has sustained him and been as good a mental, physical and spiritual therapy as anyway could be.

Lord, you have given us the gift of hope to use in all kinds of circumstances: when we have physical problems; when we are just tired of the way things are going; when we are unpleasantly surprised; when we wonder if there is anywhere and/or anyone to whom we can turn.

And, you give us hope when we feel like the least, most lost, and the loneliest of persons. You have given us the faith to hope in you through the power of your Holy Spirit and the love of your son, Jesus. And, you give us hope through the love of others and our impetus to survive. Thank you, God for the gift of hope and what it impels us to be and do.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 28th

Good Morning, God,

In your Book, you charged humankind with being "fruitful, multiplying, filling the Earth and subduing it." You also charged us to take care of this planet. In many cases, we haven't done such a good job, Lord, and we ask for your forgiveness.

Now the headlines are about President Obama putting forth, quote, "an aggressive new climate change strategy," and using executive actions, rather than congressional approval, to carry it out.

Lord, the principles are admirable. We do need to watch what we do to this planet. We do need to consider as least-polluting industrial efforts as we can. However, Lord, we need to be careful that the efforts don't end up polluting our pocket-books.

We need to consider creating the desire to conserve because of its rewards, not punishments. We need to really consider how we can reduce plastic-drinking water from a faucet; reducing food waste-serving smaller portions in restaurants; and reducing fuel consumption-living, working and shopping closer together.

Inspire us, Lord, and give us wisdom and wherewithal.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 26th

Good Morning, God,

Many eyes were on the headliner on Sunday as Nick walenda walked on a two-inch thick cable across a quarter-mile span 1500 feet above the Little Colorado River Gorge. "It was unbelievable," he said, "it was everything I wanted it to be. It was extremely emotional; I got to the other end and started crying."

Imagine that, God,-a 34 year old man crying because he was emotional. What a response to so great a challenge-crying. Oh, we may attribute it to the emotional release of all the adrenaline. We may attribute it to him being afraid, shaking in his boots, braving it out until he got to the other side, then being scared enough to break down.

However, Lord, you have given us the gift of understanding the things that can humble us to tears: a great feat; the birth of a child; the love between a man and a woman married for many years; the love of parents for children. Most of all, perhaps we could and should cry because of your great love for us, especially in Jesus Christ. You humble us, Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 6th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about two miracle women in our neighborhood-the two who had heart transplants. A mother and daughter share a rare genetic heart malady, which necessitated heart transplants for them to go on living. The transplant for one was in 2008; for the other, this year. As is often said when new life happens, "mother and daughter are doing fine."

Lord God, as your word so beautifully says in Psalm 139:14, "I praise you, God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; I know that full well."

Indeed we do know this, Lord. We know that we are the "apple of your eye." We know that "not a hair falls from our head" that you don't know about. We know that "all things work together for the good of those who love you and are living according to your purposes." We know that "nothing can separate us from your love."

Lord, thank you for the ability to have our hearts fixed-either through surgery or through your loving touch.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 21st

Good Morning, God,

Okay, God, you made this day to be the longest day of sunshine in this hemisphere. We call it "the first day of summer." Ah, summertime, when most everybody is out of school, mom and dad take vacations with the kids, those kids who aren't on vacation are working, sleeping, eating, and texting.

The days during summertime are hot and humid and the nights rarely cool and dry enough to be comfortable sleeping without an air conditioner… And pity folks who have to drive around without air or who have to work outside without the same.

So today, Lord, we want to pray for a bit cooler summer, but more than this, a summer with cooler heads. Already the heat and people with guns are "acting out"; already there are hot, frustrated people taking out their frustrations on innocents.

Lord, keep us cool, calm and collected, as we enjoy the dog days of summer.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 19th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, do we have to worry about another Cold War between the superpowers of Russia and the United States? It seems that Russia is supplying arms to the Syrian government,. while the United States has decided to supply the rebels battling against the Syrian government.

Lord, the United States firmly believes and has proof that the Syrian government has crossed the "red line" by using chemical weapons against its own people, even if they are rebelling against the government.

Some world leaders are putting pressure on the leader al-Assad to step down. The United Nations Security Council efforts are blocked by Russia and China… And the beat goes on, Lord, with more and more innocents losing their lives.

Heavenly Father, we pray for an end to the bloodshed in Syria. We pray for the safety of all concerned. We pray for the rights of the citizens, but also for the respect of the government. 

May all get what they want and need to live peaceably.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 14th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines out of Indianapolis are that the police are trying to team with the city to fight crime. The idea is for the police to be more available for fighting crime and making arrests, and other groups like churches, women's shelters and community groups that are trained to work with the mentally ill, the poor and teens help to handle cases that art crimes. "We cannot arrest our way out of problems; we need true community partners," said a police spokesperson.

Indeed, Lord, you made us to live together, essentially policing each other. But rather than always looking for the negative and punishing, your idea is that we love each other and build each other up. So today, Lord, help us to see at least one person who could use a good chastisement as a person who could also probably use a gentle complement-and use us to build him or her up. Who knows? We might make a positive permanent difference in that persons life.

Use us, Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 12th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about secrets these days, secrets that pit national security against an individual's right to privacy. On the one hand the citizens of our great country can expect to not have their telephone, Internet and in fact, daily movements, monitored. On the other hand, we want our security forces to protect us from other citizens who would do us harm.

Harm may come from many directions, Lord. Some harm is just flat-out evil; this is why we pray to you, "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Satan, your greatest adversary, prowls among us, seeking to keep us from you.

But often, Lord, we have met the enemy and the enemy is us-us who have warped and ill minds; us who have misplaced loyalties; us who have an ax to grind; us who feel there is no place else to turn, or no other way out.

Today, Lord, we pray for the right balance between secrets and safety.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 10th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines were about three mystery deaths in the same motel room of a motel. First, it was an older couple, ages 72 and 73. Next, it was an 11-year-old boy who died, while his mother, 49, was ill. Room 225 was getting quite a reputation, Lord. It was beginning to seem like something out of a horror movie or something.

However, God, there has been found a logical explanation to it; the deaths have been attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Ah, yes, carbon monoxide-an odorless, colorless, gas with one less atom that is needed for life. Unfortunately, when carbon monoxide is breathed in, it can't get out. It begins to take up the space available, and eventually prohibits good air from getting in and doing its job to keep a person alive.

Lord, how often we are fooled by something or someone that seems good but is short of the real thing. Help us to be aware of when something is not good for us… Or maybe even kill us.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 7th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about three of our baseball teams these days. The Indiana Hoosiers are going to the College World Series in Omaha. Our Jasper Wildcats are going to the state finals in Indianapolis. Our dubois County Bombers have starred in a new reality show pilot and play on through July.

Lord, we appreciate the gifts of sports, skill, and the ability to take pleasure from watching and cheering. We thank you for all the emotions we can display: groans when we needed a hit and had a strikeout instead; suspense when a runner takes off from first or second attempting to steal second or third; excitement when a bunt is laid down to advance runners; the thrill like no other when the ball is hit over the fence or a runner is safe at home on a close play.

Yes, Lord, we love our baseball. Thank you for Abner Doubleday and all those who have taken his idea and played with it.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 5th

Good Morning, God,

Trains, trains everywhere are trains, messing up our schedules and taking up our time! But the headlines are speaking of the time in the not too distant future that the trains through Huntingburg will be less of a factor to car and truck traffic. The headline speak of an overpass over the railroad so that vehicle traffic will never get stuck again!

The important points are made that emergency traffic-fire, police and medical personnel-will be able to make their runs without worrying about sitting behind a train. It is said that with the overpass, a citizen can easily get from one side of the city to the other in less than 20 min.

Yes, Lord, for the advantages and safety and saved time, the overpass will be wonderful. But, every now and then, it is nice to just sit at the crossing and count the cars. Sometimes it's nice to be forced to slow down and wait.

In Jesus' name, Amen. 


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 3rd

Good Morning, God,

The headlines asked the question, "Who owns Jolie's genes?" The story is about how actress Angela Jolie has certain genes in her body that are almost certain to cause breast and ovarian cancers. So she is choosing to have these body parts removed.

She discovered she has these genes through expensive testing - an expense that many people couldn't afford, even with insurance. The tests are so expensive because one company did the research, discovered the genes and developed the tests. They filed for and received patents for the processes.

The question before us, Lord, is can someone patent one or more of the genes in our body, even a weird one that causes cancer and charge a lot of money to test for it? The idea has always been that we can't patent something you created, God, even though we discovered it.

Lord, cause us to share information about our bodies without a fee attached - and please endow us with the wisdom of Solomon these times.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 31st

Good Morning, God,

We don't often see the word "gossip" in our usual media - the word is most often in tabloids at the check-out counter. But we don't have to have "gossip columns" to have "gossip" around!

For example, Lord, the other day on Facebook was the story that a teacher was fired for praying with her class in the midst of the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado. "Not true," said the administration, having to take time out of the recovery efforts to dispel the gossip.

For example, Lord, the other day several boys told lies about a particular young woman at school. No one would believe the true story from the woman. She took the only way out she knew; she took her own life. But you know this, Lord; she's at home with you now.

Lord, what we always need to do is ask: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to everyone?

If these can't be answered "yes," then it is gossip - and we need your help to keep it to ourselves.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

(The four questions are the Rotary International's "Four Way Test.")


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 29th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines have been about President Obama touring two of the sites of natural disasters - the site of the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado form a week ago, and the site of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey last fall. While in Oklahoma, the President did observe devastation of buildings and landscapes, but couldn't do anything but speak of the resolute residents and indomitable spirits of Oklahomans.

While on the Atlantic Coast, the President made remarks about how his administration is committed to standing with communities during their recovery efforts - as it has for the Jersey Shores. he also, in both cases, praised the arrival on the scenes and the efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Lord, you have endowed all of us with indomitable spirits for use in crises such as these. Thank you for the resoluteness and resourcefulness of both the victims and the aid workers. May they have the strength to do what needs to be done.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


a prayer for the headlines for Friday, May 24th

Good Morning, God,

As the school year and even the school careers end for our students, we pray for the graduates. We pray for those with the highest grade points, those with the lowest grade points, and all those in-between.

Many of the commencement speakers will encourage the graduates to "follow their dreams." Many will have the ability to do this, Lord. Many will have the smarts, the financing, the support, the mentoring to chase after what they want to do. But many will not. Many will simply end up foundering at home or around town, unable to get and hold even the simplest of jobs.

Lord, if they need a blessing of some sort to get going, use us. Use us to come along side them. Use us to picture a bright future for them. Use us to walk with them toward that future. Use us to be the first to say "'Way to go; I knew you could do it," when the dream is achieved.

Use us, Lord.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 22nd

Good Morning, God,

As showers and thunderstorms cross our paths, we lift up the headlines coming out of Moore, Oklahoma, from the huge, devastating twister that struck Monday afternoon.

Creator God, the nature you made is so awesome, from the tiniest of seed to the greatest of tree, from zygots in a womb to a person fully aged and grown, from the beautiful spring days to the ugliest of storms-the nature you made is so incredibly awesome. (See Psalm 8).

But, Lord, when devastation comes out of the clouds, we wonder why? We wonder why nature destroys so easily what we build. We wonder why nature snuffs the life out of men, women, and children, especially children hunkered down in school buildings.

Oh, Lord, our Lord, send your healing, comforting hand to those whose lives are a wreck today, and may your love and strength give us and them good courage.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 20th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, in your word, a Ruler asked rhetorically, "What is truth," when confronted with your Son, Jesus Christ and Jesus's ministry. Pilate was confused. He was confused between the secular and the sacred, between his government and a perceived threat to it, between wanting to be fair and wanting to please, between heeding his wife's warning not to have anything to do with Jesus and heeding the crowds call to crucify Jesus.

Lord God, we face the "truth" question every day. Who do we heed? To which voices to we listen? What goes into our decision-making? Who comes out ahead and gets crucified, at least figuratively?

Heavenly Father, may we be endowed with the wisdom of Solomon as we make all our decisions-and may we not rest until all truth is known in each and every situation.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 17th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, who says exercise and fund raising be fun? Recently, about 400 people demonstrated that running and walking and being showered with powdered paint can be hugely fun!

Lord, we often thank donors when they give to our projects-those who give a dollar, ten dollars, fifty or a thousand dollars. But we don't often thank the fund raisers for a job well done, for their good efforts, for their good ideas.

So, today Lord, we thank you for endowing people with energy, intelligence, imagination and love, and their desire to use these attributes to the betterment of others.

Lord, many times in your word you speak of things that amount to good, clean fun that go toward loving our neighbor. Thank you for those who use your given gifts and skills to do so.

In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 15th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines on the obituary page speak of many deaths due to old age, car accidents, illnesses and those who have taken their own life. What won't be reported is the way the public servants did their job at the scene of the deaths.

Recently, Lord, the deputies were called to the location of a person who took his own life. Of course, there was the usual securing of the scene, the usual flashing lights, the usual milling about while waiting for the coroner, then the funeral home. However, when the pastor arrived to represent you and the church, there was a respect and deferment to his ministry. When it was time to pray, the deputies, the coroner, and the funeral director all joined hands with the pastor and the family to ask for your strength and blessing.

Loving God, we thank you for those who can do their tough job when dealing with death, but who also can be soft and compassionate through prayer and touch.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 13th

Good Morning, God,

It's a very sad sign of our times, dear God, that we don't know our neighbors. While many television commercials depict neighbors at the hedge separating the two properties or neighbors noticing the new car in the driveway or neighbors enjoying a cookout together, the reality is we aren't "neighboring" anymore.

If we who are making this prayer today truly think about it, we really don't know what is going on with our neighbors, even those immediately to the sides of us, across the street from us or through our backyards.

Sadly, Lord, the neighbors didn't notice for 10 years that their neighbor was holding captive three young women, even that one had given birth. Blessedly, Lord, the one next door neighbor responded to a cry for help which rescued these girls. Praise you, Lord, for that neighbor!

Lord, may we vow today to get to know our neighbors and to be a great neighbor ourselves.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 10th

Good Morning, God,

 Lord, most of us who live around here are pretty happy with the living conditions and opportunities. We have all the services we need and the services are kept up and running. We have all the shopping. We need, although many go elsewhere to shop at "malls." We have most of the movies that come out. We have an arts center. We have good schools. We have excellent health facilities. What more do we need, Creator God?

The headlines are about a "Business Development Office" being opened in Huntingburg by the Indiana Small Business Development Center. This is a plus for local and regional residents and officials. Thank you, God, for giving us the desire to always do and be more.

Thank you that we have the energy, intelligence, imagination and love to put to work making where we live, play and work more like Eden. Grant, gracious God, that we will always seek to maximize the opportunities we have for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-but always in your way and will.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 8th

Good Morning, God,

The headline last week was about a high school baseball team that didn't have the essentials and thus "lost sight of the other team." As it followed, the team lost.

You ask, Lord, what some of these essentials are? Well, it is essential that a pitcher can get the ball over the plate. It is essential that fielders can stop grounders and shag the flies. It is essential that runners know when to steal and when to stick. It is very essential to listen to the coach and play as a team. It is also essential, Lord, to suit up for each game, play the game as well as one can, and be a good sport at all times, and whether one is winning or losing, do these things always.

What's that, Lord? Do we recognize these baseball essentials as essentials for life? Most of the time we do, God. We try to follow you and work as teams. We try to know when to stay put and when to move. We try to be and do the best at any position at which we are put-and we try to "suit up" each day for the game of life.

Please be with us as our owner, coach and manager, God.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, May 6th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, another conflict has started between two countries. Israel supposedly has bombed Syria. The Syrian deputy minister says, "We'll retaliate against Israel. Our President has said he "doesn't expect to have any U.S. boots on the ground." Yet, recently, someone in Syria supposedly used biological weapons, and this crossed a "red line" that our President set, if it is true.

Lord, you can see from your throne n heaven from where the rockets came and on what the rockets fell. The target was a military research facility.

Lord, you can hear with your ears that Israel fears Syria might be arming the Hezbollah, who in their time will fight against Israel.

Ah, loving God, we pray for peace in the Middle East. We pray for the peace that passes all human understanding - because there are so many factions and beliefs, it will take a miracle of your proportions to attain peace.

Lord, give to all peace in this time.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 3rd

Good Morning, God,

Today on some calendars. It is "May Friendship Day." On other calendars. It is the "62nd On Annual National Day of Prayer." The theme for this year, God, is "Pray for America." Your word from Matthew 12:21, says, "In Jesus's name the nations will put their hope."

What if we truly put our hope in you, God? What if we didn't  hope that our government will get it all right for us? What if we didn't put our hope in family and friends to make us happy all the time? Even, what if we didn't put all our hope in ourselves and our own abilities to survive each day?

What if, loving God, who has a plan for each of us, we determined that we would seek your face and follow where you want to take us? What if we acceded to your promise from Second Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Your promises are sure; may we do so.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, May 1st

Good Morning, God,

The headlines today are found in the sports report, God. One of your biggest fans and followers, Tim Teboe is being talked about. It seems that he was a great quarterback in college and an even greater man of faith. He was drafted to play in the NFL, but hasn't been able to play NFL caliber ball. He does, however, still give you praise, glory, and witness, God.

Lord God, so many times we have been good at something, but later on we aren't. Our talent that once flowed now ebbs. Our energy that once was tireless is now tired out. Our minds that once were considered brilliant are now seeming to atrophy. The gifts and skills we once were given seemed to be taken back… And we wonder, "what's next?"

God, you know the plans you have for each of us, plans to prosper and not to harm. So, for our part, may we hold fast to our faith and your guidance, as we experience each new day in, perhaps, new ways.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 29th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are international headlines that speak of atrocities of governments against their own people. In Syria, the suspicion is that some biological weapon was used. Incidentally, this theoretically crossed a "red line" that our government set before we would get involved. Give our leaders wisdom to know what to do.

In Egypt and other Islamic countries, Lord, we hear of atrocities against Christian believers perpetuated by some members of the Islamic faith. Lord, all the Christians are trying to do is worship you and show love to their neighbors in the name of Christ.

It is so unfortunate for your kingdom, Lord, that your desire for all nations, creeds, and religions be reconciled to Jesus. May your Holy Spirit's power be turned up so that more will receive your salvation.

This is enough heavy stuff for which we pray today, God. Please guide what we do this week. May it all bring glory and honor to you.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 24th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, as we end this week, there are so many headlines for which we need to pray, some very serious, some very personal,  all with a need of some kind from you in your heaven. So, this prayer for the headlines today cannot name just one need, but we want to claim your presence, your strengths, your all-knowing for what is needed.
We want to claim your promise that when we do not know exactly for what and how to pray, your Holy Spirit prays for us with ways that words cannot express, and when you search our hearts, you hear the  Spirit's words for our specific needs.
Generally, though, we pray:
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us so love.
Where there is injury pardon.
Where there is doubt faith.
Where there is despair hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
God, grant that we may not seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.
In Jesus's name,  Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday April 24th

Good Morning, God, Lord,
The adrenaline is slowing down now, but we are not done with the event yet. Each hour it seems we are getting more information about the Boston bombings.
Many people are soaking all of this up and cannot wait for the next installment. But many others are ready to move on. Some people need to know why the deed was done; others just want to know the remaining perpetrator is justly punished. Some people identify with the parents and other friends and loved ones of the perpetrators who cannot believe the boys did this thing; others think "too bad! Why did not you bring them up better?"
Heavenly father, give us all peace about this terrible act. Give us strength to endure the ongoing saga and continuing coverage. Give those who need it acceptance and give us all protection from another such act...please.
In Jesus is name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 22nd

Good Morning, God,

Lord, we see every day the obituaries of those who have died. The headline is usually their name and where they are from. The obit then lists the loved ones who survive and the loved ones who have preceded in death.

We who read these obituaries may know the person who has died or one of the loved ones. We may have known them at work or at church or at play or through organizations or just out in the community. However, we have known them, even as a family member, we don't ever know the entire person. No one but you, God, knows us completely.

Today, Lord, we pray for those who know enough about their loved one that causes resentment and hard feelings. May we think about these relationships today and pray for grace, mercy and peace to work through them while it is still possible. And, if it isn't still possible, may we get the help we need to find the forgiveness and acceptance we need for our healthy relationships.

Take any bitterness and return love, dear God.

In Jesus's name, Amen.


Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 19th

Good Morning, God,

Creator God, we thank you that you have given us the ability to visualize beautiful and utilitarian ideas. Of such are all the renovations of Southridge high school. If we (legally) could, Lord God, we'd anoint the building and dedicate it to your will for our students and teachers.

If we could, we'd ask that everyone who walks through the doors of the school be safe people and to be at the school for positive purposes. If we could, we'd ask that the teachers be given an extra gift of energy, intelligence, imagination, and love, and instill a desire for the same in each student. If we could, we'd have every citizen of the Southwest Dubois School Corporation more than happy to be contributing through their property taxes for this renovation. If we could, we'd pray for the highest excellence throughout the halls of Southridge.

Well, Lord, we can, so we do, pray. May it all be so!

In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, April 17th

Good Morning, God,

Lord, so much pain and mayhem today and the headlines. We have national pain and we have local pain. We have group pain and we have personal pain. We pray for the victims in Boston and we pray for the South Spencer high school and particularly for the Stafford family, as Cody took his own life Monday night.

Heavenly father, come and undergird us this day support us as we seek to continue what we must do on our jobs, in our families, at our schools. Give us strength to get through the hours of news that keep coming at us with details few and far between.

What we do know, Creator God, is that we need to regain our belief, trust and hope in you. We need to talk with you and listen to you. We need to rededicate our personal and national lives to you.

Until we all do this, we pray this day for protection from such sadly mis-guided people and decisions.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 15th

Good Morning, God,
The headline spoke to us regarding traffic and parking laws and their associated fines last week, Lord.
One story wants fines for parking wrongly or too long to increase… A one dollar ticket would increase to five dollars, then to $10, if not paid within 24 hours. The thought is, besides breaking the law, the higher ticket penalties would help the offenders take the violations more seriously.
Then, Lord, is the guy who believes pretty much all traffic laws are illegal; in fact, he says that the Supreme Court has said that we are all "sovereign people," subject only to God, the Constitution, and "lawful laws."" It seems that we also have the right to travel freely and unencumbered… Unencumbered by traffic laws.
You know, Lord, if we were truly all sovereign people, subject first to your law, then we would not need to have any law but yours: Loving you and loving each other, doing what is safest and best for all.
But until then we are one nation under God... and traffic laws!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 22nd

Good Morning, God,
The headlines these days are about the ramping-up of the saber-rattling from North Korea-and the tough rhetoric from many other places around the world-South Korea, the United States, even China. Offensive and defensive departments are shuffling men, women and machines. Weapons are being pointed, troops are being put on alert, civilians are urged to leave North Korea or "take cover," and North and South Koreans aren't working together anymore at their joint businesses and factories.
Lord, many if not most of us don't remember the last Korean War. Perhaps our mothers and fathers fought it, but none of us have had to.
Heavenly Father, we pray that none of us will have to fight in a new war, either. May wisdom overcome all sides, young and older rulers alike. May we continue to dwell in relative safety, because no one wants to go through their lives scared each day and night… Yes, give us wisdom, and where we think we know the truth, give us humility.
In Jesus' name, Amen.