A Prayer for the Headlines, Monday, April 11

Good Morning, God
Lord, the other evening on a sleepy street in one of our small towns, a man's angry, angry voice was heard.  When he was seen, it turns out that the voice was directed at a young girl who was probably 12 or 13 years old.  She was dressed in springtime garb and walking barefoot along the sidewalk.  Her eyes were face-forward and her resolve sure.  She was going straight ahead.

Her dad's resolve was just as sure as he loudly, very loudly, chewed her out for not being home from the park by 8:00p.m.(it was then 8:20p.m. and just about nightfall).  The ugly thing is, though, dad was so angry, he was using every cuss word in the book.  He was talking about hos his daughter could have been picked up and her body sold for $12.00.  He belittled her for not being smart all the way home.  Who knows what happened at home, then.

Lord, when we do make choices that could result in danger, protect us please.  and when we are concerned so much we are red-faced angry, may we also remember to hug and be thankful that the worst didn't happen.
In Jesus name, Amen

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