A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God
Last week the headlines told how Michelle Obama had said that she could make Barak Obama mad.  “I can make him mad any number of ways” she quipped.  “I do it by being completely unreasonable” she said.
Lord, who made men and women to be joined together in wedded bliss, why do we want to or are able to make our spouse mad?  Why do we even want to seem “unreasonable”, much less act that way?
You have given us the greatest desire of our lives – that of having a mate to love, honor and cherish, to procreate and guide our children to be worthy men and women.  You have made marriage to be a witness to your love for us and for our love for each other.
Why do we then so make each other mad?  We do so because our love for each other isn’t like your perfect love for us.  We have a lot to learn, a lot to get over, and a lot to practice when it comes to loving each other.
Loving God, bless every marriage today with your love and help us strive for your perfect love together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

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