A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 30th

Good Morning, God
The national and international stories are about executives of an international company allegedly paying bribes in order that the company could be established, safe and thrive in a foreign country.  The law that we have in place is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  It’s been around since the financial scandals of the mid 2000’s.  It has been around to protect investors, particularly the “little guy” whose life-savings are tied up in pension funds and mutual funds.  It’s been around to try to make those responsible for handling the investments much more honest and protective of other people’s monies!
Also, Lord, all of us have a sinful streak in ourselves.  Oh, it may not be for the big bucks, such as paying bribes to establish a company in a foreign country.  But we may have our own little ways that take short-cuts in business; that cause us to not be truthful in our personal dealing; that cause us to embellish ourselves to appear better than we are; that cause us to set bad examples for our children.
Lord, help us to be strong in righteousness and in doing what is right today and every day.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Healines for Friday, April 27th

Good Morning, God
Lord, some national headlines ask the question “Who’s Your Daddy?” and the story is about a son and one who thinks he may be a son of the infamous Charles Manson.  But DNA results confirmed that he wasn’t.  The man was truly saddened by the results, because even if his father was Charles Manson, at least he would have known who his daddy was.
Heavenly Father, we pray today for fatherhood – that we will know our earthly fathers . . . and you, our Heavenly Father, also.  Give children the security and guidance that comes from a mommy and a daddy.  Give children parents whom they can look up to and emulate.  Give children parents of whom they are proud!
Heavenly Father, especially bless all earthly fathers this day.  Give them the courage to accept the responsibility for the children they have sired.  Give them the wisdom to guide their children to be law-abiding and loving.  Give them the love of you, O Heavenly Father, that they might share faith, mercy and peace with their children as you have with us, your children.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, April 25th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, amid all the serious stuff in the headlines, there has been one headline that could tickle our fancy. Oh, it may not do so for everyone, but it has the potential of leading to some fun. Our headlines this week that may lead to fun is about the "disc golf" course that is planned for the 4-H Fairgrounds area. The planners say, "It is just like regular golf - only a player tosses a disc at baskets, rather than swinging a golf club at a little ball." If we use the usual  term for this, Lord, it is "Frisbee Golf," and it is amazing what a flick of the wrist , a little skill and a lot of luck will do for recreation and enjoyment.
Good God, you did make us to enjoy life and to live life in abundance. We often think of abundance in terms of how much money we can make, the possessions we can amass and how many vacations we can take to exotic destinations. However, Lord, abundance is also applied to the way we live our lives and the joys we have, the hopes we have, the smiles and good times we enjoy - and the recreation we play.
So, Lord, may we enjoy "Disc Golf - Frisbee Golf." All it takes is a flick of the wrist!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 23rd

Good Morning, God,
Lord, when we look at the headlines, most of them can be categorized under one or more of three titles: Money, Sex and Power.
Lately, we have seen headlines about coaches in powerhouse universities stepping over lines and lying about sex. In our political races we know that money buys power and influence. While money, sex and power are inherently neutral words, the way we use them is not neutral. Some of the ways we use them are necessary and beneficial; other ways are very unnecessary and very harmful.
Lord, your Word gives us guidance on the appropriate uses of money, sex and power; each by themselves and in the aggregate can be used to bless others. Money can build programs, families, and people. Sex is a wonderful gift for the sharing of the love between a man and a woman, especially in marriage. Power is what helps us get going each day and drives us toward goals and helps us be influential along the way.
We would remember, though, for whatever power we may wield, that the use of power should do no harm. Lord, may we make wise use of money, sex and power in all aspects of life.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 20th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about a special day being this Sunday. Sunday has been designated as "Earth Day" on our calendars.
It's very hard not to remember our earth these days, Lord! These are the beautiful days. These are the days of new birth, new growth and new productivity. These are the days of beneficial rains and the welcome warmth of the sun. These are very hopeful days, Lord.
Creator God, we give you thanks for what you have made and what you sustain. We give you thanks for the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the sky. We thank you for the love that from our birth over and around us lies. Lord of all, to Thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise!
And, along with all the knowledge that we have and will have about the earth and its flora and fauna, may we also have the gift of a curator's wisdom, that we will always do much more good than harm with all you have made.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the headlines for Wednesday, April 18th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about the end to some American dreams. The story involves the last space shuttle flights, only this time the destinations are the places where the shuttles will retire. The Smithsonian is getting one; NASA will keep one; New York City is getting one. The shuttles will be flying most of the way on the top of their special Jumbo Jet, but the New York one will finish on a barge!
The thought, Lord, about the end to some dreams is that the shuttles' times in the sky breaking barriers were about the same time as we began dealing very seriously with the civil rights movement. So, the retiring of the shuttles is the conclusion of one part of life, but we still have dreams of breaking barriers between people and people groups.
Lord, you have blessed us with brains that can imagine and dream. Your Word says that "Old men can dream dreams and young men can see visions." So, may we always take life today imagining what it could be tomorrow - then act on such visions!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 16th

Good Morning, God
Lord, how many of us are bleary-eyed this morning?  How many of us have stayed up most, if not all, of the night preparing our tax returns?  At this point, we have only about 40 more hours before they are actually due.  Will there be lines at the mailboxes as always?  Will on-line filings over-tax the system?  How many extensions will be filed?  How many CPA’s and tax-preparers will be breathing a sigh of relief?  How much money will we have left Wednesday morning, after we pay what we owe?
You know, Lord, we often gripe and/or joke about paying our taxes, but your word tell us to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.  To be sure, Lord, this is talking about giving to the synagogue, the temple and by extension, our churches.  But it also is certain that we are supposed to pay our just, fair share to support a just and fair governmental system.  We are also to pray for those in government, for those in authority over us. 
So, Lord, as we pay our taxes, may we pray for their appropriate, fair and just use through our governing systems, that we may have good lives and have them abundantly.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 13th

Good Morning, God
Ah, another fun day, Lord, a day to laugh and play with superstitions.  We want to be sure not to “step on a crack so we won’t break our mother’s back”.  We want to not break a mirror so we won’t have seven years of bad luck.  We want to not walk under a ladder.  We want to watch out for black cats crossing in front of us.  Of course, we definitely want to always consider what Punxsutawney Phil sees – He always predicts the weather correctly!
Lord, there are people who live and die with superstitions, even believing and following things called horoscopes.  There are people who also even consider you a superstition, Lord, and your word merely a lot of fantasy.  There are some who even consider praying and these prayers superstition.
However, Lord, we who make these and other prayers and others who listen believe the truth – that you, O Lord, are real, and that we were created and given life and breath by you, and that your greatest desire is to have a loving relationship with us through your Son, Jesus Christ.  Lord give us such faith to see beyond sight and superstition, your reality and love.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, April 10th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, one of the virtues that you teach us is "honesty." Trust flows out of "being honest."
Lord, you know how many of our headlines deal with questions of honesty. Almost with every report, we have to or should ask ourselves, "Is this report a true reflection of what are the true facts?
Take for example, God, requests for monetary help when disasters happen. Often a listing of places we can contribute is given. Many of the places are not-for-profits; many are church organizations; some are newly-formed accounts set up for that particular disaster. Who do we trust, Lord?
We know your word tells us to "be wise as serpents but as gentle as doves," so how can we be both? Well, Lord, we ought to be able to trust our churches to be faithful with any and all donations received. Then we want to be able to trust other organizations. We want to carefully consider how much of the donation is going to "administrative costs" and how much is being kept in the coffers and how much is actually going to help a particular need.
Finally, Lord, in your wisdom and our hearts, we want to choose very wisely. Help us be generous; help others be honest.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 9th

Good Morning, God
Lord, here it is the beginning of another week.  There probably won’t be any headlines about this, but many people, including pastors, really like this day.  It has often been touted as the first day of spring, because it is the first day after Easter.  Traditionally, this is the first day one could wear white!  It is also a day when the heavy Holy Week programs are done and Christians can really enjoy being believers and walking with God in new hope and growth.
So, Lord, we pray this day for the things that make for good, joyous headlines.  We pray for a great spring planting season for our farmers.  We pray for a great finish for the school year for every student, especially our graduates.  We pray for successful business ventures and safe flying and other travel to and from our meetings.  We pray for relationships everywhere that they may be mutually enjoyable, healthy and totally loving.  And, Lord, we pray that we will remember to go to church and take you with us during the week.  Thank you, God, for this first day after Easter.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, April 6th

Good Morning, God
Lord, we thank you for this somber day.  Oh, to many, if not most, this day is just another Friday to say to you TGIF - Thanks God, it’s Friday.  But today we Christians have a special reason for saying “Thank you God, for this particular Friday”, for today is Good Friday on our Christian Church calendars.
This is the Friday that a person’s death was a good death and a death that affects all of us.  This is the day we honor you, God, for allowing your Son to die for the rest of us.  This is the day that Jesus died on that Roman cross – and you let him, just for us.
Jesus’ death isn’t just a myth, either, is it God?  Even the Jewish historians attest to this happening. 
So, today especially, Father God, we say “thank you” for the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus the Christ, so that we might have our sinfulness forgiven and be saved for heaven for eternity.  Thank you, God, for this Good Friday.
In Jesus' name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, April 4th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, you have heard the song we sing which has the words,
I want to be a child again.
I want to see the world through five-year-old eyes -
To walk with my Lord wherever he may lead;
To put my trust in him.
Lord, we can be reminded of this kind of wide-eyed trust when we see children playing their favorite sport, or playing in their favorite spot, or enjoying the company of their favorite friends.
If we go to a baseball game, we can see kids with gloves, ready to catch that foul ball. If we go to a backyard, we can see kids inventing towns and roads in sandboxes. If we go to a playroom, we can see boys and girls who are friends, playing as families.
Lord, whatever we have to do today, let us do it with enthusiasm, imagination and cooperation, trusting and having fun with those around us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, April 2nd

Good Morning, God
Lord, not many secular headlines will be about this week, but we who are religious will be considering you especially this week.  We will imagine we are walking with your Son, Jesus, as he makes his way through Jerusalem to Golgotha and his cross.  We have dubbed this week “Holy Week”, God, and we hope you will appreciate this.
Yesterday, Lord, in a lot of your churches we celebrated in one of two ways.  Either we celebrated with a Palm Sunday Parade or a Passion Sunday Prelude.  If it was Palm Sunday, we celebrated Jesus being hailed as the one who came “in the name of the Lord”.  We sang “Hosannas” and were excited that there were crowds lining the streets of Jerusalem as Jesus and his disciples came into town.
If we thought of yesterday as Passion Sunday, we weren’t celebrating, but were looking ahead to Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, his trial, his persecution, his crucifixion.
Of course, we also know what is at the end of both of these thoughts: The resurrection of Jesus next Sunday, the most important day on the church calendar and for our souls.
Lord, let us be mindful of what this week means to your believers, walk with Jesus each day and look forward to the joy of next Sunday.
In Jesus' name, Amen