A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 30th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, today's headline is about hot water. It seems that some egg, some carrots, and some coffee beans were all facing boiling water. One by one they each ended up in their own hot dilemma!
After awhile, the eggs came out hard-boiled, the carrots came out mushy, and the coffee beans had disappeared.
It seems, Lord, that our lives reflect these three scenarios. When faced with a hot water situation, like the eggs, we may begin with a soft, malleable interior, but with pain and adversity, stiffen, harden and become tough.
Or, when faced with a hot water situation, like the carrots, we may have started hard and strong, but with pain and adversity, become weak and mushy.
Or, Lord, we may be like the coffee beans, that when faced with hot water situations, give up ourselves to change them for the better. Like hot coffee, we have helped make the situation better, have caused a warm aroma and an enjoyable flavor.
Lord, the choice is ours. Help us to be "coffee beans" today.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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