A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 8th

Good Morning, God,
The headline said, "Cute Kids Potty Mouth Goes Viral."
It seems that someone had videoed a child, their child, speaking with a "potty mouth" and put it out on the Internet. Of course, like flies to a cow patty, people are clicking on the video to laugh at him.
This is so sad on several fronts, Lord. It's sad that this child, at his young age, has been exposed to these words enough that he can tie them together and speak them. Protect him in the future from parents and friends who use such language.
It is also so sad that we will waste our time "clicking on" this video, and thinking it is cute, rather than rude and abusive. In fact, once we see just the headlines, we shouldn't click on it at all!
Lord, help us to remember that it is out of our mouths that evil comes and that our little tongue can set the world ablaze. May we watch what we say, how we say it, and to whom we say it, because a child may be within earshot and echo the what and the how.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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