A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 19th

(A repeat from Monday's first prayer. This is being broadcast today, 12/19)

Good Morning, God,
Lord, we will never see the headlines here that are seen elsewhere. Elsewhere the headlines have been about a thirty-two year old man who has had ninety-nine cosmetic surgeries, with more to come. It seems that he wants literally to be a human Ken doll.
Then, there is the headline about a nine-year old boy who had cosmetic surgery to make his ears lay back flatter against his head. His ears had stuck out almost perpendicular to his skull, and he had been severely teased and bullied about his "Dumbo" ears. Now his ears will be used only for listening to his teachers and not to be the things of jokes.
Lord God, in whose image we are made, you yourself must be really interesting to look at! Oh, that's right; you don't have a body as such, but you are Spirit. What you have created us with is a soul created in your image; our outer shell is just what developed when we were formed. So, while we may or may not be satisfied with how our body is, you would rather we be much more concerned about how our soul is like your image.
May we spend at least as much time looking at what is unseen, rather than what is seen.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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