A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 30th

Good Morning, God,

Usually, God, if we ask the question "Are we better off today than we were 50 years ago," we would speak of the financial state of things.

But this week marked the 50th anniversary of the highly quoted, "I Have a Dream Speech," given by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. We remember how he stood at the Lincoln Memorial at the end of the reflecting pool on the Capitol Mall, and spoke of his dream that whites and blacks would someday do things together without the issue of skin color getting in the way, essentially dreaming that we could someday be color-blind.

Lord, who created us to be red and yellow, black and white, and all precious in your site, we have been a bit better off than we are now. It seems that we are getting more and more dishimconnected between the races these days. Sometimes it seems that we are almost back at fully seeing all colors and being separated by them.

Lord, make us color-blind today.

In Jesus' name, Amen

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