A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 14th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, these are times when the words we use mean different things to different people. For example, of late in our national politics, we have heard the word "cult" used by a pastor of whom it is said is an "Evangelical Christian." As a result, another pastor has labeled the Evangelical Christian a "bigot." We, the people, the choose the "side" we are on by what we believe the words mean.
Lord, we first need forgiveness for name-calling when someone takes a position with which we disagree. Perhaps we could seek to understand that "cult" in this case certainly doesn't refer to a "satanic cult" or to the likes of a group that followed Jim Jones a few years back, but is referring to extra-Biblical interpretations, latter-day prophets and prophecies, different beliefs about your God-head, Lord, your Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that there different rites and rituals than are in an Evangelical Christian's faith. It would do us all a whole lot of good to undestand the beliefs of others!
So, Lord, give us a better understanding of each other and give us words and their interpretations that don't conjure up fears, slurs and bigotry.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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