A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 15

Good Morning, God,
It's the "Ides of April" today, Lord. Oh, we know that the "ides" part usually applies in March, when bad things happened unto death for Julius Caesar on the 15th of March.
Sometimes, though, we feel the "Ides of April" on April 15th because it is usually when our taxes are due. And, even though we have until Monday the 18th this year, it really doesn't make the 15th any less onerous. We still cringe at April 15th because of its history as "Tax Day."
This year's "Ides of April" seems especially onerous because of the budget bills that have been hashed out, the consideration of raising the debt ceiling of our country, and the new budget which must be crafted for the next fiscal period.
Lord, we once again and continually pray for those over us who make the budget decisions for us. Give them wisdom. And, as we pay our taxes due by Monday the 18th this year, may we remember that this is what it costs to have a government "of the people, by the people and for the people."
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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