A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, February 13th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are all about the State of the Union message the President of the United States gave last night. Many will agree with it; many won't. The analysts and pundits will be making hay with it all day long; in fact, the topics will make for commentary for the foreseeable future.
Lord God, when it is all said and done, why don't we simply say we are going to live by biblical principles, and not by political principles or politically correct principles or democratic principles, republican principles, independent principles - or no principles at all?
How about us living by these principles, Lord:
Number one: Loving you with our entire self.
Number two: Loving our neighbor as our self.
Number three: Doing justice and loving mercy for others and walking humbly with you.
Number four: Believing on your son, Jesus Christ, and putting him in charge of our life.
Number five: Forgiving others their faults as we have been forgiven ours.
Number six: As much as it depends on us, be at peace with others.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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