A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 31st

Good Morning, God,

We want to do our part this morning, praying for all who are suffering from Hurricane Sandy, Lord. As such, as she has passed, we all too well see what she left behind. Now, we need the wisdom to know what to do when and the strength to do it. Please, Lord, may we have hope for each new hour that the infrastructures that were damaged are being repaired, that the hospitals are able to care for those who are hurt, that the world will see how we come together in a crisis, and that those civil servants whose jobs are to make life livable for the rest of us will be kept strong and safe.

We also give thanks for helpers from far away, even from Indiana. And, while they are gone from their home area, keep it so they aren't needed back home.

Lord, we always have the good hope for restoration of our way of life, no matter the damage, no matter the cause, for you have made us to be able to hope for each new day. We go forward with this hope...always.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 29th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines last week told about how Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dubois County has changed its name to "Mentore for Youth." The organization plans to continue matching children with adult men and women - the big brother, big sister - but now they will be called "mentors." Hopefully, these mentors will not only be friends, but also teachers of the things of life, helping their chosen youth along a good path.

Lord God, one of the reasons you created us all so differently from each other is that you want us to have different expereiences from each other. You want us to experience life in all its fullness. Lord, we really don't even want to think about what life would be like if we were all the same, all clones of each other with no vareity. How dull!

However, Lord, it would be nice if, in life with all its variety, we would have a common, ultimate goal. What if, God, all of us resolved to glorify and honor and enjoy you above all? What if we gave ourselves, our work, our relationships, and our materiality, all to honor you? God, it would definitely make our lives better.

Give us the wherewithal to honor you first and foremost in our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 26th

Good Morning, God,
As we have been so taken by the political headlines these past weeks, we have forgotten to praise you for the beauty of these days. Lord, how busy yo have been with your paint brush! Not even the largest box of Crayola Crayons holds all the colors you have. Employees at paint stores could never mix all the hues you use. Even computer color palettes cannot compare with the colors we see all around us on the trees!

We can also comment on the beautiful days and nights, with the sun shining bright by day and the moon growing larger each night. We praise you for each star, also. We like the smell of fall, also, Lord. The whiff of burning leaves, the smell of a fire in the fireplace. Oh, Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your world!

We do know that winter is coming, Lord, with its grey, clod days and nights, and it will even have its own beauty. But for now, we praise you for all the fall you have been giving us. Thank you, Creator God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 24th

Good Morning, God,

The headlines said, "Can a person be the 'wrong' kind of Christian?"

The story spoke of how people believe in you, God, what people believe you want them to do and what they want you to do for them, and how we take care of each other, especially the poor, the widow, the orphan and the infirmed.

God, you know that some people sy that a person has to "be born again" to be a Christian. Some poeople say that Jesus Christ died once for all for everyone, so everyone is sort of "automtically saved." Some say that faith in Jesus isn't important, but it is how good a person is is what counts. Some people say that they are "Christian," yet never talk about their faith or go to church. Some people say that even if a person talks about faith and goes to church, they aren't necessarily a Christian.

Gracious God, we ought to be greteful that we aren't the ones to judge, that you are the only one who will decide who is right and righteous. Lord, may we at least agree on this!

In Jesus' name, Amen.


a Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 22nd

Good Morning, God,
Who's behind a picture, Lord? These days we are seeing the pictures of our political candidates everywhere. Then we can learn of the candidates through the stories we read and hear from and about them - and from the rumors and innuendos that are spread, often out of ignorance. Because of the grueling nature of this sort of campaign rhetoric, a candidate has to have a heart that cares deeply, but one that also is protected strongly.

A tough way we have to live, isn't it, Lord? We can't be "nice people" all the time because of the protective facades we must put up. And, when we "let down our guard," we are hurt.

Heavenly Father, who gave us hearts to love, minds to think, strength to work, eyes to see and ears to hear, may we really appreciate all those who feel led to lead us. May we look for the positives that qualify them, and not magnify the negatives beyond their true meanings. May we encourage one without demeaning the other.

May we remember that you are working through us to get your people elected - hopefully!

In Jesus, name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 19th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines, locally and internationally, have been about people coming along side of a person in need. In one headline it has been about the Pakistani school girl who was shot by the Taliban for advocating that girls should be educated. Now she has to be guarded in the U.S. because the Taliban has said they still will kill her.

The local headline has been about a woman who was fighting a battle against cancer, and her mom who had been by her side encouraging her to use her artistic talents as a distraction to best cancer. But unlike being able to "post guard" around a political refugee, in the battle against cancer one can only do so much before the natural body takes over. Cancer won the battle in this headline.

However, God, it is possible for us to live  through these headlines until it is time to come home to you. As one of the stories said, "You (God) are our breeze carrying us home to be with you in heaven without pain and suffering." Thank you for this promise, God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 17th

Good Morning, God,
The jury is still out about last night's debate winners and what it means, God. At least some people still wonder, because our juries about our politics aren't fair and impartial juries. In a court of law, our Constitution guarantees that we can be tired by a "jury of our peers," in order to have a fair trial.

However, in politics as in love and war, it seems that "all is fair" - and it is and isn't, depending upon what is said by whom and which "whom" hears it! Then, God, we have to have the "fact checkers" (and they have become the most sought after people in these debates!) to tell us what is truth and what is falsehood.

Gracious God, it is your fault, you know, that we wonder whether or not we can trust what anyone says these days: You gave us free will to act anyway we want and say anything we can come up with! But you also gave us the commandment not to lie, and Jesus said, "Let your 'yes' be  'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'."
We can do this, even in politics - if we try to live your way, God. May we?
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 15th

Good Morning, God
Recently the headlines have been about the United Nations.  There were speeches given by different heads of state.  There was debate.  There were reminders of the purposes of the U.N. – and the desire to better be a United Nations truly helping nations to be united.
We are reminded of the different Secretarys General of the U.N., one of whom was Dag Hammarskjold.  He put a lot of his thoughts into a book entitled Markings - a wonderful book with many thoughts for a United World. 
Although you already know this prayer, God, please listen to it again as we repeat what Dag Hammarskjold wrote: “Great and good God, give us pure hearts that we may see you, humble hearts that we may hear you, hearts of love that we may serve you, hearts of faith that we may live in you, reverent hearts that we may worship you here and in the world out there.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 12th

Good Morning, God
One of the headlines recently indicates that the fastest growing “religion” (in quotes) in America is made up of people who have no religion at all.  It seems, God, that the Pew research study has found that 20% of Americans say they have no religious affiliation.  However, there are still majorities of peoples who say they believe in God and a notable minority who pray daily or consider themselves “spiritual” but not “religious”.
God, this must make you very sad.  You have created and given us all the beauty of nature.  You not only did this, but you created us – men and women – and gave us minds to know you, hearts to love you, voices to sing your praises.  You have made us “spirited selves” which we use to party and have fun, to gather in the shrines of stadiums and worship our sports idols.
Lord, may we use our spirited selves, though, to celebrate your goodness and glory and worship and adore you in spirit and truth.  May we make you happy, God.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 10th

Good Morning, God
Lord, how sad for a man to live out his life in prison.  Jerry Sandusky, at the age of 68 will spend at least 30 years behind bars, after being sentenced to 60 years for his crimes.
But sadder yet are the young men who were the victims of Sandusky’s advances, abuses and molestations.  Their lives will go beyond thirty years, probably even 60 years.  Hopefully, Lord, your grace, mercy and peace will be given to them to heal the hurt and pain and any shame and hate.  Lord, your gift of grace can do miracles within our lives when we let it.  We don’t have to have suffered a horrendous crime, either.  Your grace is available for any of our hurts and problems no matter the size.  Your shoulders are broad enough to take any and all of our wrong-doings.  Your forgiveness is able to overcome even the deepest shame and guilt.
Today, Lord, may we both experience and offer your grace for those we have hurt and for those who have hurt us. 
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 8th

Good Morning, God

Lord, there was a song penned several years ago now by a woman who was going through some very difficult times.  She had not been in contact with you for awhile, so long, in fact, that she didn't remember how to contact you.  So she wrote a song that confessed "Lord, I forgot your 800 number".

Of course, God, we are thankful that contacting you does not depend on remembering any numbers, either without or with toll charges!  All that you require is for us to have a true heart - turn toward you and you will even hurry to hear us.  You have invited us to go into our room, shut the door and pray privately, "Father in heaven, holy is you name.  Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.  Give us today, our daily bread.  Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.

Thus, Lord, hear our prayers.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, October 5th

Good Morning, God

A little over one month 'til elections, eh Lord?  Such a privilege we have, to elect those who rule us, those who serve us.  And to think, your word reminds us that you have a lot to do with those in authority over us; you put people in place to guide and direct us.

Lord, we often wonder about this, though.  When the wrangling takes place, when there is corruption, when there is mudslinging, is this in your will?  And, if a candidate professes to be led by you, to be following what he or she believes is his or her calling to stand for election to an office, we seem to negate this and say that religion has no place in politics.  In addition to this, candidates and elected officials are worried to express their faith because of the fear that someone will quote "separation of Church and state" to them.

Lord, this election season, may the debates be decorous and the candidates be candid.  Help us to elect your choice.

In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, October 3rd

Good Morning, God
Last week the headlines told how Michelle Obama had said that she could make Barak Obama mad.  “I can make him mad any number of ways” she quipped.  “I do it by being completely unreasonable” she said.
Lord, who made men and women to be joined together in wedded bliss, why do we want to or are able to make our spouse mad?  Why do we even want to seem “unreasonable”, much less act that way?
You have given us the greatest desire of our lives – that of having a mate to love, honor and cherish, to procreate and guide our children to be worthy men and women.  You have made marriage to be a witness to your love for us and for our love for each other.
Why do we then so make each other mad?  We do so because our love for each other isn’t like your perfect love for us.  We have a lot to learn, a lot to get over, and a lot to practice when it comes to loving each other.
Loving God, bless every marriage today with your love and help us strive for your perfect love together.
In Jesus’ name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, October 1st

Good Morning, God
God, what if we would take all of our thoughts today and decide to make them positive, helpful, peaceful, even loving, headlines?
What if we took that headlines that are made in Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan and Pakistan and said that the militants and the common people are now at peace?  What if these nations put away their swords and offered peace to the United States and other nations of the world?
What if the United States could offer our way of life to the world lovingly, rather than defensively or apologetically?  What if we would help the people of much poorer countries with their basic needs, without a quid pro quo and with the assurance that the aid would get to the people?
What if we could have the headlines for tonight that everyone is paying a fair share of the taxes, that everyone who can has a good job, that every widow, widower and orphan has the care they need and that every government official is serving in a manner that brings glory to you?
What if we all took the responsibility for these headlines to happen?  Oh, what a glorious day and start to the week this would be!  May it be so.
In Jesus’ name, Amen