A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 30th

Good Morning, God,
Lord, today's headline is about hot water. It seems that some egg, some carrots, and some coffee beans were all facing boiling water. One by one they each ended up in their own hot dilemma!
After awhile, the eggs came out hard-boiled, the carrots came out mushy, and the coffee beans had disappeared.
It seems, Lord, that our lives reflect these three scenarios. When faced with a hot water situation, like the eggs, we may begin with a soft, malleable interior, but with pain and adversity, stiffen, harden and become tough.
Or, when faced with a hot water situation, like the carrots, we may have started hard and strong, but with pain and adversity, become weak and mushy.
Or, Lord, we may be like the coffee beans, that when faced with hot water situations, give up ourselves to change them for the better. Like hot coffee, we have helped make the situation better, have caused a warm aroma and an enjoyable flavor.
Lord, the choice is ours. Help us to be "coffee beans" today.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 27th

Good Morning,God,
There is so much really serious stuff going on in the headlines, Lord, that it may be okay to take a cue from the entertainment industry today. Although the recent headlines are taken seriously in "The Business," they aren't necessarily life and death issues.
So, Lord, our prayers today have been inspired by the Oscar nominations, the results of the voting on which will indicate "the best of" any number of categories: Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actors and Actresses, just to name a few.
But, Lord, these "bests" are usually names we recognize and know. There will also be "bests" from behind the scenes, "bests" that get listed on the credits after the stars, even after all the extras that appeared on-screen.
So, Lord, today we pray for all and any of us who are behind-the-scenes people, doing our jobs day-in and day-out, trying to meet the needs of the boss and the customer, taking home a pay check to meet the needs of our families. May we be voted "The Best" at what we do, also!
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 25th

Good Morning, God,
the headlines the past two days are indicative of the trouble we are in as a nation. While our current President is proposing and promoting plans to get our country going, the possible candidates for running against him are fighting ugly among themselves! Then there is the third headline that is almost a lone voice, our own Governor, who had to rebut what the President said.
At least, Lord, we aren't out fighting in the streets! However, we are fighting in places that may not do us a lot of real good - in the media which slants every which way and in the winds of public opinion which are blowing in every direction.
Lord, you have given us brains to think; please give us more wisdom to know how to use the knowledge. Please give us maturity in what we expect from those who govern us and give those who do govern, or want to govern, the maturity and wisdom to do so well and rightly.
In Jesus name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 23rd

Good morning, God
A story last week and the up-coming meeting this week are about how our “old-timer” businesses are beginning a new “Circle for Young Professionals”. Oh, we don’t mean by “old-timers” that they are chronologically aged, but we mean they are relatively long-established businesses with well-experienced leaders at the helm.  These experienced leaders see and understand the need to support the maturing of young professionals just starting out on their careers and “ladders of success”.
The thought behind the “Circle of Young Professionals” is to have a fund with the Huntingburg Foundation that will build up until it has the resources to make donations to chosen charities.  It is hoped that the members of the Circle of Young Professionals will continue to contribute this giving back to the communities that have given them their start.
Lord, we all need to remember to “give back” to the communities that give so much to us.  May we be generous.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 20th

Good morning, God
This week we have been hearing the story behind the headlines of the cruise ship that grounded itself on that reef in Italy.  Fortunately, there were only a few lives lost; the death toll could have been much, much worse.
However, what emerges, worse than the death toll, is the apparent lack of appropriate action by the Captain of the boat.  Apparently, he didn’t remain on his post nor direct his employees, nor appropriately guided the ship on the seas.  Apparently, he was doing a traditional practice of “buzzing” the shore, getting as close as possible, then sounding horns and sirens as if to say to those on the shore, “Here we are.  Look at me!”
Lord, we pray for those who lost their lives in this shipwreck.  We pray for those who survived, that they will get over the trauma.  And, Lord, if we are in charge of “a ship”, whatever form this may take, that we will take our responsibilities seriously to “captain it” through to an appropriate ending.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 18th

Good Morning, God,
On some of our calendars today marks the beginning of the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity."
A "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity," Lord? Isn't this an oxymoron? Isn't it by definition of the word "Christian" that those who profess to be "Christians" are "united"?
We certainly ought to be, right, Lord? Christians, by definition, ought all to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in the same way. Christians, by definition, ought all to believe in the entire Bible in the same way as Your word that is all about the Word, Jesus Christ. Christians, by definition, ought all to believe that being Christian results in living a certain lifestyle, behaving in a certain way, and serving others in the world, right, Lord?
Well, perhaps, Christians can be united in the need for prayer, that Christ did come for the salvation of the world, that through belief in him a person can have eternal life, and that we are called to love you, God, and our neighbors as ourselves.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 16th

Good Morning, God
Today, we are called to think especially about relationships between people groups.  Today, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr as a minister, a civil rights advocate and an icon in come communities and an anathema in others.
For some people, what he said and did gave and gives great courage and hope.  To other people, what he said and did gave and gives great reason to be angry and ugly.  Mostly, Lord, this is because of the color of Martin Luther King, Jr's skin.
Lord, we have within ourselves the ability to discern differences.  We have the ability to make choices based on our discernment.  Our choices may be positive in some circles and negative in others.  Our choices may cause hurt and anger, or our choices may cause jubilation and peace.  Our choices may bring people together or our choices may drive people apart.  Our choices may be the result of civil laws or our choices may be the result of your law, Loving God.
Lord, on this day, especially, may we see all others as you see all of us: As a soul created by you that happens to be surrounded by a great variety of different kinds of flesh and blood and thoughts.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 13th

Good Morning, God
Ah, Friday the 13th, a day we are supposed to watch out, lest we suffer "bad luck".  We must be sure not to walk under any ladders, allow any black cats to cross our path, and not break any mirrors.  We can't "step on a crack" because we will "break our mother's back".  And, there's a whole bunch more of what we call "superstitions" that we deem especially important to watch for, especially on Friday, the 13th.
Oh, Lord  help all of us to believe and know that superstitions are really meaningless.  Oh, help us to believe that evil is real and that we need to watch out for it and avoid it as much as possible.
But worrying about walking under a ladder?  Only bad if something is dropped from it.  Worrying about breaking a mirror?  Only bad if we cut ourselves picking it up.  Worrying about black cats crossing our path?  Only bad for it if we run over it with our vehicles or we happen to stumble over it if we are walking.
As for truly evil things, Lord?  Please send your angels and Holy Spirit to guard and guide us this day, especially, but each and every day, for your guidance and protection is real and not just superstition.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good Morning, God.
Lord, the boys and girls on the playground are at it again. It seems that every year about this time - whether it is the post-holiday let-down, the weather, or New Year's resolutions - it causes side-choosings. some go to one side of the playground; some go to the other. The game to be played is in the middle, but it can only be played if both sides come together, play  by the rules, and have as a goal doing the best they can for the reputation of the playground and the surrounding neighborhood.
Alas, Lord, one side or the other chooses to make its point by not playing, so the game which involves back-and-forth conversation and debate never happens to the frustration of at least half of the fans, if not most of the fans.
Lord, you are a God who loves to see people working together for the common good. We are a people who choose our teams and ask them to play the game fairly, completely, and for the good of all.
Heavenly Father, may you influence the hearts and minds of the teams pitted against each other on the playground of our government to come together for the important game of governance.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 9th

Good Morning, God
Lord, some of us don't believe it at all; a lot of us are curious; and some of us are worried.  You know what's going on, Lord. It is being said that the world is going to end next December, all because a calendar, called the Mayan Calendar, is running out!
Lord, what is a calendar?  Isn't it just a piece of paper that helps us keep track of days, weeks, months and years?  Calendars don't make the time; calendars just serve to give us order.  You are who makes the time, Creator God.  You swept over the formless void and gave light to the darkness.  Then you separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night - and thus began the procession of days and nights.  Later, you said something through your son that we would do well to hear: That no one knows when the world will end, nor should we concern ourselves with such weighty matters.  Rather we should concern ourselves with being in Jesus' Book of Life.  May it be so.
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Friday, January 6th

Good Morning, God
Once again we begin a year with saber-rattling.  This time, or for the umpteenth time, it is with Iran.  There are threats to cut off oil supplies.  There are counter-threats to keep supply lanes open.  There are the tests of missiles.  There are the promises of sanctions.  There are concerns that our men and women will be committed to that region, now.  There are counter concerns that we probably better not.
Heavenly Father, while we have been busy at Christmas wondering if we should say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays", we have forgotten to reiterate the phrase everyone ought  to embrace; we ought to be encouraging one and all with "May there be peace on earth and goodwill to all".
So, Lord, we make this our prayer today: "May there be peace on earth and goodwill to all".  Oh, Lord, and let it begin with each of us today!
In Jesus name, Amen


A Prayer for the Headlines for Wednesday, January 4th

Good Morning, God,
The headlines are about our new town leaders and the leaving from office of those who have been leadning.
First, Lord, we are grateful for the country, state and towns we live in where we can carefully elect those we want to govern us. We are also thankful that the transitions are peaceful and not bloody messes. We, the people, are now called to go along with our new leaders, working with them to provide for us safe, prosperous, caring, places to live.
Second, Lord, we ask that you will bless those who have left office, some after a long service and some after a short service. May the opportunities provided by having newly-found time be filled with additional good-doing.
Third, Lord, please put your guiding hand on those who have newly taken the oath of office. May they serve faithfully, honestly, openly, fairly, and friendly.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


A Prayer for the Headlines for Monday, January 2, 2012!

Oh, Lord, is it appropriate for us to wish you, the One who began the days and months and years, a Happy New Year? Perhaps we should listen to your wishes to us for the New Year, for we do believe you always want us to have the best you can give.
Perhaps you caused the words to the camp song we sing to be written down:
I wish for you, my friend, this happiness that I've found.
You can depend on it, it matters not where you're bound.
I'll shout it from the mountain top: Praise God!
The Lord above has come to you. You ought to pass it on!
What's that, Lord? That isn't exactly the way the words go? Well, this is the way we ought to feel toward you who did start everything and who does keep it going and who does promise a future with you. So, Lord, as we begin this New Year Two Thousand Twelve, Anno Domini, may we indeed make it 2012, in the year of our Lord, in your year, gracious and loving God.
In Jesus' name, Amen.