A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 1st

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are about a young man who has kept on going despite losing the use of his legs. His desire to still go hunting with his dad and brothers-and their desire to see that he could-has sustained him and been as good a mental, physical and spiritual therapy as anyway could be.

Lord, you have given us the gift of hope to use in all kinds of circumstances: when we have physical problems; when we are just tired of the way things are going; when we are unpleasantly surprised; when we wonder if there is anywhere and/or anyone to whom we can turn.

And, you give us hope when we feel like the least, most lost, and the loneliest of persons. You have given us the faith to hope in you through the power of your Holy Spirit and the love of your son, Jesus. And, you give us hope through the love of others and our impetus to survive. Thank you, God for the gift of hope and what it impels us to be and do.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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