A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 23rd

Good Morning, God,
Now the work begins. The headlines have been about partying - dinners, dances, and all the trappings that go with the inauguration of the President of the United States for his four year term. It is a gala end to the months of wrangling, electing, and planning. And, it is always right to celebrate victories, to celebrate the positives, to celebrate our ways of life.
But now the work begins for our President. He has cast a vision for his last four years. Hopefully, some of the details will come about in the days ahead, particularly in the State of the Union Address. All partying aside, our President and the Congress have a huge job to do!
But so do we, Lord, so do we. The office holders took oaths to support the constitution of the United States of America; we carry that same oath with us every day. The President and Congress are charged with keeping us safe and bettering our lives, but we, also, must strive to keep ourselves and others safe and working for the betterment of all.
So, Lord God, may we all do our moral, civic, and faith duties in the days ahead.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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