A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 26th

Good Morning, God,

Heavenly Father, who causes the sun to rise and usher in a new day, we are thankful for each day that we can arise with it. We thank you that even when a new day comes with a routine, there is the promise of a few differences-different customers, different traffic, different orders, different balances, even different out-of-balances to be fixed!

We appreciate that you made us with differences and with minds and hearts to appreciate the differences. As we hear and see headlines each day, we wonder what is behind each one. The names will be different, the actions and reactions will vary, the results will be unique to the situation. "Variety" is the spice to our lives, we say.

Generous God, may we experience joy in living today. May we appreciate the differences from yesterday and expect to make tomorrow different from today. Thank you, God, for both sameness and variety.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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