A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 28th

Good Morning, God
Well, Lord, it seems that is is time to begin shifting gears.  It seems it is time to "ring out the old and ring in the new".  You remember some of the things Tennyson said, way back in 1849 don't you, Lord?  He said things like "The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true".  He also encouraged us to Ring out a slowly dying cause and ancient form of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, with sweeter manners and purer laws.  Tennyson also spoke about eternity, Lord, your time: Ring out the thousand wars of old; Ring in the thousand years of peace.
So, Lord, as we ready ourselves to shift our gaze from "Father Time" to the New Year's Baby, may our prayer for our lives be these Tennyson words: Ring in the radiant person free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand: Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be.
What's that, Lord?  Oh, yes.  We must have Christ in the new year to accomplish all that we want to ring in.  May we have him.
In Jesus name, Amen

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