Good Morning, God,
Lord, the headlines are about a group of young people and adults who went to Washington, D.C., to take part in a protest rally aimed at the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade abortion decision. The point of this prayer, though, is not about the abortion debate, but about thanksgiving for the way these young people are learning about how to stand up for a cause, exercise their viewpoint peacefully, and appreciate the opportunities they and we have in this country to have opinions and share them.
So, we give thanks for our First Amendment rights of free speech and our rights to freely, peaceably, assemble. We give thanks for the opportunity to study different issues and to form opinions and to act on those opinions. We give thanks for adult leaders who explain and demonstrate the right, safe ways to argue issues and make the points known. And, we give you thanks for the principle that we can grow to know how to agree to disagree agreeably.
For all of this, we give you thanks and praise, O Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we pray for local (Dubois County, Indiana), state, national, and world happenings. These prayers can also be heard on WITZ-FM, 104.7, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:58 a.m. Eastern time.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 28th
Good Morning, God,
We begin this week with the headlines that this is Super Bowl Week, God. The hype started 8 days ago when the two teams were decided, and lo and behold, the Super Bowl will pit the Harbaugh brothers against each other. Oh, what a media opportunity this will be, Lord!
The researchers may even find video footage of when the brothers were playing football in their backyard while their ages were still in the single digits. Now, next Sunday, they will be playing in an adult game, on an adult field, and "for keeps." The lead-up to next Sunday will be something else, Lord!
Gracious God, we are grateful for all our opportunities to identify with teams and individuals. We enjoy the hype, the building of excitement, the actual battle on the gridiron, the celebration of the win....and with the Super Bowl, we especially enjoy the ads.
So, Lord, with so may serious matters on tap this week, may we thoroughly enjoy this little diversion of the Super Bowl for awhile!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
We begin this week with the headlines that this is Super Bowl Week, God. The hype started 8 days ago when the two teams were decided, and lo and behold, the Super Bowl will pit the Harbaugh brothers against each other. Oh, what a media opportunity this will be, Lord!
The researchers may even find video footage of when the brothers were playing football in their backyard while their ages were still in the single digits. Now, next Sunday, they will be playing in an adult game, on an adult field, and "for keeps." The lead-up to next Sunday will be something else, Lord!
Gracious God, we are grateful for all our opportunities to identify with teams and individuals. We enjoy the hype, the building of excitement, the actual battle on the gridiron, the celebration of the win....and with the Super Bowl, we especially enjoy the ads.
So, Lord, with so may serious matters on tap this week, may we thoroughly enjoy this little diversion of the Super Bowl for awhile!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 25th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about a problem that has been a bit of a danger to us all: Our raw water has had the chemical Atrazine in it, and the filtration systems have had to take it out. Thank Goodness, we have the expertise to do so!
As a result of the problem and solution, though, our communities are getting a portion of the funds paid as a result of a lawsuit. Turns out a total of 1,085 utilities are receiving portions of a $105 million dollar fund from the chemical's manufacturer.
Creator God, who gave us all natural things and also the ability to create things in a lab, help us to consider the consequences of our actions and our products before we put them to use in our natural environment. may we use the weight of what is best for the environment and our human health, and not what will make us more profitable, when we design all things and make them with our human hands.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines have been about a problem that has been a bit of a danger to us all: Our raw water has had the chemical Atrazine in it, and the filtration systems have had to take it out. Thank Goodness, we have the expertise to do so!
As a result of the problem and solution, though, our communities are getting a portion of the funds paid as a result of a lawsuit. Turns out a total of 1,085 utilities are receiving portions of a $105 million dollar fund from the chemical's manufacturer.
Creator God, who gave us all natural things and also the ability to create things in a lab, help us to consider the consequences of our actions and our products before we put them to use in our natural environment. may we use the weight of what is best for the environment and our human health, and not what will make us more profitable, when we design all things and make them with our human hands.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 23rd
Good Morning, God,
Now the work begins. The headlines have been about partying - dinners, dances, and all the trappings that go with the inauguration of the President of the United States for his four year term. It is a gala end to the months of wrangling, electing, and planning. And, it is always right to celebrate victories, to celebrate the positives, to celebrate our ways of life.
But now the work begins for our President. He has cast a vision for his last four years. Hopefully, some of the details will come about in the days ahead, particularly in the State of the Union Address. All partying aside, our President and the Congress have a huge job to do!
But so do we, Lord, so do we. The office holders took oaths to support the constitution of the United States of America; we carry that same oath with us every day. The President and Congress are charged with keeping us safe and bettering our lives, but we, also, must strive to keep ourselves and others safe and working for the betterment of all.
So, Lord God, may we all do our moral, civic, and faith duties in the days ahead.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Now the work begins. The headlines have been about partying - dinners, dances, and all the trappings that go with the inauguration of the President of the United States for his four year term. It is a gala end to the months of wrangling, electing, and planning. And, it is always right to celebrate victories, to celebrate the positives, to celebrate our ways of life.
But now the work begins for our President. He has cast a vision for his last four years. Hopefully, some of the details will come about in the days ahead, particularly in the State of the Union Address. All partying aside, our President and the Congress have a huge job to do!
But so do we, Lord, so do we. The office holders took oaths to support the constitution of the United States of America; we carry that same oath with us every day. The President and Congress are charged with keeping us safe and bettering our lives, but we, also, must strive to keep ourselves and others safe and working for the betterment of all.
So, Lord God, may we all do our moral, civic, and faith duties in the days ahead.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 21st
Good Morning, God,
Lord, unfortunately, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., is often associated with prejudice, violence, discrimination - all those words that fan the flames of the same.
But, just as often, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., was simply, but eloquently, picking up on and orating on your own words from your Word. For example, Lord, he spoke and said, "An individual has not started living until he or she can rise above the narrow confines of his or her individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
Lord, doesn't this echo your word of looking up and around, telling ourselves that we should "love you (looking up) with all of who we are and love our neighbors (looking around) as we love ourselves"?
Perhaps today, as we consider the very important positive influence Rev. martin Luther King, Jr., had on our society as we know it today, we can seek to also make differences in biblical ways where we are - even so no one else has to die for any of the freedoms we so enjoy: Life in the fullest, Liberty without shackles, and the Pursuit of Happiness without the roadblocks of race, creed, sex, and ignorance, for example, to name just a few.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lord, unfortunately, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., is often associated with prejudice, violence, discrimination - all those words that fan the flames of the same.
But, just as often, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., was simply, but eloquently, picking up on and orating on your own words from your Word. For example, Lord, he spoke and said, "An individual has not started living until he or she can rise above the narrow confines of his or her individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
Lord, doesn't this echo your word of looking up and around, telling ourselves that we should "love you (looking up) with all of who we are and love our neighbors (looking around) as we love ourselves"?
Perhaps today, as we consider the very important positive influence Rev. martin Luther King, Jr., had on our society as we know it today, we can seek to also make differences in biblical ways where we are - even so no one else has to die for any of the freedoms we so enjoy: Life in the fullest, Liberty without shackles, and the Pursuit of Happiness without the roadblocks of race, creed, sex, and ignorance, for example, to name just a few.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 18th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about a 90 year-old gentleman who was honored for his work as being the oldest volunteer fireman in Indiana. Turns out, he had started the VFD in Centenary in Vermillion County in 1948. Throughout these intervening years, he has stayed with the department, and although not actively going out on fire runs, still attends meetings, votes, and participates toward the betterment of the department, which qualifies him to still be a volunteer firefighter.
Lord, how many of us could still be doing something as useful as this into our 70's, 80's, even 90's? Why, just recently, other headlines spoke of a 105 year-old woman who still lights up the world around her with her smile! All of us can do this, Lord, no matter the age and stage of life in which we are found!
So, God, bless our efforts, not at being "young," but at making the most of everyday you have given us to age wonderfully!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines are about a 90 year-old gentleman who was honored for his work as being the oldest volunteer fireman in Indiana. Turns out, he had started the VFD in Centenary in Vermillion County in 1948. Throughout these intervening years, he has stayed with the department, and although not actively going out on fire runs, still attends meetings, votes, and participates toward the betterment of the department, which qualifies him to still be a volunteer firefighter.
Lord, how many of us could still be doing something as useful as this into our 70's, 80's, even 90's? Why, just recently, other headlines spoke of a 105 year-old woman who still lights up the world around her with her smile! All of us can do this, Lord, no matter the age and stage of life in which we are found!
So, God, bless our efforts, not at being "young," but at making the most of everyday you have given us to age wonderfully!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 16th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about a local man who did what many of us wish we could do - invent something useful that keeps on being used. Art Segal, who just died at the gae of 101, invented the carbon-tipped saw blade. These blades cut much better, last much longer, and make a worker's life much easier. "There probably isn't a construction worker (or hobbyist wood worker) who doesn't use carbon-tipped saw blades," it has been suggested.
Lord God, it is said that none of us use but a very small amount of the brain power you gave us. What if we "turned our brains loose," brain-storming ideas, sharing inventive thoughts, never pooh-poohing an idea until it has been fully explored? What if?
We might even come up with a better mousetrap - or an end to cancer - or an end to abuse - or an end to...Who knows what we might find an end for.
Open our minds to new ideas, Great God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines are about a local man who did what many of us wish we could do - invent something useful that keeps on being used. Art Segal, who just died at the gae of 101, invented the carbon-tipped saw blade. These blades cut much better, last much longer, and make a worker's life much easier. "There probably isn't a construction worker (or hobbyist wood worker) who doesn't use carbon-tipped saw blades," it has been suggested.
Lord God, it is said that none of us use but a very small amount of the brain power you gave us. What if we "turned our brains loose," brain-storming ideas, sharing inventive thoughts, never pooh-poohing an idea until it has been fully explored? What if?
We might even come up with a better mousetrap - or an end to cancer - or an end to abuse - or an end to...Who knows what we might find an end for.
Open our minds to new ideas, Great God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 14th
Good Morning, God,
We won't be seeing this story in the headlines today, God, but this is as it should be. Your Word tells us that when we make our gifts, especially of money but also often of time, we should do so in secret, so that onlly you are aware of it. We also should be generous givers, giving to your work the best we have, off the top, even before taxes, at least even 10%. Everything above that becomes gifts and offerings.
Yesterday, in houses of worship and households that worship you, hundreds, thousands, even millions of us gave to you for your use, God, gifts and offerings. Some gave probably more than they could afford because you moved them to. Some gave way under what they could have afforded, because they weren't moved to. Some gave the only thing they could - their heart in loyalty to you, thanking you for your gift of life to them.
Heavenly Father, who has given us everything - everything - may we be generous givers with everything - our time, our talent, and our treasure.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
We won't be seeing this story in the headlines today, God, but this is as it should be. Your Word tells us that when we make our gifts, especially of money but also often of time, we should do so in secret, so that onlly you are aware of it. We also should be generous givers, giving to your work the best we have, off the top, even before taxes, at least even 10%. Everything above that becomes gifts and offerings.
Yesterday, in houses of worship and households that worship you, hundreds, thousands, even millions of us gave to you for your use, God, gifts and offerings. Some gave probably more than they could afford because you moved them to. Some gave way under what they could have afforded, because they weren't moved to. Some gave the only thing they could - their heart in loyalty to you, thanking you for your gift of life to them.
Heavenly Father, who has given us everything - everything - may we be generous givers with everything - our time, our talent, and our treasure.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, Janaury 11th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines were about science recently. It seems that 461 new potential planets have been spotted. This has happened due to the orbiting Kepler telescope that is taking pictures of the constellation Cygnus - specifically, 150,000 stars! It looks at an object three times before that object may even be considered for planet-hood. Of course, all of the photography and analysis is done by computers, with the computers sending the resulting data to the scientists.
You know, O Lord, our God, how majestic is you name in all the earth! When we look at your heavens, the moon and the stars which you have made, what are we that you are mindful of us and our children, that you are mindful of them? Yet, you have made us a little lower than the angels and have crowned us with glory and honor.
Heavenly Creator, may we always wonder about your creation, explore it, and use the results to be more amazed about you and all of it!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines were about science recently. It seems that 461 new potential planets have been spotted. This has happened due to the orbiting Kepler telescope that is taking pictures of the constellation Cygnus - specifically, 150,000 stars! It looks at an object three times before that object may even be considered for planet-hood. Of course, all of the photography and analysis is done by computers, with the computers sending the resulting data to the scientists.
You know, O Lord, our God, how majestic is you name in all the earth! When we look at your heavens, the moon and the stars which you have made, what are we that you are mindful of us and our children, that you are mindful of them? Yet, you have made us a little lower than the angels and have crowned us with glory and honor.
Heavenly Creator, may we always wonder about your creation, explore it, and use the results to be more amazed about you and all of it!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wedensday, January 9th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about "Mainstreets U.S.A.," in particular, our Main Street, 4th Street, in Huntingburg. The story is about how the Chamber of Commerce is considering re-joining the national organization that encourages the presentation of an excellent "Main Street," especioally in smaller towns.
However, Lord, we all need to take pride in whichever street we are on in whichever town. We need to make sure only good things happen on our streets - neighborliness, cleanliness, safety, recreation and beauty.
Why, Lord, many of us don't even know the names of our neighbors who hve lived next door for many years!
Lord God, who created us to live in families, tribes, towns and cities and to share common interests and businesses and neighborliness, may we work to make our Main Streets the best they can be - and our neighborhoods the best places to be.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines have been about "Mainstreets U.S.A.," in particular, our Main Street, 4th Street, in Huntingburg. The story is about how the Chamber of Commerce is considering re-joining the national organization that encourages the presentation of an excellent "Main Street," especioally in smaller towns.
However, Lord, we all need to take pride in whichever street we are on in whichever town. We need to make sure only good things happen on our streets - neighborliness, cleanliness, safety, recreation and beauty.
Why, Lord, many of us don't even know the names of our neighbors who hve lived next door for many years!
Lord God, who created us to live in families, tribes, towns and cities and to share common interests and businesses and neighborliness, may we work to make our Main Streets the best they can be - and our neighborhoods the best places to be.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 7th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines have told us of a change in leadership at our local hospital--Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center.
Mr. Snowden has taken on an additional role as Chairman of the Board, as well as being the President and Chief Executive Officer. We ask that you continue to give him the strength and wisdom to guide.
Of additional significance, Mr. Bennett has been promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer, now responsible for the day-to-day operations of our hospital.
And, Mr. Russell is now the Chief financial Officer and Vice-President of Finance.
Lord, we thank you for the gifts you have given to each of these men to be used to hone the skills necessary for their individual responsibilities. We ask that they exhibit wisdom and grace as they lead the hospital that is so important to us in this area.
Lastly, Lord, we are thankful for the foresight and love of all tho those have gone before in making our hosptial such an excellent, caring facility.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines have told us of a change in leadership at our local hospital--Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center.
Mr. Snowden has taken on an additional role as Chairman of the Board, as well as being the President and Chief Executive Officer. We ask that you continue to give him the strength and wisdom to guide.
Of additional significance, Mr. Bennett has been promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer, now responsible for the day-to-day operations of our hospital.
And, Mr. Russell is now the Chief financial Officer and Vice-President of Finance.
Lord, we thank you for the gifts you have given to each of these men to be used to hone the skills necessary for their individual responsibilities. We ask that they exhibit wisdom and grace as they lead the hospital that is so important to us in this area.
Lastly, Lord, we are thankful for the foresight and love of all tho those have gone before in making our hosptial such an excellent, caring facility.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 4th
Good Morning, God,
We are grateful this Friday morning to be able to breathe easier.
We don't have to worry about falling off a cliff! We don't have to worry about an immediate plummeting of our stock portfolios. We don't have to worry too much about our taxes increasing, although our Social Security withholding taxes will go back up the 2% they went down two years ago. And, for now, we don't have to worry too much about losing any services or benefits, at least for two months.
Wow, Lord, it is good to be able to breathe easier for a weekend!
Lord, it would be very nice to breathe easier all year long.
So, Lord, may those who have the input and power to govern the rest of us do so with energy, imagination, intelligence and a great deal of care, doing justly, giving mercy and walking humbly with you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
We are grateful this Friday morning to be able to breathe easier.
We don't have to worry about falling off a cliff! We don't have to worry about an immediate plummeting of our stock portfolios. We don't have to worry too much about our taxes increasing, although our Social Security withholding taxes will go back up the 2% they went down two years ago. And, for now, we don't have to worry too much about losing any services or benefits, at least for two months.
Wow, Lord, it is good to be able to breathe easier for a weekend!
Lord, it would be very nice to breathe easier all year long.
So, Lord, may those who have the input and power to govern the rest of us do so with energy, imagination, intelligence and a great deal of care, doing justly, giving mercy and walking humbly with you, Lord.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 2nd
Good Morning, God,
Lord God, amid all the headlines of 2012 and those that will be in 2013, help us to keep perspective with your words:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time for war, and a time for peace.
You have made everything suitable for its time; moreover, you have put a sense of past and future into our minds, yet we cannot find out what you have done from the beginning to the end. Help us to know that there is nothing better for us than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we live; moreover, it is your gift that we should eat and drink and take pleasure in all our toil.
May we.
In, Jesus' name, Amen.
Lord God, amid all the headlines of 2012 and those that will be in 2013, help us to keep perspective with your words:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time for war, and a time for peace.
You have made everything suitable for its time; moreover, you have put a sense of past and future into our minds, yet we cannot find out what you have done from the beginning to the end. Help us to know that there is nothing better for us than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we live; moreover, it is your gift that we should eat and drink and take pleasure in all our toil.
May we.
In, Jesus' name, Amen.
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