A Prayer for the headlines for Wednesday, June 1

Good Morning, God, "And another one bites the dust" could be our headlines today. In this case it is another football coach, a coach of great reknown, a coach of a great team. A coach who has been known for, as the story goes, integrity, faith, steadiness and virtue, has resigned for failure to "practice what he preached." He covered stuff up and didn't report things to those responsible for such things. Rather than dealing with the violators, he protected them. Rather than risking a losing season, he has put the entire life of the team, school and alumni at risk.
Heavenly Father, you have showed us what is good: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. To do the first two - doing justly and loving mercy - we first do have to walk humbly with you. Help us to realize that we are mere human beings not gods, with the great propensity to do wrong things, things you call "sin." But, Lord, with your will, way and work in our lives, we have much less of a chance to fail you and otehrs. Grant us your bibilcal, guiding wisdom this day, and the courage to live it out each day, particularly as we are leading others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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