Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 25th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about a problem that has been a bit of a danger to us all: Our raw water has had the chemical Atrazine in it, and the filtration systems have had to take it out. Thank Goodness, we have the expertise to do so!
As a result of the problem and solution, though, our communities are getting a portion of the funds paid as a result of a lawsuit. Turns out a total of 1,085 utilities are receiving portions of a $105 million dollar fund from the chemical's manufacturer.
Creator God, who gave us all natural things and also the ability to create things in a lab, help us to consider the consequences of our actions and our products before we put them to use in our natural environment. may we use the weight of what is best for the environment and our human health, and not what will make us more profitable, when we design all things and make them with our human hands.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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