Good Morning, God,
Ah, Christmas Eve Day!
Early this morning, the stores will still be busy with people buying groceries.
Men (mostly, probably!) will be buying those last minute gifts, just to get something!
Around noon today the offices will begin to close.
Even now, families are preparing for the travel to the home of family members and/or friends.
The children are getting especially antsy, because they know that in just a few more hours, Santa will come to their house.
Around 4:00 p.m. the worship services will begin and continue to begin and end until just into tomorrow morning, Christmas Day.
Then the joys of Christmas Day will begin:
The joys of children and presents;
The joy of worship and Jesus;
The joys of families and friends.
Lord, amid all of these joys,
May each person be the bringer of joy to at least one other person:
A smile,
A hug,
An "I love you";
The comfort of "I'll be with you, no matter what";
The hope of better relationships,
Better health
And the best gift of all:
The acceptance in our lives of your gift to us with your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Led by the Holy Spirit, we pray for local (Dubois County, Indiana), state, national, and world happenings. These prayers can also be heard on WITZ-FM, 104.7, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:58 a.m. Eastern time.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 19th
(A repeat from Monday's first prayer. This is being broadcast today, 12/19)
Good Morning, God,
Lord, we will never see the headlines here that are seen elsewhere. Elsewhere the headlines have been about a thirty-two year old man who has had ninety-nine cosmetic surgeries, with more to come. It seems that he wants literally to be a human Ken doll.
Then, there is the headline about a nine-year old boy who had cosmetic surgery to make his ears lay back flatter against his head. His ears had stuck out almost perpendicular to his skull, and he had been severely teased and bullied about his "Dumbo" ears. Now his ears will be used only for listening to his teachers and not to be the things of jokes.
Lord God, in whose image we are made, you yourself must be really interesting to look at! Oh, that's right; you don't have a body as such, but you are Spirit. What you have created us with is a soul created in your image; our outer shell is just what developed when we were formed. So, while we may or may not be satisfied with how our body is, you would rather we be much more concerned about how our soul is like your image.
May we spend at least as much time looking at what is unseen, rather than what is seen.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Good Morning, God,
Lord, we will never see the headlines here that are seen elsewhere. Elsewhere the headlines have been about a thirty-two year old man who has had ninety-nine cosmetic surgeries, with more to come. It seems that he wants literally to be a human Ken doll.
Then, there is the headline about a nine-year old boy who had cosmetic surgery to make his ears lay back flatter against his head. His ears had stuck out almost perpendicular to his skull, and he had been severely teased and bullied about his "Dumbo" ears. Now his ears will be used only for listening to his teachers and not to be the things of jokes.
Lord God, in whose image we are made, you yourself must be really interesting to look at! Oh, that's right; you don't have a body as such, but you are Spirit. What you have created us with is a soul created in your image; our outer shell is just what developed when we were formed. So, while we may or may not be satisfied with how our body is, you would rather we be much more concerned about how our soul is like your image.
May we spend at least as much time looking at what is unseen, rather than what is seen.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 19th
Good Morning, God,
The headlines have been about "heroes" these past few days. The heroes being spoken of are the teachers who, when under fire last Friday, remained calm and did what they could to protect the children inn their charge from harm.
Some of the teachers used their own body to shield the children, even as a mother bird shelters her babies under her wings.
Some of the teachers sought and found solid shelter for their class and pushed and packed the kids in, even as God hid Elijah in the cleft of a rock.
Some of the teachers had the strength and presence of mind to make a special story time out of the trying time, or to keep the children calm by telling them "let me see your smile," even as Jesus told his disciples "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."
Lord, thank you for any who performs an heroic act by "standing in the gap" for us;
By shepherding us to safety;
For giving us a reason to smile, even in the midst of chaos.
And, thank you, Lord, for your Son Jesus, who came and did all of these kinds acts for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The headlines have been about "heroes" these past few days. The heroes being spoken of are the teachers who, when under fire last Friday, remained calm and did what they could to protect the children inn their charge from harm.
Some of the teachers used their own body to shield the children, even as a mother bird shelters her babies under her wings.
Some of the teachers sought and found solid shelter for their class and pushed and packed the kids in, even as God hid Elijah in the cleft of a rock.
Some of the teachers had the strength and presence of mind to make a special story time out of the trying time, or to keep the children calm by telling them "let me see your smile," even as Jesus told his disciples "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."
Lord, thank you for any who performs an heroic act by "standing in the gap" for us;
By shepherding us to safety;
For giving us a reason to smile, even in the midst of chaos.
And, thank you, Lord, for your Son Jesus, who came and did all of these kinds acts for us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 17th
(This prayer was the one that was broadcast. I am sorry that it wasn't the one that was published first.)
Good morning, God,
The headlines have been about an evil that was manifest in our lives on Friday. Evil caused a person to take the lives of 26 innocent people - 20 children and 6 adults, plus the one in whom the evil had taken residence.
Heavenly father, many are grieving because of what has happened, not only those directly affected - the families and immediate friends - but those of us who are even far away. Pastors had a difficult time preaching yesterday; tears were shed during the prayers that were made in worship. And, many people wondered why you let such a thing happen, Lord.
Yet, Lord, we believe that you are a loving God, a God who came down at Christmas, coming down as Jesus, your Son. You gave us your Son to save us from our sins, and we know we all have many. So, Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon this broken world to mend it, one person, one heart, one soul, one mind at a time, until we are healed, until there is no evil., until we know nothing but love.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Good morning, God,
The headlines have been about an evil that was manifest in our lives on Friday. Evil caused a person to take the lives of 26 innocent people - 20 children and 6 adults, plus the one in whom the evil had taken residence.
Heavenly father, many are grieving because of what has happened, not only those directly affected - the families and immediate friends - but those of us who are even far away. Pastors had a difficult time preaching yesterday; tears were shed during the prayers that were made in worship. And, many people wondered why you let such a thing happen, Lord.
Yet, Lord, we believe that you are a loving God, a God who came down at Christmas, coming down as Jesus, your Son. You gave us your Son to save us from our sins, and we know we all have many. So, Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon this broken world to mend it, one person, one heart, one soul, one mind at a time, until we are healed, until there is no evil., until we know nothing but love.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 14th
Good Morning, God
The headlines reported that 70% of us want “compromise” on the national budget scene. 70% of Americans want to see our law-makes reach a compromise rather than dig in and refuse to sway from their principles. Let’s see, God. We want some sort of compromise that will not raise our taxes – the country’s income and will not result in spending cuts – the country’s outgo back to us in services. The fiscal cliff would do both.
God, if 70% of us want our law-makers to figure it out – and quickly – it ought to be done! In the realm of politics and Robert’s Rules of Order and voting, 70% is a very strong majority. A simple majority of 51% will win an election for someone – and our senators and representatives may need to remember that!
But for now, God, we, the citizens of the United States, are asking you to endow our senators, our representatives and our president and his policy-makers with the Wisdom of Solomon. We need it to help bring two halves back together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 12th
Good Morning, God
The other day the headlines were about traffic signals, God. The stories were regarding how adjustments had been made at the “Y” in Jasper and how the Bretzville Junction was going to upgrade to stop and go lights, rather than just the flashing red light and the stop signs. The adjustment at the “Y” is for better traffic flow. The adjustment at the Bretzville Junction if for more safety and better flow. Now if the state would see fit to let the lights change quicker when approaching the highways, life would be so much better! But that is another prayer!
Seriously, God, we ought to consider your signals that keep us flowing smoothly through the roads of our lives. We ought to consider your “red lights”, your Commandments that stop us from doing harmful things. We ought to consider your yellow caution lights that warn us to change our habits before it is too late. We ought to consider the green lights we get from you that keep our lives and others’ lives flowing smoothly – things like doing what is right, loving our neighbors as ourselves and traveling each day with your guidance.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 10th
Good morning, God
The headlines speak of new houses being built. Usually, this bodes well for a city; it means that the economy is good and getting better and that people are thriving in their day-to-day lives. And, it is a wonderful feeling to move into a brand-new house!
However, when the motive to building a whole community of houses is retaliation, the joy fades out. Such is the case in Israel . A few days ago, the United Nations voted by a very big majority to name Palestine a “Non-member Observation State” upgrading the recognition from a “Non-member Observation Entity”. Israel , and the U.S. and a few other countries refuse to recognize this change in status. In fact, Israel is commencing to build houses in an area that the Palestinians also have claimed. And, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “the U.N. decision will not bring us closer to peace”.
Heavenly Father, your Word tells us that Israel and Palestine will always be at odds. It started a really long time ago and will continue into the future.
So, we pray this day for the “innocent”, those who struggle each day in Israel and Palestine for life, liberty and happiness.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, December 7th
We give you thanks, Heavenly Father, for the past few weeks and the headlines that have told us of what’s right about where we live. Recently, we have been doing many things to get ready to celebrate the birthday of your Son, Jesus. We have had bake sales, cookie walks, “strolls” on our main streets, visits from Santa Clauses, candle carrying children, church services, Celebration Singer concerts and, actually, much more.
As we drive around our towns, we see a multitude of decorations in, in front of and around our many houses. If we are ahead of the game, we have gifts purchased, even wrapped, and if we are really, really on top of things, we have our Christmas tree up. Some of us are physically all ready for Christmas to come; many of us wish we were!
But, Lord God, all of this is but an outward sign as to what you hope will be our inner preparation – the preparation of our heart to receive your true gift that is designed for everyone – your Son, Jesus Christ. May we be filled with your gift to the world, even as we express our joy with the tinsel, trees, glitter and gladness.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, December 5th
Good Morning, God,
Amid all of the unpleasant headlines, Creator God, have been the headlines speaking about our weather. These headlines have been the opposite of unpleasant; they have proclaimed the weather "beautiful." we thank you, Lord of the weather, for these days and nights.
Oh, yes, we know Old Man winter is coming (he paid us a bit of a visit last night), but we are going to enjoy what you have been giving us for as long as you are kind and gentle in giving us the warm days and nights.
While we are thanking you for the weather, we also thank you for other things, as well:
We thank you, then, O Father, for all things bright and good -
The seed time and the harvest; our life, our health, our food.
You send the snow in winter; the sun to warm the grain.
The seasons and the sunshine; the soft, refreshing rain
All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above.
We thank you, God, we thank you, God, for all your love!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Amid all of the unpleasant headlines, Creator God, have been the headlines speaking about our weather. These headlines have been the opposite of unpleasant; they have proclaimed the weather "beautiful." we thank you, Lord of the weather, for these days and nights.
Oh, yes, we know Old Man winter is coming (he paid us a bit of a visit last night), but we are going to enjoy what you have been giving us for as long as you are kind and gentle in giving us the warm days and nights.
While we are thanking you for the weather, we also thank you for other things, as well:
We thank you, then, O Father, for all things bright and good -
The seed time and the harvest; our life, our health, our food.
You send the snow in winter; the sun to warm the grain.
The seasons and the sunshine; the soft, refreshing rain
All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above.
We thank you, God, we thank you, God, for all your love!
In Jesus' name, Amen.
A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, December 3rd
Good Morning, God,
The fiscal cliff is looming! The fiscal cliff is looming! Only 29 more days until we fall off; only 29 more days until we fall off the cliff!
You know, Lord, when we are out hiking or skiing or walking along the cliffs above the seashore, we usually heed the warning signs and ropes. If we don't we risk falling off the cliff; to do so is very injurious to our health!
We might fall into a deep crevasse; we might fall into the waves beating on a shore; we might bounce injuriously from rock to rock until we come to a stop, mangled and bruised - or dead. All because we didn't heed the warning signs!
Lord, our U.S. Congress has had many and ample warning sings. These signs have been ignored until they no longer can be ignored.
We pray for a great wisdom to come upon our congress and our President, that they won't bust through the ropes marking the dropping-off point, the great cliff.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
The fiscal cliff is looming! The fiscal cliff is looming! Only 29 more days until we fall off; only 29 more days until we fall off the cliff!
You know, Lord, when we are out hiking or skiing or walking along the cliffs above the seashore, we usually heed the warning signs and ropes. If we don't we risk falling off the cliff; to do so is very injurious to our health!
We might fall into a deep crevasse; we might fall into the waves beating on a shore; we might bounce injuriously from rock to rock until we come to a stop, mangled and bruised - or dead. All because we didn't heed the warning signs!
Lord, our U.S. Congress has had many and ample warning sings. These signs have been ignored until they no longer can be ignored.
We pray for a great wisdom to come upon our congress and our President, that they won't bust through the ropes marking the dropping-off point, the great cliff.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
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