A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 30th

Good Morning, God
The national and international stories are about executives of an international company allegedly paying bribes in order that the company could be established, safe and thrive in a foreign country.  The law that we have in place is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  It’s been around since the financial scandals of the mid 2000’s.  It has been around to protect investors, particularly the “little guy” whose life-savings are tied up in pension funds and mutual funds.  It’s been around to try to make those responsible for handling the investments much more honest and protective of other people’s monies!
Also, Lord, all of us have a sinful streak in ourselves.  Oh, it may not be for the big bucks, such as paying bribes to establish a company in a foreign country.  But we may have our own little ways that take short-cuts in business; that cause us to not be truthful in our personal dealing; that cause us to embellish ourselves to appear better than we are; that cause us to set bad examples for our children.
Lord, help us to be strong in righteousness and in doing what is right today and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen

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