A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 12th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines were about a fisherman in Alaska catching a 40 pound "shortraker fish." The fisherman had a long line out, as he caught the fish at a depth of 900 feet; that's shallow, since shortrakers usually live at depths of more than 2500 feet! This is amazing, Lord! Even more so, it is thought that this fish is about 200 years old.

Lord, your nature is absolutely incredible! From fish and other marine life at the bottom of the seas to the moon and the stars, galaxies and black holes, O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your creation, no matter where we are!

Help us to appreciate all of your creation and honor it by caring for it. May we keep our little part of it clean. May we not so much seek to genetically modify the natural order of things merely for economic benefit. And, Lord, as much as it depends on us, may we always respect life-from the tiniest zygot to the oldest person; from the most moral person to the worst criminal-may we always honor your creations.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

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