A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, November 5th

Good Morning, God

Okay, Lord, today starts our prayer vigil for the different governances in our country.  Certainly, the election that tops the list for concern is the one for who will be our next President.  It has been a tough campaign season, Lord, with many points and counterpoints.  There has never been an election where there has been so many fact-checkers on the job.  There has never been an election with so many concerns.  Perhaps, even the fate of our country is in the balance.

Running a close second, Lord, are the elections of our senators and representatives.  Since they are the ones who introduce, discuss and vote up or down the laws we follow, we are concerned that the ones who are elected represent our desires.  The thing is, there are a lot of different desires to be represented. 

The same concern can be shared with all the positions up for votes.  We all have our desires and wants we’d like to see met by those we elect.  Help us decide for the truly important ones.

Lord Jesus, give us great wisdom as we mark our ballots tomorrow.

In Jesus name, Amen

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