A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 28th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines are from the world of sports today, specifically the World Series, game three, on Saturday night. It is said that the game was won on a "walk-off" when a runner crossed home plate in the bottom of the night. The thing is, God, he crossed home plate because the umpire had sent him home, after he had been "obstructed" at third base. It seems that after the third baseman had dived for a grounder, the runner tripped over him, thus being obstructed, thus being awarded home plate.

Lord, after the controversy surrounding the call, the ruling was correct and handled correctly. Let's move on now, and play the next game.

The thing is, often, no matter whether something in our lives is right or wrong, we don't want to move on-we want to keep bringing the issue up, keep arguing even that the rules are stupid, keep trying to say that the offense wasn't meant and should be excused.

Heavenly Father, may we seek to understand the rules and live by them, especially yours.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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