A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 30th

good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines speak of 62% of us being optimistic about what 2012 will bring to us as a nation, and how 78% of us are hopeful about what the year will bring for our families. In order to do this, Lord, we must be with you and have you with us to guide and protect us. So, in 2012, will you:
Help us to always make the right move.
Always provide so our cup runs over with love.
Always give us shelter from any storm.
Always help us to come across to others as our best self.
Always provide just the right food for our bodies and our souls.
Always help us find the right company of persons with whom to have friendships.
Always enjoy having as much fun as we can - legally and faithfully.
Always protect us from injury, sickness, and harm.
Always be able to get good rest.
Always meet interesting and kind people.
Always make the right decisions - whether to walk away  or to run or to stay.
And, may our loved ones and friends bring us the joy of You, our Lord, everyday.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 28th

Good Morning, God
Well, Lord, it seems that is is time to begin shifting gears.  It seems it is time to "ring out the old and ring in the new".  You remember some of the things Tennyson said, way back in 1849 don't you, Lord?  He said things like "The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true".  He also encouraged us to Ring out a slowly dying cause and ancient form of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, with sweeter manners and purer laws.  Tennyson also spoke about eternity, Lord, your time: Ring out the thousand wars of old; Ring in the thousand years of peace.
So, Lord, as we ready ourselves to shift our gaze from "Father Time" to the New Year's Baby, may our prayer for our lives be these Tennyson words: Ring in the radiant person free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand: Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be.
What's that, Lord?  Oh, yes.  We must have Christ in the new year to accomplish all that we want to ring in.  May we have him.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 26th

Good Morning, God
"Tis the day after the birthday celebration for Jesus yesterday.  Many of us are enjoying the day off today after the big bash yesterday.  Many of us are not enjoying the crowds we are encountering at the return and exchange counters in the different stores.  Some of us are trying to figure out how we can exchange some of the gifts we received that were purchased on-line.  Some of us are already putting our Christmas things away for another year, wondering if we will go to all the trouble next year.
Of course, Lord, we should always go to the trouble to celebrate Christmas!  Oh, not necessarily with all the tinsel & glitter and trees and ornaments and battling the crowds.  But we ought to consider the peaceful night you came to earth in the gift of baby Jesus, take a long, slow breath this morning, say out loud to no one in particular "Thank you, God, for your gift of our Savior Jesus", and keep this part of Christmas alive all year long.  So "Thank you, God for you gift of our Savior Jesus".
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 23rd

Good Morning, God
'Tis the day before the day before Christmas.  The stores are even busier, the streets are still slow, the parking lots are still full, and the internet orders are still being made, although the arrival of the gifts will be after Christmas now!  (Although one may still get a delivery tomorrow if one pays for overnight delivery).
Most everyone is trying to wind down their work load by quitting time today, looking forward to at least next Monday off, if not all week and the New Year's weekend off, only to return "next year" on January 3rd.  Lord, what a blessing it is to be able to work hard then be rewarded with paid days off. 
This morning we want to ask for special blessing for those who have to work the holidays - the emergency workers and healthcare folks, and even the pastors of our churches, Lord.  Our pastors will faithfully be in church on Christmas Eve, on Sunday morning Christmas Day, perhaps New Year's Eve and probably on New Year's Day.  Especially bless those among us who work for our physical and spiritual health and safety in the days ahead.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 21st

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are now often about the good holiday spirits that are brightening our lives and lightening our loads. Especially, it is a joyful thing to know of our young people who are giving of their time, smiles and conversations to bring some holiday cheer to folks in retirement and health care facilities.
These young men and women don't have to be prompted by thinking that it may be themselves sitting there someday. These teenagers don't have to be told by their parents or their teachers, "Go, do this, because it is your duty."
No, Lord, these kids go and visit and bring good cheer because of the spirit of goodness you have implanted in each heart, mind and soul. This time of the year "activates" this spirit, and the youth are moved to do their best good, lovely and loving thing.
Thank you. Lord, for the good and joy our young adults are bringing to our older adults.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, here it is less than a week before the celebration of your Son Jesus' birthday.  We see the decorations that beautify the landscapes and our homes.  We deal with the extra crowds around the check-out stands.  We deal with all of the extra cars in the parking lots and on the streets.
But, often, Lord, we have a very hard time coping.  We don't see the beauty; we only see lights that blind us and that cause confusion.  We can't deal with the crowds because it feels that we are drowning in an overwhelming sea.  And, when we are on the streets, all we want to do is ram our vehicle into every other vehicle around us.
Lord, may all of us enjoy the beauty and meaning of this Christmas season.  But, if we are feeling sad, overwhelmed and like there is no use, protect us from ourselves and draw us close to you and those who can help us.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 16th

Good Morning, God
Lord, on Facebook folks are talking about a report of how people purchased the equipment necessary to make meth from a local store in a particular city.  The conversation is about how this is giving that city a bad name state-wide and nationally.
In our own headlines, we are learning about the "one-pot" method of manufacturing meth, a drug many times more powerful than heroin and cocaine.  By using pseudoephedrine, a few household chemicals and a liter soda bottle, a person can cook up a little meth.
Lord, we pray today that all such "cooking" will cease.  We pray for the safety of folks around such a "kitchen".  We also pray for any and all of the men and women who feel the urge and necessity to cook meth.  Lord, save them from themselves, as well as saving us from them.  May the "war" be won against the one-pot and the other forms of meth labs.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 14th

Good Morning, God,
What would our lives be like without the excitement and the beauty of the "Arts" - music, paintings, drama - all of these things that touch our inner sense of joy, satisfaction, and both sides of our brain? The headlines once again speak about how our school children might not be able to attend a local program in January due to a lack of funds, due to budget cuts.
Well, Lord, here we are again. We have been here before. Every time we have a shortage, we seem to need to cut the arts because they rarely bring in money, while costing a lot of money to produce and attend.
Yet, Lord, we must expose our children and ourselves to the beauty and free expression displayed in all art - the visual, the aural, the tactile - for these are the things that keep us gentle and appreciative of beauty. These are the things that touch our hearts.
Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the arts.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 12th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the listing of organizations that are not-for-profit or that just try to help others is endless.  We do have an organization for almost any need that faces us.  To help, we can donate food, clothing, automobiles, time, money, prayers - almost anything and everything we have can be used to provide almost anything and everything someone else needs.
What is often hard to come by, though, Lord, is the spirit of giving.  We most often think of providing for ourselves, then our children, then our grandchildren, before we think of providing for others.  Then, usually, what gets provided - especially in the clothing line - are items that are years old, items that don't fit, items that are out of style.  And, when we give monetarily, it may be a few coins into a red bucket after we hear bells ringing, or after we know how much is left over after we buy for ourselves.  Here is an idea, Lord.  What if everyone decided to give away to helping causes 10% of any and all income.  Many would be helped and we'd experience that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 9th

Good Morning, God
We saw the young boy's eyes light up and his face smile really big the other day at a shop on the square as his grandfather showed him a display case of pocket knives.  Boys have always had an interest in the pocket knife - the Cub and Boy Scouts have their special ones, grandfathers have their knives that will cut twine or trim fingernails, warriors have their knives that will help win a battle.  Hunters have their knives that will dress a deer.  Some have knives that will whittle a stick into an object of beauty.
Lord, we thank you for expressions of joy when boys learn the secrets of knives and what can be done with them.  We thank you for special bonds that are made between a father and son and a grandfather and grandson when one teaches the other the tricks of "whittlin".  We thank you for imaginations that put to use those multi-blade knives that begin with the Cub Scouts and evolve into the Swiss Army Knife.  Lord, may we appreciate, among all of our electronic gadgets today, the simplicity and usefulness of a simple knife in our pockets.!
In Jesus name, Amen


a Prayer for the Headlines for Wedneseday, December 7th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, it's our freedom of speech at work. Yesterday, the "dot triple X" website was made available for setting up official pornography sites on-line.
Well, at least, Lord, forewarned is forearmed. Most of us know that when we see anything marked with "x," but especially "triple X," that it means that whatever it is is "X Rated," an "adult" thing, something unfit for children. Actually, X-Rated stuff is unfit for healthy, appropriate living for anyone and everyone.
Lord, you created our bodies to be attractive to each other. You gave us the gift of sexual expression for pleasure, joy, love-making, and procreation. But you also gave us our bodies for your dwelling, to be temples of your Spirit. You gave us minds and hearts to love, honor and cherish each other in a mutual esteem. You gave us the wisdom to highly respect one another.
Heavenly Father, give us the strength to continue the fight against pornography and to fight for the beautiful esteem, respect and love that can be between people.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 5th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we are really into the season of giving now.  We are considering what we want to give to our friends and loved ones for Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.  We are doing this because of your word that tells us that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."  We Christians give especially because your gift of Jesus Christ was the best gift of all.  So, we set our hearts on loving each other especially during this season and showing that love through gift-giving.
Lord, we also see and hear of different organizations that could use our gifts.  We see and hear lists of the, especially, not-for-profit groups that seed to serve the under-served or the never-served.  These organizations range from humane societies to food banks, from the family-less in nursing homes to kids who need coats, from food banks to shelters that provide bunks.
Lord, we have a part of our heart that needs and wants to truly help others.  Activate that part in each of us this year for our giving at Christmas.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 2nd

Good Morning, God
There have been headlines this week about an 18-year old high school senior in Kansas City who, while on a class trip to the governor's office and the state capitol, made some disparaging remarks to and about the governor on Twitter.  The governor's office picked it up, called the school, the principal called the student in and told her to apologize.  The young lady refused.  Later, the governor apologized for attempting to quash the right of free speech and over-reacting, and the young lady doesn't have to apologize. 
Lord, there is the issue here of respect for authority, and a governor is an authority figure to be respected.  There also is the issue here of our right to free speech - shoot, Lord, what the young lady said didn't even have to be "bleeped" or masked over on the air or in print.
Quite honestly, Lord, there is a rapidly growing disregard for all civility these days - and with the electronic media, things travel fast and wide.  Lord, may we remember your word to pray for those in authority over us . . . and to keep our words sweet because we may have to eat them.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the headlines for Wednesday, November 30th

Good Morning, God,
The headline stories of late have been about the past couple of special shopping days - Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The good news is for retailers - the sales for both days are up significantly over last year. the good news is also for some consumers - they got what they wanted at super prices.
The bad news is, though, not the monetary prices that were paid, but the prices that were paid in terms of being very competitive with each other, harming each other - the one who used pepper spray in the crowd, for example, not being with and in a family gathering on Thanksgiving for being in line very early to stake a claim to shop.
Then, Lord, there is the sad idea that a lot of this boils down to greed.:A lot of the purchases made were not to give to others as gifts at Christmas, but to get for ourselves at a cheap price.
Lord, where we are greedy and selfish, humble us and make us generous, loving givers.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 28th

Good Morning, God
We have a saying here, Lord, that "Life is not the way it's supposed to be.  It is the way it is.  The way we handle it is what makes the difference."
Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to handle life with prayer.  We believe and can see that prayer "works" for handling life.  When we wake in the morning and have come through another night, we can give thanks for your presence and gift of sleep.  When we get up and face the day, we can trust that whenever and wherever we are, you are there to guide and direct us.  When we have decisions to make that affect our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, we always can have you at our side, helping us discern our course.  When we are finished with our day and are ready to sleep again, we can be assured of your "Well done" where we were righteous, your forgiveness when we stumbled, and your presence and protection as we turn off and receive rejuvenating sleep.
So, we pray this morning, "thank you for your care of us through the night.  Guide and direct us this day and keep us in your loving care always".
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 25th

Good Morning, God
Lord, thank you for yesterday and this day.  Even though this day is one of the most hectic of the year, we are happy to be here.  Yesterday reminded us that we have much for which to be thankful - for health and strength and daily food; for family, friends and faith.
Now, today and for the next several weeks, we have the opportunity to be a blessing for which to be thankful and receive joy.  Lord, your word says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."  So, today we are beginning to experience the joy that comes from giving.
We appreciate the gifts of the deep discounts on the items we want to buy.  We appreciate the shopkeepers putting on extra help to accommodate our buying frenzies.  We appreciate our imaginations that can be inspired with ideas for just the right gifts to give.  And, Heavenly Father, from whom all good gifts come, we thank you for the gift of being loved and being able to love.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 23rd

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about how not even a "Super Committee" can solve our monetary problems! Twelve educated, astute, passionate, and discerning individuals, and they cannot come to an agreement on how to solve a one trillion-plus deficit problem. One side says, "cut spending"; the other side says "increase income." Neither side wants the other side to enact their side. Nor is there any compromise, and all sides lose.
There will be those of us citizens who will be thankful tomorrow that neither side "won." There will be those of us citizens who will be ungrateful that there weren't any winners and losers; in other words, that there wasn't "compromise."
Lord, we aren't talking about major life principles here. We are only talking about how we fund how we want to live in our country. Bottom line, Lord, we all are going to have to pull together in this matter, and maybe suffer together a bit, to survive without a severe, really severe, economic crisis.
Lord, let us be very grateful tomorrow for what we have, but be very willing to give up what it takes, so that we might still have "liberty and justice for all."
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 21st

Good Morning, God
Yea, Lord, this week is finally hear, the week we officially begin the Christmas buying season.  We're all planning how, when and where we're going to spend Black Friday this week and get the great deals.  We've been training for this moment, how to push, shove, maneuver and out-last everybody else in the parking lot, on the sidewalk and down the aisles.  Ah, yes, we're ready for the bargains!
What's that, Lord?  You say there's another more important day first?  You say it happens on Thursday, the day before Black Friday?  You say it is a day to stop what we are doing and give thanks for everything?  Lord, what fun is that?  We much prefer the "bargain battles!"
And the Lord says "In all things give thanks.  Give thanks with a grateful heart.  Give thanks because I've given Jesus Christ.  Give thanks for the things that are true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise.  Give thanks and know real joy!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 18th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we lift to you this day another prayer about sin, its consequences, its cure and its cost.  The headlines are about how the 2012 Summer Olympics in London will "be protected" by ground-to-air missiles.  Additionally, a "full range of options" will be at the disposal of those tasked with ensuring public safety during the event.
Of course, Lord, the threat of violence at the Olympic Games is nothing new; we've experienced the horror of terrorist attacks on the games before.  Certainly, though, the games are supposed to be just the opposite.  They are supposed to be a venue where highly trained and skilled athletes, proudly representing their homeland, compete with each other for the Laurel wreath and a place on the podium.  These efforts are even mentioned biblically, where the Apostle Paul writes about training his beliefs as an athlete trains his or her body.
Lord, thank you for minds that love to compete, bodies that respond to training and competitions that cause us to do our best.  Please, Lord, keep our athletes and games safe.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 16th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we need your mercy and justice for the headlines that continue this morning about the sexual abuse scandal that involves so many children and adults directly and so many others indirectly because of their involvement with Penn State and the non-profit, "The Second Mile."
Lord, just as in your Garden of Eden sin spoiled something great, beautiful and perfect, so, too, apparently sin has spoiled something very good, fun, helpful and important to others. After these alleged sins, life wasn't the same for many young boys. After the alleged sins came to light, other sins were alleged to have been committed. and now, those alleged sins have affected over a hundred thousand people. Sin, or at least the allegations of it, has affected many lives as it always does if left unchecked and unrepented of.
Lord God, forgive us our many sins this day, bestow on us your bounteous mercy and forgiveness, and cause us to be righteous, this day and always.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 14th

Good Morning, God
Lord, one again we are seeing and hearing of a person's past being called into question in the present.  Once again alleged actions of the past are deemed serious enough to influence a person's "electability".  Once again there are charges and counter charges.
Lord, it doesn't matter who we are; your word levels indictments against all of us.  Your word tells the world that each of us have done wrong and fallen short of your glory.  Your word even tells us that we were born "sinful creatures."  It's hard to believe, but even a newborn is a sinful creature.  Fortunately, you have a special place in your heart for those who are too young to "know their sinfulness".
But, for the rest of us, Lord, you have given us a way to "come clean" of our sinfulness - belief in your Son, Jesus Christ.  May all of us be willing to admit our failures and foibles and be forgiven our short-comings and offenses and desire to live godly and righteous lives from this day forward.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 11th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we pray especially today for the men and women who have served our country in the armed forces.  We remember those who have lost their lives; we ask for comfort for those loved ones whose service person lost his or her life and didn't come home.  We are grateful that there have always been men and women who will leave their country and their kin folk and their parents' home for awhile and serve to protect their country and their kin folk and their parents' home.  For those who are currently serving, protect them this day and always from bodily and psychological harm.  May they rely on your love and protection to see them through this and each day.
And, for those who this day honors - our veterans - may they be appreciated with our thanks and every opportunity for good jobs, a comfortable place to live, adequate and continuing medical care and a sense of great accomplishment for a job well done.
May we appreciate all of our service people and give them thanks until we thank you when all conflict shall cease.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 9th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, our election day is over until next year. We have winners, and we have losers. We have some ballot measures that some thought were good ideas and some thought were bad ideas. All of us, thought, have had the opportuity to express our opinions; some did and some didn't.
However, Lord, now comes the really true tests: Can we agree to disagree agreeably? You have told us, Lord, what we are to do - "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you." The real question is can we get on with doing these things, or will we waste time grousing about this or that and not getting anything done for you and/or our neighbors?
Lord, the beauty of our system down here is that every person can have his or her say. But, along with this comes the caveat that we then work with what and whom is decided. Lord, may we be grcious winners and losers now and pull together for the best life on earth has to offer!
In Jesus' name, amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 7th

Good Morning, God
Lord, let your Holy Spirit begin flowing over us, especially, all believers, but also all citizens this day as we prepare to vote tomorrow.  Lord, believers know that those we elect and the issues we approve are of your doing; therefore, we should pray and seek your face when we are deciding for whom and what we are voting.  You will let us vote the way we want; may it be the way you want!  Lord, you have told us what to do and what our elections should reflect: "Only this, to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly" with you as our guide.  You also have promised that "If your people who are called by your name will humble ourselves, seek your face, and turn from our evil ways, then you will heal our land".
So, Lord, for our election day tomorrow, may we begin it with a prayer for discernment, guidance and gumption to elect those who will best guide in your way and vote for those things which will best enhance our life together in you.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, November 4th

Good Morning, God
On Wednesday we prayed and gave thanks for our towns and the sort of living we have in them.  Today we pray for the way our living has to fit into the rest of our country and the rest of the world.  We didn't pray for any of the challenges our towns face, Lord, but we have our problems just as other places in the world do.
So, today, we pray for the world economic situation, with the country of Greece at the forefront, and the stock markets being affected and affecting our lives here
We pray today for the frustrations being played out in the "Occupy" movement.  May those who are "Occupying" our public squares also "Occupy" their spaces in the voting booths and exercise their rights to vote as well as their right to assemble peacefully.
Lord, we pray today for our situations of living, in general, that they all may be for benefit and not for harm.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, November 2nd

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we want to give thanks today for those in our towns who do their jobs well for us.
We are grateful for our bankers who still cheerfully and appropriately handle our business over the phone or in person. we are appreciative of our retail merchants to whom we can still say, "I've left my checkbook at home. Can I pay you tomorrow?" And they say, "Sure, no problem!"
We enjoy the friendliness of our hometown businesses when they show it in their voices, calling us by name.
We love it when we are still waited on personally and escorted to the product we are looking for.
We feel safe in our towns knowing that the officers who are on patrol know what's going on and keep a lid on most of the harmful stuff, while patrolling for those who are impaired while driving.
Lord, may we show our appreciation by being good citizens, shopping at home and saying, "thank you!"
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 31st

Good Morning, God,
Lord, it's Halloween time again, the time we decorate ourselves, our children, even our dogs and cats, in some sort of costume and have parties and collect goodies. There is a bit of coercion involved, because we say, "Trick or Treat." Since most of us don't want our mailboxes trashed, our trees teepeed, our houses egged, or our cars soaped, we usually pay the bribe with candy!
Lord, such shenanigans and frivolity can be so much fun...but it can also be dangerous. We will have excited children running around in masks that limit their sight and costumes so dark they limit our seeing them. We may have a few folks who think it funny to booby-trap the loot with dangerous stuff. We may have a few who think up tricks that are permanently injurious to life, limb, and property.
Lord, there may also be folks for whom Halloween is a holiday time for celebrating the real devil.
Whatever, Lord, may this day and night be only fun and protect us from harm from tricks and the evil spirits.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 28th

Good Morning, God,
The other night, Lord, almost two hundred men and women and youth met for an exciting dinner and program. The cause for the meeting was the annual Young Life and Wild Life fund raiser. The attendees enjoyed a great catered meal provided by a generous group. The young people took the opportunity to serve the meal and share their testimonies. The leaders were obviously proud of their charges and the influence Young Life and Wild Life has on them, helping them feel like they belong, helping them learn good choices -and make them! - and helping them literally stay alive.
Lord, thank you for blessing adults who have big hearts and gifts for working with Middle School and Senior High youth. Thank you for organizations that encourage healthy behaviors. Thank you for people from all walks of life who give of their monetary, talent and time resources to support such an important ministry.
Lord, bless our future with great young adult men and women, especially because of Young Life and Wild Life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 26th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, do we feel safer now? Another of the world's worst terrorists has been killed and buried. Most of the country of Libya has cheered; Most of the world has breathed a sigh of relief. Now we wait while Libyans decide what to do next and how to do it.
Naturally, we hope that a democratic government will happen that will want its people and thus its country to prosper. If some in our country have their way, we will encourage it by causing the vast natural resource of oil to flow our way. This causes us to wonder what will flow toward Libya in return.
Heavenly Father, Lord of the Nations, send your blessings to the people of Libya that they may experience joy and freedom in their lives. May countries far and wide not seek to exploit any new openness, but seek to befriend folks who haven't had many friends over the years.
Grant, Merciful God, that all tyrannical governments will cease and that governments which serve its people righteously will prosper.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 24th

Good Morning, God
Lord, do we remember that today is United Nations Day?  This is the day that we celebrated the founding of the organization whose charter involves bringing disparate nations together in one place to discuss and take action on keeping peace and safety among countries around the world, helping to conquer hunger and disease wherever it is found and to help educate and protect children so that they might have a fair, fighting chance at an abundant life.
Many of us, Lord, grew up when the United Nations was in its infancy and were convinced of its potential and high idealism.  Lord, what has happened to such aspiration?  Is there no more desire for peace through compromise and negotiation?  Is there no longer the commitment to sit at a negotiating session and come to a mutually agreed upon resolution?  Is there no more possibility to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and heal the sick through being united even though nations are different?  Lord, may the high idealism of the United Nations be restored, live on and be effective.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 21st

Good Morning, God
Now is the time, Lord, when our football teams and band organizations need our prayers.  These groups are in the crunch time - they are in-between the regular season and the finals.  Any loss will mean the end of the season for them.  If a football team loses, the players will hang up their pads for the last time this year.  If a band gets a low ranking, the players will not march again until next fall.  For the seniors of both groups, another high school activity will come to an end.
Lord, we so appreciate the opportunities we have to use the talents you have given and that have been honed and fine-tuned to do our level best, for the team, for the fans and for you.  Strengthen each performer in their skill.  Keep each one healthy.  Protect each one from discouragement.  Give them the attitude that while each person is called on to do his or her best, they are not doing so for individual glory but for the team, the school and for heaven.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 19th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, how much is one person really worth? What should we be willing to trade for the life of one person?
In the case of an Israeli soldier who was captured by the Islamic Hamas government five years ago, it is worth 1,027 prisoners whom Israel has been holding. Those being released from Israel in tradae include some serving life terms for being part of the crime of murder.
One commentator said that the Israelis didn't want again to be known as a people who wouldn't do all they could to get one of their own back. Thus, 1,027 men and women are being released by Israel in exchange for one man held by Hamas.
Lord, you know exactly what it is like to trade one life for others, for many others, for limitless others. You traded your own son, knowing he would face death on a cross, so that everyone who believed in him and accepted him as their savior, as their "hero," could have life and have it abundantly and eternally.
Yes, Lord, you know what it is to trade one life so that innumerable men and women can be saved. Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 17th

Good Morning, God,
The sign said, "We are Citizens United." It was being carried by a well-dressed man involved with the "Wall Street Protestors," now moving into the "Occupy Protestors." These Occupy Protestors are gathering in front of the homes of billionaires and milliionaires to protest the "hoarding of wealth" that these business men and women do. The comment is that the horading is done "at the expense of the 99% rest of us."
Lord, your wisdom is really needed here. You word tells us that in the ealy Christian Community, there was not "need" because folks shared and shared alike. Your word tells us to watch over the widows and orphans. Your word also instructs us that, if we are able, we need to work and support ourselves and others.
Lord, society says we are in the "Me" generation, a "Capitalistic society," a society that encourages making money, spending it and making more money.
Lord, give us the desire to work, share, and care for others as our end goal.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 14th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, these are times when the words we use mean different things to different people. For example, of late in our national politics, we have heard the word "cult" used by a pastor of whom it is said is an "Evangelical Christian." As a result, another pastor has labeled the Evangelical Christian a "bigot." We, the people, the choose the "side" we are on by what we believe the words mean.
Lord, we first need forgiveness for name-calling when someone takes a position with which we disagree. Perhaps we could seek to understand that "cult" in this case certainly doesn't refer to a "satanic cult" or to the likes of a group that followed Jim Jones a few years back, but is referring to extra-Biblical interpretations, latter-day prophets and prophecies, different beliefs about your God-head, Lord, your Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that there different rites and rituals than are in an Evangelical Christian's faith. It would do us all a whole lot of good to undestand the beliefs of others!
So, Lord, give us a better understanding of each other and give us words and their interpretations that don't conjure up fears, slurs and bigotry.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 12th

Good Morning, God,
Last night's "Candidates Forum" was what it was, Lord: Interesting, informative, sometimes challenging.
We should always be grateful for those men and women who will stick their necks out, put their lives under scrutiny, risk their reputations and invest their resources to stand for election to a public office!
We should also be grateful for men and women willing to take on the leadership of our social and civic clubs which, while not necessarily involving the same or as many risks, definitely involve a commitment of time and running the risk of being criticized.
Lord, you have given everyone the ability to do at least one thing very well in life. Some you have gifted to be leaders; some you have gifted to be followers; some you have gifted to be helpers.
Lord, may we excel in the special calling you have given us. And in our political processes - may what we do measure up to your election standards for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 10th

Good Morning, God
Your word has one of your people saying " . . . this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."
Lord God, all of us are "pressing on" to something.  The headlines reflect both positive and negative "pressing on".  Some are pressing on in protests on Wall Street - protesting high executive salaries, a seeming lack of accountability of everybody to anybody, the state of the economy, the state of the war in Afghanistan, the state of the country, in general.
Some are pressing on in their areas of expertise and being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.
Some are pressing on despite lives interrupted by trials, tribulations, hunger, wars, illnesses.  Some are pressing on and achieving victory over deafness, racism, hate and genetic disorders.
So, Lord, may we press on to what lies ahead for us and be with us Gracious God.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 7th

Good Morning, God
Only one month 'til elections, eh Lord?  Such a privilege we have, to elect those who rule us, those who serve us.  And to think, your word reminds us that you have a lot to do with those in authority over us; you put people in place to guide and direct us.
Lord, we often wonder about this, though.  When the wrangling takes place, when there is corruption, when there is mudslinging, is this in your will?  And, if a candidate professes to be led by you, to be following what he or she believes is his or her calling to stand for election to an office, we seem to negate this and say that religion has no place in politics.  In addition to this, candidates and elected officials are worried to express their faith because of the fear that someone will quote "separation of Church and state; separation of Church and state" to them.
Lord, this election season, may the debates be decorous and the candidates be candid.  Help us to elect your choice.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good morning, God,
We have been remiss in these prayers by not praying for our farmers and this time of harvest - but you know what is on our hearts and are blessing us anyway!
You are blessing us with beautiful days: Crisp, clear, dry. You are blessing us with bounty: The yields are doing very well, thus making us feel that our efforts are worthwhile. You are blessing us with machinery that keeps on operating and doing what is expected of it. You are blessing us with safety.
Gracious God, Lord of the Harvest, who gave us the charge and blessing to have dominion over the good land so that it will produce that which sustains life, we give you our grateful thanks. We ask that we will continue in your favor this harvest season. When we work, may we have tireless strength and energy. When we rest, may we feel safe, unworried and unhurried, and at peace.
Watch over us this and every season of the year, Sustaining God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God
Lord, there was a song penned several years ago now by a woman who was going through some very difficult times.  She had not been in contact with you for awhile, so long, in fact, that she didn't remember how to contact you.  So she wrote a song that confessed "Lord, I forgot your 800 number".
Of course, God, we are thankful that contacting you does not depend on remembering any numbers, either without or with toll charges!  All that you require is for us to have a true heart - turn toward you and you will even hurry to hear us.  You have invited us to go into our room, shut the door and pray privately, "Father in heaven, holy is you name.  Your kingdom come, your will  be done on earth as in heaven.  Give us today, our daily bread.  Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.
Thus, Lord, hear our prayers.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 30th

Good Morning, God
Simon and Garfunkel (when they were Simon and Garfunkel) probably said it best: "Gee, but it's great to be back home.  Home is where I want to be, I've been on the road so long my friends, and its the same old story.  I've been slandered, lied to . . ." etc.
Lord, we thank you for the greatest majority of the time we feel "at home".  Hopefully, we feel "at home" when we eat and sleep.  Hopefully, we feel "at home" in the town or city or out in the country where we "hang our hats".  Hopefully, we feel at home when the fall festivals take place where we live or when our high school bands play at contests, no matter where, or when our football teams take the field.  Thank you, Lord, for all of our feelings of being at home.
Lord, there are many today who are or who feel homeless.  Please be with them today, that they may know the warmth, safety and security of a place or person they can call home.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 28th

Good morning, God,
Thank goodness, God, that the last tiff between the young men and young women didn't result in headlines! Rather, it merely got four other friends involved, got these friends up early to go to the court house for no good purpose, and pointed out once again how much our young people need guidance from good, solid adult role models.
So, Lord, today we pray for our families - parents, children, young adults. We pray that men and women, before they even think of making babies and having children will seriously consider how they were raised and if they want to raise their own in the same way, for the odds are that is exactly what will happen. If not, then cause them to get direction and guidance before they bring a child into the world.
And, Lord, continue to give wisdom and strength to those who would befriend and aid and attempt to mentor these young people who so desperately need appropriate love and guidance.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 26th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we really need your wisdom these days!  Especially after all of the Sunday morning messages from our pulpits and our press, we especially need your wisdom to know what is truth and what is falsehood.
Your word asks this question: "Who is wise and understanding among you?"  Your word also answers the question: Let the wise ones show themselves wise by their good life that their works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.  But if we have both envy and selfish ambition in our hearts, we are not to be boastful and false to the truth . . .  For when we are envious and have selfish ambition, we will also have disorder and wickedness of every kind.
But, Lord, your word also assures that the wisdom that comes from you is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without even a trace of partiality or hypocrisy.  You even promise that "a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace."
Lord, who will be the peace-makers among us?  You know - please reveal them to us.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 23rd

Good Morning, God
Lord, we don't understand why people are put together differently from each other, but in most cases, "Viva La Difference!"  However, sometimes our hearts are touched, especially by children, when they appear to "not be like an average kid", and sometimes, Lord, we are less than kind toward these boys and girls.
Thankfully, Lord, you have gifted some folks with special, tender hearts that reach out in love toward these children.  You give a special measure of understanding, patience and imagination.  You enable these teachers and mentors to bring joy to these children despite whatever handicap these children have.
Lord, especially today, we want to give thanks for the T-O-P-Soccer program.  The TOP Soccer program, the leaders and all the volunteers who are making it possible for people, especially children with mental and physical handicaps, to experience the joy of playing soccer - just like anybody else.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wedesday, September 21st

Good Morning, God,
Lord, our national government and courts have made a decision as to whom can serve in our military. The decision is that as long as candidates for service are physically and mentally able to do the duties required, any man or woman can serve. This includes now all men and women regardless of their sexual orientation.
Lord, many have prayed for wisdom in this matter - and the perceived answers have been varied, but the major wisdom seems to say that this is okay.
So, Lord, we pray that this decision will be received by all with grace and understanding. We pray for the safety of each man and woman, no matter who they are, as they faithfully serve our country. We pray for their good camaraderie, friendship, and respect. And, Lord, we pray that what we have done and do as a nation will find favor in your sight, for we do strive to be "One nation Under God."
Lord, bless us as we seek to be this.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 19th

Good Morning, God
It's amazing, Lord, how our daily routines can be interrupted by the cracks that happen in our lives.  The headlines have been about a major crack in the major bridge that spans the Ohio River between Kentucky and Indiana.  this crack has caused major problems for 89,000 vehicles a day - they all must find another way to get where they need to go!  One thing for sure is that there will be lines of vehicles stretching for up to 9 miles in one direction and up to 3 miles in another direction, and it will take much more time.  This is a major disruption to our lives, Lord!  There is more concern about road rage; there is more concern about how to get in eight hours of work.  There is concern about how to repair the bridge and how to do it as quickly as possible!
Lord, help us to think of alternate solutions when our lives are disrupted by cracks!  May we not be so set in our ways that we can't flex and when we flex, may it not be angrily but patiently.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 16th

Good Morning, God
Lord, sometimes our lives feel like a tug-of-war.  Back and forth, back and forth, on one side of the center line we tug or are tugged.  What we would really like is to be able to just be peaceful on our side of life and have a pleasant existence.  But, no, the tugs come.
Lord, the tugs come, usually because of how we prioritize our lives.  We have work; we have families; we have church; we have our organizations, sports, habits, wants and desires.  We have only twenty-four hours in our day, Lord, and we want to do it all!  Can't we stay awake a little longer without getting tired or affecting our health?  Can't we schedule our meetings so we can get to all of them?  Can't we have an eighth day so we can have a Sabbath and rest?  Can't we have just enough work but not too much for an eight-hour work day?
Lord, guide and direct our priorities for life and living this and each day.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 14th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, what must it feel like to be "fired upon" in one's own home town? Why must people worry about whether or not they are safe in their own front yards? Why must buildings and homes be destroyed after so much effort goes into their construction? Why can't people "just get along"?
There was a quote the other day, Lord, that a lot of what happens is due to the "will of an angry and frustrated people." This is what we have seen this "Arab Spring," with the uprising of folks in several countries. This is what we are currently seeing in Afghanistan. This is at least part of what al-Qaeda is all about. This is what motivates a lot of us around here to take actions that are not always pleasant or within the law: We get frustrated, then angry, then do things we will regret later.
Lord, great changes come when we channel our anger in directions that lead to peaceful resolutions. May we be peaceful in all we do today.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 12th

Good morning, God,
It is a new day to make headlines; thank you! Many are based on what has happened, Lord. Many of the headlines are sensationalized to get our attention. Many of them pull at our heartstrings. Many of them talk to us of things to come.
Lord, what if the headlines we make today are all accurate accounts of what our future holds? What if we could have the insight and wisdom to know what tomorrow holds and put this knowledge into headline form for all to hear and see, and could and would act on the revealed future accordingly? What if, Lord?
We do already know some of your headlines, Lord. You say that rain falls on both the just and the unjust. You say that each of us will face a judgment day. You say that some of us will never receive your headlines, some of us will receive them and forget them, some of us will receive them but be overwhelmed by everything else we have going on, and that some of us will receive your headlines, take action on them, and be blessed by them.
Lord, may we always choose to heed your headlines!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 9th

Good morning, God.
Lord, we have a prayerful patriotic song that asks:
While the storm clouds gather, far across the sea,
Let us pledge allegiance to a land that's free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:
God bless America, land that I love.
Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above.
From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam,
God bless America, my home sweet home.
God bless America, my home sweet home!

Yes, Lord, we do love this country which we call 'home'. We do ask that you bless us, but not so we can be better than, greater than, all the others, but so we can thoroughly enjoy the richness, the beauty, the bounty, and the blessings you have created here in this place.
In fact, Lord, you call us, not to be so prideful in our country that we become braggadocios, but that we be so appreciative of all our blessings that we are humbled, that we are prayerful, that we are always seeking your face and turning from evil, so that we will always know your blessings.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, September 7th

Good morning, God,
The headlines this week have been and will be about this weekend coming up. It is the tenth-year anniversary of the attack on our country and our way of life by the Al Qaeda regime.
Human emotions such as jealousy, anger, and rage went into the hijacking of the airplanes and the targeting of our buildings and people in them. However, Lord, a firm belief in their religion also went into what these relatively few people did. Since then, many more of "them" and "us" have died.
Lord God, over the centuries, many actions have been done in the name of one particular religion or another. And, we need to ask for forgiveness for actions in all of them.
But one thing we who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord know is, if we were to love one another as you have loved us by giving us your own Son for our  faults, we and our neighbors would get along better, and this world would be a much better place. Let us prayerfully consider this, especially this week, Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, September 5th

Good Morning, God
The headlines proclaim today "Labor Day" and we celebrate labor by taking the day off from it!  Well, thank you, Lord, for those who make the rules of holidays that our patterns of life can be different today.  May we make the best use of this time to relax by spending the day with family and friends, by taking life a little easier, by doing something fun, by simply sitting and enjoying your world, for this is a beautiful time of the year.  We also give thanks this day for any ability and opportunity we have to work, whether it is in or around our homes, whether it is at a paying job, or whether it is at a volunteer job that pays with heartfelt gratitude and satisfaction.
Thank you also, Lord, for your promise of blessing: Come Labor on.  No time for rest, till glows the western sky, til the long shadows o'er our pathway lie, And a glad sound comes with the setting sun.  "Well done, well done!"
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, September 2nd

Good Morning, God
There is a point being made in the headlines that we, the people, want and need "government" but do not want the "politics".  Basically, this is interpreted to mean that we want, even expect, the government to provide services that keep us safe - a military, fire and police protection, keep us fed - an agricultural system that protects our food, and a financial system that keeps us solvent and that enables us to purchase the things we need to live, work and play, to enjoy life.
It is also said that we don't want the wrangling, the deal-making, the posturing, the debates, the filibusters that we have with "politics".
Well, Lord, when we have the system we have, a system that prides itself that is is based on checks and balances, there really isn't any way around "politics" - unless one side or the other abdicates its responsibilities.
"Nough 'bout politics and government.  Thank you, Lord, that you alone are in charge and that your governance isn't open to debate!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 31st

Good morning, God,
Ah, what a joy it is to have headlines about the impetuousness of youth turning out for the good rather than ending up in a bad situation! Those three football guys from Forest Park took off running and treated that truck as a blocking sled, pushing it right off the line - that is, they pushed that truck right back on its wheels, leading to the freeing of the trapped mother with child from the truck. Then, some more experience kicked in as one of the guys knew he had to put out the engine fire - and did.
Lord, from young football players to store employees to passers-by, you have given many gifts and skills to be sued for day-to-day routine living and for once-in-a-lifetime emergency situations. Thank you for people who will act quickly and positively when a need arises. Keep all such "Good Samaritans"safe during their actions, but may we always be safe enough in what we are dong that we don't ever need emergency responders.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 26th

Good morning, God,
We feel for any woman named "Irene" today, as a huge hurricane carries that same name and is making the headlines. We pray this morning for those in the Bahamas who have already been hit and those on the east coast of our land who are being hit now, only to get more of the worst later. We pray for the safety of all who are in the path of Irene, for the strength of the buildings that are in her way, and for the clean-up efforts that will need to be done.
Lord, we are grateful here that all we might face is some wind and rain, but we can handle this little bit.
However, Lord, there are the human hurricanes that we face every day which may be more damaging than the weather ones. We may feel that our lives are spinning around and around - and picking up speed. We may think we have just felt the violent wind of a friend attacking our moorings. We may believe we have "battened down our hatches," only to be blown off course again.
Heavenly Father, please control your weather hurricanes and our interpersonal hurricanes that all my be peaceful.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 29th

Good Morning, God
Some of the headlines last week, as during every week, involved men and women attacking each other, going after each other physically to do bodily harm.  One man went after another with a meat cleaver.  Someone else went at it with a knife.  Others pointed guns at each other.  Yet, others went after each other with verbal attacks and abuse.
Ya know, Lord, it would behoove all of us to really try to remember your Golden Rule: "To do unto others what we would have done to us."  If we thought this, then would we want to be chopped with a cleaver?  Would we want a knife at our neck or a gun pointed at us?  Would we want the words with which we attack others to be said to us?  Would we enjoy living belittled by the words we use when we are speaking of and to others?
Lord, this day, at the beginning of this week, may we make where we live and work a much better and more peaceful place because we are putting into practice only those things that we would like to be done to us.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 24th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about a person charged and convicted of felonies. he had decided to exercise his rights to a jury trial. The jury (of his peers) decided he was guilty. He had had to opportunity to plead to lesser charges, but he had hoped that the jury would find him not guilty on all counts. Now, his idea of running for and being elected to a political office has been quashed; one cannot run nor be elected when one has been convicted of a felony. Appeals are next, but the damage to his aspirations and future has been done.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us a way out when we are convicted of our sins. Thank you that Satan doesn't try us, that the angels aren't a jury, and that you are the final judge. One has said that it is a terrible thing to be in the hands of an angry God, but you are only angry at the sin, not the sinner. You give us every opportunity to have each and every sin expunged - through our confession and yours and our Mediator, Jesus Christ. May we always accept Jesus' advice and let him try our cases before you, that we will always be found "guilty but forgiven."
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 22nd

Good Morning, God,
While we would love to only be concerned about our local headlines, the international headlines also affect us - or should.
Lord, there are starving children on the Horn of Africa. The Syrian cities are not safe places to be outside these days. Libyan rebels continue to make inroads and the government forces keep defending and pushing back. A headline read, "European Economy Hits a Wall," and the currency - the euro - seems to not be working as a standard currency. Another headline spoke of how the economies of China, that holds a goodly part of the debt of the United States, and the United States, which is China's biggest market, are mutually dependent on each other. The commentary thought this dependence was more like a stalemate, more like an economic "cold war."
Lord, are we concerned too much over things that are too big for us? Give us and those who are educated in such matters the wisdom to work through these things for the good of life and health and daily food, and we will give you the praise and the glory.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 19th

Good Morning, God
Lord, there were headlines about a collaboration between jazz musicians and Blue-Grass musicians, between New Orleans and Nashville.  The points were made that (1) both genres are music; (2) both genres have rhythm, tones, history and futures; (3) both genres have people who enjoy both.  So, why not form a combination of the two kinds of music?  They did and the results were great.
Lord, there are many areas of life where different genres meet and wonderful synergisms occur.  From the mundane "wafer cookies and cold milk"  to men and women living and working together, to teams made up of individuals with different gifts and skills to build better mouse traps, to people of different races, creeds and ethnicities collaborating for the common good, it is awesome to realize what can be done.
Lord, may we begin this day and the rest of this week with the attitude toward you of "Not my will but yours be done", then continue working with those around us with the attitude of "What can we accomplish better together.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 17th

Good morning, God,
Lord, why does our pleasure sometimes get interrupted by pain? Isn't life heard enough as it is? The headlines have been about the collapse of the stage at the Indiana State Fair in Indy over the weekend. It seems that a sudden, powerful gust of wind toppled all of the stage rigging, scaffolding, and sound equipment right down on top of folks who were set to enjoy a great concert on a great night.
But their pleasure was interrupted by pain. Five will never experience pain or pleasure again; many will bear the scars of the pain for quite awhile. All of us will remember 2011 as "the year the stage blew down at the Fair."
Lord, when the winds of life topple our pleasures, we pray you will always be in the recovery. When the dark clouds of storms approach us, may we have enough time and smarts to take shelter in you. When we are spared from death, may we give you our heartfelt thanks. When we are injured, may we know your healing. And, when we are touched by pain only in our spirit, may we rely on your touch of peace through your Holy Spirit on us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 15th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines reveal the loss of another influential gentleman from among us in Jasper and the surrounding area, Earl Metzger. He wasn't a young man that we mourn his untimely death, but we mourn his loss, just the same, for Earl and his life's work has touched our lives, influenced the way we think, and let us know what is going on in Dubois County and the world.
Lord, you gave Earl the grace to endear himself to those who worked for him, only it seemed that they worked with him. You caused people to look to him as a mentor, even as a father-figure. You caused Earl to be a faithful witness to you through his church, his life and the airwaves. Lord, you caused Earl to put these prayers and other devotional pieces on the air, worrying only that they would give you the glory.
Lord, Earl will be missed by his loyal staff, by his listeners and by those with whom he came in contact professionally. Most of all, Earl will be missed by his family: his wife Sylvia, his sons Nick and Luke, his brother Robert and his grandchildren  Cameron, Lillyanna, Ryan, Cloey and others, including especially his WITZ family.
Bless all those who grieve this day, Lord, and thank you for the life of Earl Metzger.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 12th

Good Morning, God
Lord, to pray about dreams may, to some, be a waste of our communications live with you, but even in your word you have spoken and caused your will to happen through dreams.
This week, what may seem to many a silly, perhaps stupid, dream that 61-year old Diana Nyad had to swim from Cuba to Florida - 103 miles - ended after only swimming about half way.  Choppy water and lousy weather buffeted her so much that she was thrown off course and got too tired fighting.
For how many of us, Lord, have our dreams been buffeted by the storms of life, so much so that we have been thrown off course and had to quit?  Fortunately, we have had friends - as Diana did, who plucked us out of the storm to safety.  Our dreams probably are still in our minds, but for now we are contend to be safe.
Lord, may we always have dreams and the desires and actions to bring them to fruition.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, August 10th

Good Morning, God,
Well, Lord, somebody finally called our bluff! When the dust settled in Washington last week, the dust rag was wielded by a Wall Street institution. They said, "Ya'll have been fighting among yourselves too long and the TKO, the technical knockout, was no knockout at all. Actually, ya'll just went back to your corners to come to fight again."
Lord, while it is desired by Washington that we believe that "all is well and all is right," the rest of the world knows better. We don't even have to have financial heads; our guts tell us that we have money troubles. Standard and Poors just named it by putting it on paper and taking action.
We pray for our national financial picture, Lord. What happens in Washington does affect our personal finance. Give our leaders the guts to make the tough decisions about spending and taxation. We all must pull together on this, Lord. Give us the direction to tug!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 8th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the whole group of young men and women showed up, not in the headlines (Thank You, Lord!), but in the living room the other evening, befriended by the young adult who lives there.  These young adults are folks that we would look at and jump to conclusions that they were up to no good, don't contribute to society and one better watch out or they will come back and steal you blind, or worse.  Then, they really would be in the headlines, Lord.
Gracious God, we pray today for the gift of understanding the mix of adults today - those who can't or don't have the wherewithal to go to school beyond high school.  Those who don't have a backyard pool in which to swim but choose a farm pond instead and those who come into a house hungry at 10p.m. because they hadn't had another place to eat at the usual supper time. 
Lord, guide us to do what we can to keep these young adults out of the headlines.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, August 5th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we give you thanks for the opportunities we have to have fun.  Especially, we celebrate all of the local street festivals in our towns around.  From 4-H County Fairs to Jasper's Strassenfest, we enjoy a good party, clean fun, the reunion of friends and the enjoyment of performers.  It is fun to remember our heritage and to give thanks for where we live and work and have family and friends.
Lord, today and this weekend, we pray for Jasper's good times.  We pray for safety in the heat and humidity.  May we remember that you created the perfect coolant for our bodies - Adam's Ale, H2O, pure, clear and clean water.  May we remember this as we drink whatever, knowing that your best is the best for our health.
And, Lord, may we also have safety in the shows, ride attractions, the beer gardens and in the milling about.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for teh Headlines for Wednesday, August 3rd

Good Morning, God,
Thank you, God, for minds that think, hearts that feel and men and women who have finally worked things out. Lord, the rhetoric has been rancorous, the debates almost debilitating, the arguments arduous, but we now have the agreements that will keep our country financially viable for awhile longer.
However, Lord, there is a huge amount of work ahead for a group of 12, a Senate and a House of Representatives, and a President. Lord, we the people expect solutions not sidesteps out of Washington and pray that it will be forth-coming in the days ahead.
We also are beginning to seek your wisdom for whom we will vote into office a year from now. Guide us, O Thou Great Jehovah. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the facing of each hour!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, August 1st

Good Morning, God
The headlines ask the question: "Who are our heroes?"  The stories behind this particular headline is about folks who are missionaries for Jesus among their own people, risking their lives daily, hourly, to spread the good news of Jesus Christ where they live and work.
You know these people, Lord; in fact, you admire these people and hold them out to the rest of us who would be your followers.  Furthermore, Lord, you encourage all of us, whether or not we believe in your Son, Jesus, to be a "hero" to someone else.  Perhaps a dad can be a hero to a son or daughter by being a constant positive, loving, encouraging presence in that son's or daughter's life.  Perhaps a mom can be a hero to a son or daughter by teaching him or her to be persistent yet patient, to dream big dreams and pursue them and to become all that he or she can become with what they have.
Lord, thank you for our heroes who maybe aren't martyred in death but who give of themselves totally selflessly.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 29th

Good Morning, God
Lord, there certainly are a lot of great people around Dubois County, and we need to give thanks for them today.  Oh, Lord, we don't necessarily mean folks who are in positions of power and authority.  They constantly make the headlines and constantly need our prayers.  But today we give thanks for the people that serve us through our neighborhood businesses, dealing with our problems with refrigerators and lawnmowers, automobiles and water heaters, air conditioners and termites.  Lord, about the only time these folks are in the headlines are because of their paid advertisements, not because they've done something to warrant headlines and stories.
So today, Lord, thank you for our small business owners who open their shops and stores each day, who respond to our daily emergencies, who don't always charge us for everything they do, who give us "loaners" and free advice, who give others jobs and who give us smiles and good, kind advice.  Bless our small business owners with great customers and your wisdom.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 27th

Good morning, God,
We here in Dubois county will be praying for a solution to the "Debt Crisis" situation. It seems that it will only be by your Divine intervention that it will be solved, Lord. There are too many of our human characteristic flaws being demonstrated in the efforts of too many people to get it solved by our efforts alone.
Everything you warn us about in your Good Book, everything that has caused trouble for folks in the Bible, everything that has caused the downfall of great nations mentioned in Scripture is happening among us right now, Lord.
Ah, Lord God, if only we would follow your guidance as a people and as a nation. If only we would turn fully to you and pray, "Not my will but Thine be done." If only we could leave politics, posturing, pride and prejudice outside the arena and seek what would be fair to all, with those in positions of authority taking the lead! If only...
Ah, Lord, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 25, 2011

Good Morning, God
Lord, one little "random act of kindness" probably will never make a headline.  Some one person helping out some one other person with a much-needed gift of a couple a hundred in cash won't be shared with the world - and it probably should not be.  Your word instructs us to give humbly, not in order to gain recognition but just because someone has a need of what we have.  Your word instructs us to give in secret, so secretively, in fact, that our right hand does not even know what our left hand is doing.  Your word does say that when we do a random act of kindness for someone in need we do such act for Jesus . . . and Jesus himself will say "thank you".  In fact, Jesus will say "as you did it to the least of these, you did it unto me".  Did what, Lord?  As you saw someone hungry and fed them.  As you saw someone naked and clothed them. As you saw a stranger and welcomed them.  As you saw someone thirsty and gave them something to drink.  As you saw someone sick or in prison and visited them.  These were your random acts of kindness that you did as unto me.  Well done!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 22, 2011

Good Morning, God
Like a house of cards or a row of dominoes, the people keep falling who have been part of the "News of the World" organization based in England.  People have been fired; people have quit; people have been found dead; the newspaper has closed.  All because of an attitude of making headlines at any cost.  Hang the ethics, right Lord, just get the references for the story and run it!  Just because something is illegal to do, the ends justify the means, right?

"Wrong, my children" you say, Lord?  You say that you will give us the gifts and skills necessary to make a living, support a business, get the headlines and get ahead - if only we will do things ethically and morally?  You say to "let our "Yes" be yes and our "No" mean no.  You say to treat others as we would like to be treated.  You say to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control.  You say to give of ourselves sacrificially and we will be blessed.  Help us to do so, Lord, for we desire to make our living your way.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 20th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines probably would never use this term, but are usually written in such a way that we feel its words. The term is "the tyranny of the urgent."
Lord, whether something just "pops up" that must be done "right now" or we push something that must be done right up to the very last minute before settling on a solution, we face "the tyranny of the urgent." When we do, our adrenaline really gets to pumping, we feel the urge to fight or flee, and our brain goes into hyper-warp. Then, usually, we get it done. Very often, also, we get it done well because all of our resources and concentration has been on the urgent need. But the stress gets to be too much.
Lord, your word has somethng to say about the tyranny of the urgent: Doln't let it happen; be prepared for it. Of course, you are speaking of the moment we must meet Jesus and whether or not we will have acccepted him by then. So, your word to us this day is: Be ready, for you do not know the day or the hour you will meet the Lord.
Thanks for the warning, Lord!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 18th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, what if the headlines today began with, "Dubois County Hears a Word from the Lord," and the story under the headlines tells about something you want from us or something we did to please you or something we are doing that you would like changed? What if we could so directly discern your will, your desire, your hopes?
Of course, we beleive that by praying our private, individual prayers and listening to and for you, we can know what you desire from us as an individual believer and follower. But, what about us corporately, as a citizen group in our towns, as the totality of citizens in our county? Lord, do you ever speak in a way that all of us can hear at once, or do you always speak just to individuals and encourage us to then share?
This day, Lord, speak to us through the headlines and the stories behind them, that we may know your will and do your work in your way.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 15

Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are often about how particular persons are "in charge" of certain responsibilities and how they succeeded or how they fail. When a boss or government official succeeds, we often say that it is a "team effort." When a project fails, we often look to the top dog and ask, "Who do we blame; who do we fire!"
Lord, it seems that we also are more afraid than ever these days to "stick our necks out," to offer our help when a project or an activity is faltering. Perhaps we are afraid others will think we are "horning in." Perhaps we think we will be criticized for being a "know it all." Perhaps we don't have "the courage of our convictions," and doubt our own abilities. And, perhaps the ones in charge of the project just simply won't take suggestions and/or accept help.
Heavenly Father, may we today do the best we can within our own work, offer our expertise where others need help - and be ready and willing to accept the suggestions of helping hands when they are offered.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for theHeadlines for Wednesday, July 13

Good Morning, God,
These days it seems that nothing in the headlines shocks us much anymore. The decisions or lack thereof of our elected officials are common-place. The summer heat that blankets much of our nation is day to day and makes us wish for an early fall. There isn't even much new news on the international scene.
However, Lord, sometimes we are really struck by the headlines when a well-known person in our area meets a sudden death. Today we think about John Becher and his family, Lord. John, who has helped so many of us around here get through the death of a loved one, now must rely on others to help his loved ones get through his sudden, untimely death. Today we all pray for John's family, friends and co-workers, that we not grieve so much for his loss, but give thanks for his life and that he cared so much for so many of us.
And, Lord, may we live as carefully as we can, that our loves will not have to grieve over our untimely death. May we and you hold those we love close this day and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 11

Good Morning, God,
The headlines today are about folks who are "up in the air." These headlines are about folks who are intentionally up in the air, "'way out there," the astronauts in the space station. This is a special mission for them and for us, since it is the final shuttle mission - that fact is not "up in the air" - it is known for sure.
Lord ,we thank you for the men and women who over the years have allowed themselves to be "up in the air" for while. Please bring these particular people back down to earth safely and let us rejoice in the successful completion of the shuttle program. May future space exploration be both grounded and up in the air - "grounded" on solid science and engineering and "up in the air" because of the dreams and imaginations of minds that are shared.
Lord, may we all be grounded in good, solid things. May we know who you are and what you desire. May we know who we are, what we have to use, what we have to share and what our responsibilities are toward others. And, may we be grounded in the hope that when we feel ourselves "up in the air," it is you hand that is holding us up, your will guiding our orbit, and your love helping us get back to being grounded.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, July 8

Good Morning, God,
The headlines were about how the murder case of a 7-year-old girl 'way back in 1957 has finally been solved with the arrest of the alleged perpetrator. It seems that his alibi that he was on a train at the time collapsed because the ticket was found unused. Then all of the alibis fell like a house of cards.
Lord, unless a person is completely amoral, never knowing right from wrong, the revealing of our crimes and sins relieves tremendous pressure on our conscience, that part of us that has your breath within us. When you made us, you gave us the freedom to choose right or wrong, but hoping that we would always choose the right. But when we don't, you gave our conscience the ability to feel niggles, nudges and out-and-out convictions that what we have done is very wrong. Then you gave us the incredible gift to "clear our conscience" through confession, forgiveness, possible punishment and restitution.
Lord, may we always have a clear conscience in your sight and in the sight of others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, July 6

Good Morning, God,
The headlines read on the Fourth of July, "Why the United Sates is not a Christian Nation." The story laid out the principles by which our Constitution and Bill of Rights were formulated, Lord.
We wonder what you thought, then, when we promulgated that, "Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion"? Did you appreciate this, Lord, since basically the church and state were one in "Jolly ol' England." Or, did you think, "how sad," because you designed us to be persons under your grace and love and do everything we do, including our governance under your principles before we rely on human-made governing principles.
Lord, we Christians do pray that we all would become one in faith and action in the way we live - including in the way we are governed. However, you have given each person the opportunity to choose each day whom he or she will serve - or not serve. We pray we will all choose to serve you through Christ, then let Christ's ways guide our governance.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, July 4th

Good Morning, God
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountains majesties, Above the fruited plains!  America, America! God shed your grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea.  O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern impassioned stress, A thoroughfare of freedom beat, Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved, In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream, That sees beyond the years, Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea!

Lord, God, may we know oneness in America because we are yet pilgrims, heroes and patriots, under you, our God.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for July 1st

Good Morning, God
Even politics get political!  On the eve of celebrating the freedom we very much enjoy in this great country, the political candidates are sparring, not about how they would govern our city, but about how they will and will not debate.  One candidate issues the challenge to have monthly debates beginning  right now! (Why not, Lord?  We are celebrating the privilege this weekend of being able to do so.)  Another candidate says "No, it isn't time yet.  The political season doesn't begin until after our street festival."  Yet another candidate says "Bring it on, any time, anywhere."

Lord, especially this weekend, we give you thanks for the opportunities to have these debates and the little tete-a-tetes about when, where and how often.  Bless these efforts, Lord, as we even prayerfully consider not only the best person for the job, but the ones who you would put into power.  May our debates be civil, our issues be addressed, our safety be assured and our faithfulness be genuine.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 29

Good Morning, God,
A prayer learned at a grandmother's breakfast table goes, "We thank Thee, O Lord, for Thy care of us through the night. Guide and direct us this day and keep us in Thy loving care always, Amen."
We have been praying this and similar prayers in the mornings at our breakfast tables of late, Lord. We pray each morning when the sun rises over our Dubois County and we have managed to get through another tornado without really major damage and especially, without loss of life.
Perhaps, Lord, since when we sleep we are not consciously aware of what is going on around us, we ought to pray a prayer before bedtime that says, "We thank you, O Lord, for guiding and directing us through this day. Now keep us in your loving care this night and always; in Jesus' name, Amen."
Lord, may we always see the morning light after safely making it through the dark of night.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 27th

Good Morning, God
When we hear or see just the headlines without the stories, what do we notice, Lord?  The headlines mostly are about people who are in the public eye of entertainment or government or some sensational crime.  What do we think about, Lord, when we hear or see these headlines?

Do we think "Aha, they are getting their come-uppence"?  Do we think "that's too bad; we will miss their acting"?  Do we wonder why "they" are in the news?  Do we wish that they and the problems they have caused and/or faced would just "go away"?

Or, do we attempt to see the heart and soul behind the faces, behind the facades?  Do we try to see the human side and what makes them tick?  Do we hope and pray for them and their troubles that all will work out?  Do we give them the grace that we hope we will get if and when we need it? 
Lord, may we always have your grace as we give grace to others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 24th

Good Morning, God
Lord, the Vacation Bible Schools for children are coming and going these days.  From VBSs that result in a young person's baptism to VBSs that take advantage of current media for theme - for example "Pandamania" and "Kung Fu Panda II" - to VBSs that take us back in time to what a market place was like in Jesus' days, we try to reach our children through the Bible points, Bible crafts, Bible songs and fun food and activities.  Lord, a lot of work by a lot of adults goes into Vacation Bible School, and the question is often asked if all the effort is worth it.  Well, Lord, is it worth it?

"First of all, my people, you are to teach the gospel in as many ways as possible.  Second, wherever two or three are gathered, I am there.  Third, let the children come to me, for such is the kingdom.  Fourth, Bible School is easy compared to the martyrdom that results from other ways of telling the Good News".

You are right, Lord.  Now give us the strength to lead and the desire to follow each Vacation Bible School.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 22

Good Morning, God,
The headlines say, "The Surge May End in 2010." We are talking about the 30,000 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan that have been "surging" since 2009. Now, particularly with the death of Osama Bin Laden, it is believed that those troops that went in to "snuff rising violence in the country" have done their jobs.
Lord, we pray it to be so. In fact, we pray that all troops everywhere could come home. We pray that there wouldn't be a need for even police forces, much less armed fighters, because citizens everywhere would consider themselves part of your kingdom and simply follow your Ten Commandments and your Two Great Commandments.
Lord, we know that this doesn't mean that we will all just have a big "love fest." But it does mean that each person, all of us, will try to live our lives as peacefully as possible and try to help others do the same. As much as it depends on us, may we be at peace with others, this day and always.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 20th

Good Morning, God
The international headlines asked the question "Will NATO bomb Roman ruins in Libya?"  The sub-plot says "NATO refuses to rule out bombing Libyan Roman ruins."  The ruins are beautiful; the ruins make a person stand in awe to think about how the Romans did it without the equipment that we moderns have.

For example, Lord, what would the Romans do about the ruins of the Jasper High School gym?  How would they tear it down?  Right now, a huge crane is sitting on the parking lot, taking aim at the fallen roof and leaning walls.  One man controls the destiny of that gym.

Lord, it's almost the same when we consider who we bomb and what we destroy.  It is often one man who puts his signature on the dotted line;  Oh, we know that there is most often good discussion by any number of people before such a decision is made, but there is usually only one signature.

Lord, what if we could be the one voice who could stop destruction, stop wars, stop killings?  Don't we wish our pen could be so strong to do so?  Lord, may those who must make the tough decisions as to whether to destroy or let stand be given the wisdom of Solomon this and every day.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 17th

Good Morning, God
Would it be to bold, brash and irreverent to say "Happy Father's Day" to you, Lord?  This is the weekend we are celebrating your gift of fatherhood to us; and we especially celebrate on Sunday, your day anyway, your "Lord's Day".

So we want to thank you for fathering your son, Jesus.  Thank you for sharing him with us, physically, for thirty-three years.  Thank you for sharing him with us spiritually, for eternity.  Thank you that through Jesus you have shown us how to be fathers and sons, how to teach and obey, how to love and sacrifice, how to be born and how to die.

Our Father who art in heaven, would you give us earthly fathers your special heavenly blessing this day and always?  Lord, we men down here do so much need your help and guidance.  Sometimes it is like the blind leading the blind down here.  We end up usually being and doing what we were taught and shown by our fathers, if we were blessed to have one around.  Unfortunately Lord, not all fathers have stuck around.  Not all fathers are nice fathers and good teachers.  Lord, send your mercy to all fathers each day.  Give them grace to love, courage to accept their responsibilities, and wisdom to raise their children to be like your own son, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 15th

Good Morning, God
You know, God, it would be so nice if everyone was as honest, straight-forward and paying their own way as the rest of us!  It would be so comforting to know that everyone who comes to our church doors and help agencies really need help and were not just running a scam.

The headlines were about a couple who needed help from our Dubois County Ministerial Fund, Lord, a fund that offerings from our community worship services supply.  When procedures were followed and the police check was made, it was discovered that the license plate on the car was stolen.  The couple ended up in the county jail rather than being put up for the night at a motel with vouchers for meals and gasoline for the car.

But wait a minute, Lord.  If they are in jail, they have a place to stay, one with a good roof over their heads, plus three meals a day.  And it is absolutely safe!

Lord, perhaps we shouldn't make light of the plight of transients and the churches' desire to help folks.  It's just that we wish that all of us would and could live a whole lot more honestly together - then we would feel more loving and caring toward one another.  May it be so, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, June 13th

Good Morning, God
The other day, Lord, the headlines were about an unusual daytime bombing raid over Tripoli, Libya.  The story had with it quotes from those who live in Tripoli who stood outside and watched the intended targets get hit.  Some had the fatalistic attitude of "Oh well, hopefully the bombs will miss us, but if they don't, then we hope God will take care of us".
We sing it, Lord: "Be not dismayed, what 'er be-tide; God will take care of you.  Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.  Through days of toil when heart doth fail; God will take care of you.  When danger fierce your path assails; God will take care of you.  God will take care of you, through every day, o'er all the way.  He will take care of you; God will take care of you."
God, thank you for taking care of us here.  Thank you for skies clear of bombing airplanes.  Thank you for the peace that we live in in these United States.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, June 10th

Good Morning, God
Lord, all of the new electronic media can be a marvelous tool and wondrous to behold.  It certainly is a far electron away from Pony Express, telegraph and smoke-signal days!  Communications these days are seemingly instantaneous.  We hit the "send" button and our messages are received - in the next cubicle and around the world.  We thought the Polaroid Land camera was so great; now we can take high-resolution pictures with cell phones and/or digital cameras and immediately send them to both willing and unwilling recipients, both intentionally privately and  accidentally publicly.  And the public exchange of what should be privately kept goes viral and many people and relationships are hurt.
Lord, we pray today that we will somehow regain the sense that there are moral absolutes by which to live, that most moral people do not approve of public sexual exploits, and that those who lead us should do so with the highest demonstration of moral standards.  May we live by much higher standards of virtue than we have been!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, June 8

Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about serious weather disasters of late, Lord. And, some of the stories are about how various people and agencies have been trying to help with safety, daily living and basic recovery. But when the headlines end (and we who are not directly affected by the disasters are tired of the reports and visuals!), the groups that have been helping throughout the recovery are tired, depleted, and running on empty. Yes, they are proud of their efforts, but they pray that some other serious event won't happen until they, themselves, rejuvenate.
Gracious God, we are thankful for those who answer the call to service when trouble strikes, especially those who respond as volunteers. Thank you for giving them strength to do what needs to be done. And, Lord, may the rest of us be more than willing to give above a fair share of our comfortable resources, sharing what we have so that help agencies and those they assist may also be comfortable once again.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for June 6th

Good Morning, God
Lord, around every town and city there is a group of society that "nice people" don't like to be with and may even be scared of.  We often try to just ignore them, and when they become uncomfortable to us or get too close, we let the police take over.  In addition, we who always love you, Lord, and try to do your will and are really charged with taking care of the least, the lost and the lonely, don't really know how to handle this group when they come near to us.
Heavenly Father, we pray this day for the "fatherless", those who have grown up with dads so unlike you that the results are pathetic.  We pray that these sad, lonely and who we would call "wild" young people would find positive role models and mentors who they can respect and follow.  And, Heavenly Father, we pray that when you lead them to us "nice people", we won't turn them away, but put our faith, beliefs and love into practice.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for June 3rd

Good Morning, God
Lord, how sweet it is to be among the "found".  We are reminded of this as more and more of the residents of Joplin are found after that tornado ripped through the city.  The headlines continue with the decreasing numbers of missing and increasing numbers of those whose where-abouts are known.  Even if these found people aren't home yet, at least they are on the way.
Lord, you know about the lost and the found.  You know about how many people are lost in their life's ways.  You know how many people are lost because they don't walk with you.  You even gave us the wonderful story of a young man who was lost to his religion, lost to his family and lost to himself.  When the perils of life overtook him and he remembered where his home truly was and went there, his Father ran out to meet and greet him.  Lord, thank you for being our home and for welcoming all of us who are prodigals home when we turn to you in faith and hope.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the headlines for Wednesday, June 1

Good Morning, God, "And another one bites the dust" could be our headlines today. In this case it is another football coach, a coach of great reknown, a coach of a great team. A coach who has been known for, as the story goes, integrity, faith, steadiness and virtue, has resigned for failure to "practice what he preached." He covered stuff up and didn't report things to those responsible for such things. Rather than dealing with the violators, he protected them. Rather than risking a losing season, he has put the entire life of the team, school and alumni at risk.
Heavenly Father, you have showed us what is good: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. To do the first two - doing justly and loving mercy - we first do have to walk humbly with you. Help us to realize that we are mere human beings not gods, with the great propensity to do wrong things, things you call "sin." But, Lord, with your will, way and work in our lives, we have much less of a chance to fail you and otehrs. Grant us your bibilcal, guiding wisdom this day, and the courage to live it out each day, particularly as we are leading others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for May 30th

Good Morning, God.
There was a song sung by pop artist Barbara Streisand, Lord, that spoke of "Memories, misty water-colored memories of the way we were".  It is true, Lord Jesus, that we often look back, remember the way things used to be and wish for those times all over again - you know, Lord, the "simpler times", the "healthier times", the "richer times", the "more loving times".  However, we also know that "times" go on and we make new memories every day.

But, Lord, there are some memories we must never forget and that should never become misty and water- colored.  These are the memories created by the principles under which you, our Constitution and our neighbors expect us to live.  These are the principles for which our loved ones, flesh and blood men and women, trained, fought and died.  So, Lord, may this Memorial Day be so much more than store sales, than the M.D. telethon, than the Indianapolis 500, than hot dogs and hamburgers.  May it be a day of humbly giving you thanks - from memory - for the life we have because other people have given us theirs.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines, May 27th

Good Morning, God
Lord, you have instructed us in your Word that when we have everything good that we have - particularly a land flowing with milk and honey, like we do have - that we never forget to give thanks to you for it.

Lord, what we have is due in a great part to those who have gone before us, and this is the weekend we remember those who have died giving their lives for the freedoms we enjoy and those of our family and friends who have helped us to enjoy living within the freedoms we enjoy.

So, Lord, it is good to give thanks to you this entire weekend for the people who have made our blessings flow.  Let us remember that true freedom comes at a great sacrifice, that great wealth comes at a great cost, that true joy comes not from what we get, but what was given, and true love comes not from how many people love us but from how many people we love - and how much we love you.  Help us remember these things, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen