A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, March 5th

Good Morning, God
The headlines read: The Healthiest State of Them all is Hawaii.  Then comes North Dakota, Minnesota, Alaska and Utah.  It seems, Lord, that a Gallup Healthways Well-being Index Poll surveyed the physical, mental and emotional health of us Americans, and found that overall; the healthiest totals were in Hawaii.  The poll looked at how people saw themselves: in life, were they struggling or thriving.  In physical health, were they obese and/or using sick days during the month.  In emotional health were they feeling happy, depressed or stressed? Were they exhibiting health or unhealthy behaviors in smoking, eating, exercising?  In their work environment, did they have job satisfaction, treated right at work?  In the basics of life, did they have safety in their neighborhoods, access to medicine, doctors and health insurance?  And, in Hawaii, more respondents said that they had smiled and/or laughed the day before, had better eating and exercise habits, and lower smoking rates.
Well, Lord, while Southern Indiana doesn’t quite have the beauty and mild weather of Hawaii, we can still choose how healthy or not we are going to live.  May we choose the healthy ways.
In Jesus' name, Amen

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