A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, May 31st

Good Morning, God,

We don't often see the word "gossip" in our usual media - the word is most often in tabloids at the check-out counter. But we don't have to have "gossip columns" to have "gossip" around!

For example, Lord, the other day on Facebook was the story that a teacher was fired for praying with her class in the midst of the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado. "Not true," said the administration, having to take time out of the recovery efforts to dispel the gossip.

For example, Lord, the other day several boys told lies about a particular young woman at school. No one would believe the true story from the woman. She took the only way out she knew; she took her own life. But you know this, Lord; she's at home with you now.

Lord, what we always need to do is ask: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to everyone?

If these can't be answered "yes," then it is gossip - and we need your help to keep it to ourselves.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

(The four questions are the Rotary International's "Four Way Test.")

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