A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, February 11th

Good morning, God,
In almost every group, class, church, business, and club, attendance is taken. We want to know who is present and who is absent. Very seldom do the headlines reflect the names that go along with the numbers; very often, after attendance is taken the number is written down and reported and the meeting or class or work goes on, but seldom is anything done about those absent. Oh, some places check-a school often calls home; a business usually has received a call from the employee.
But what about churches and organizations, in particular? Basically, these are voluntary organizations, and people do not have to come; they may or may not show up. But, what should we who have attended the church or the meeting really think about and do? If we really care about the church or the organization-and the person-we will make our special phone calls to find out if there are problems and to let the person know we missed them and that we care.
May we do this today!
In Jesus name, Amen.

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