Good Morning, God
Lord, to make this day "good" in the eyes of a Christian believer is to know the rest of the story in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. Unless we believe through our faith that Jesus was your Son whom you gave for the salvation of every soul, Jesus was a "nobody", a "rabble-rouser", a "seditionist", a "street-corner evangelist who never really worked".
But through our eyes of faith we know the importance for our lives of belief in Him. We know our guilt as a result of our sin. We know, Lord, that we were born sinful creatures! We know also, Lord, that we will die sinful creatures, unless we accept what Jesus did on the cross, which we remember especially today.
So, Lord, thank you for the goodness of this day. May any and all who hear this prayer be strengthened in their belief or come to believe for the first time. Thank you, Lord, for saving us from sin.
In Jesus name, Amen.
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